Saturday, February 23, 2013


I've been way ass lazy for the last week. My excuse was that I wasn't feeling so great and it was cold out and I didn't want to run on the treadmill. I'm in Orlando for a conference on First Year Experience (I mean, really?) but it's sunny and warm out and I got to go running in shorts and a tshirt. I also got lost and even had to ask someone for diections. So, I ran for about 30 min, with a couple stops, and a little slow because I had eaten recently and sort of wanted to puke. I'd kind of like a beer now.

2.55 miles, that's legit slower than I've been doing. Left knee was a little sore after. I'll give it a day off and try to run again tomorrow.

You can buy single beers in a gas station in Florida. + 1 for this state! I got two :)

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