Saturday, February 2, 2013

Charles River Run

I decided to go for my first run on the Charles today. It was full of runners, and I felt pretty cool being one of them! It was freezing out though, like 30 degrees, and I was really sucking wind while running. Maybe the air is thinner? I wanted to stop and walk a bunch of times, and I kind of felt like puking, but I didn't! I didn't break any speed records, and I was really counting down the Smoots by the time I got to the Mass Ave bridge. I did the Longfellow to Mass Ave loop, which is supposedly 2.8 miles, and I did it in 31 min, more or less. I started on the wrong side of the Longfellow, which added to my time because I had to cross two busy streets, one time I had to wait about 20 sec I bet. So really it was just a little slower than normal.

It feels funny to drive to run. I mean, you should just go out the door. It's like 3 miles to the Charles, so by the time I ran there, I would be done running and need to take a taxi home!

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