Saturday, February 16, 2013

Long Training Run

I ran for 50 minutes today! Not too long ago I couldn't run 5 minutes, and now I ran 50!! For sure, it wasn't fast, but I def passed pedestrians, and the only time I stopped was to wait for traffic and for a sec to unzip and then rezip my fleece, but actually I was out 50 min and about 40 sec, so I think that covers the stoppage (and I didn't stop moving while stopped.)

I ran up Medford St to Curtis, the closest point on the race route, and then I did the race route, and then ran home. A total of 4.87 miles. Dude! I can't believe I ran that far! That's about a 10.26 minute mile, or 5.85 mph. That's about what I do on the treadmill. Boy, it feels slow outside.

4.86 miles, never would have thought I could do it.

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