Thursday, February 28, 2013


Shortened run today, but it felt great, I was happy to see. I was a little worried because of the Seaworld run.  But today I def could have run further. I went 2.36 miles in 24 min and 37 seconds, an average of 10.27 min mile, which is about what I've been doing.

I had to run a shorter route because I was meeting a friend for drinks to process vis a vis the following: I may have a job offer as Assistant Dean! Well, $@&* me! I interviewed for a job like 6 months ago which was possibly the worst interview on the face of the earth. Only, the Associate Dean who I interviewed with came over today and encouraged me to apply for this other position that's not even posted yet. I'm not sure if it was an offer, or a sort of offer. But I couldn't focus at all today, and then I had to go for a run, and then get drunk drunk drunk. They say that's how it works, but who would have known it?

Race is coming up in just 10 days. I'm pretty psyched about it. I have some friends who are going to meet me at the end, so we can jog right over to the pub after.

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