Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend!

I'm so psyched to have a long weekend for Thanksgiving!  I took Wednesday off because the students have the day off, so no one will be there anyhow, and I really wanted a nice 5 day weekend. The beginning of September vacation seems like a long time ago. I was going to go to crossfit tomorrow, but then my friend who I was going climbing with had car trouble, so I got to go today instead. Which means that tomorrow I don't have to leave my house :)

We started with deadlifts today - the coach was like "do you know what you usually lift?" and I though "I was feeling all smug that I know which one a deadlift is without googling it. Way to rain on my parade." I started at 75 pounds and that was really light, so then I did 95, then 105, 115 and I ended with 125!  Each weight was 5 reps.  I felt pretty good about it, though of course some of the guys were lifting like 3x that weight.

Run 800 meters (which I did in 4 min, 37 sec which is a 9 min 14 sec mile!!!)
30 handstand pushups (haha! I did 30 band assisted pushups)
Run 800 meters (second time was way slower, 10 min mile)

I was dead last in the running the first time. So far behind everyone else, but I was pretty psyched when I finished and saw my time. I knew 800 meters is a half mile, so for me it was fast. Since I did band assisted pushups instead of handstand pushups I was faster then most people at that, so I didn't have as much pressure on the second running. Everyone else was behind me except these two super beefy guys who apparently can just pop out 30 handstand pushups like, whatever.

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