Sunday, August 16, 2020

Klem and Mack

I have a new favorite mountain range, the Belknaps! I decided to hike Mts Klem and Mack today - a nice 6.1 mile hike with 1200 feet elevation gain. It was a good one! Definitely would do it again, it would be a good warm up hike in spring after not hiking for a while. Apparently there are eight Belknaps - Mt. Major is another one. So, I may try to hike the other five.

Because it's shorter and there isn't as much elevation gain, I decided to start a little later. I got to the parking lot around 11:30, and it was a little problem because it's a really small parking lot - only space for like 5 cars. There was a little space to the side, so I was able to park, and head out.

The hike first goes to Round Pond, then Klem and Mack. The way there is pretty much all up hill, but not killer uphill. It was still enough of a challenge that I was breathing hard and sweating. It took me about an hour to get to the pond. It was really nice there. I was hungry and actually stopped to eat my yogurt and fresh fruit so I wouldn't be starving at the top - smart move. Will remember for the future.

I went up Klem first (wonder where it got the name?) and it was a really nice hike up. I saw that it was .7 mile to the top, so I knew it would take a little while, even though it looked like the mountain was just a hill right there. Klem had a really nice viewpoint of Lake Winnipesaukee, so I sat and ate half my lunch (sour dough bread with cheese and pringles). I don't know why I have never discovered real sour dough bread before, but it's amazing! I'm sort of thinking about starting my own starter, but I feel that would be dangerous. Anyhow, I spent a while going up the mountain pondering the important question "should I eat chips now and sandwich later, or sandwich now and chips later?" Brilliantly, I came up with the idea of eating half of each, though when I sat down to eat the other half, the chips were a little broken, and the sandwich kind of crumbly. 

Anyhow, after Klem, I went over to Mack, which was a little less nice because it has a cell phone tower on top. I hiked down and to the pond. By this point my feet were a little sore, and I thought "stick them in the pond, it will be so refreshing!" which I did. And, it was not refreshing. First, the water was actually pretty warm and second, as I took my feet out I found a leach trying to lodge itself on my left foot. Eww. Not a fan of leaches. I dried off, hiked around the pond, and sat in a pretty view spot airing my feet and eating the rest of my sandwich/chips. The way out was pretty fast, it took about an hour, and was fun. I got back to my car with my feet only a little sore, and me only a little tired! Perfect hike length! When I got back to the lot there was something on my windshield, and I was like "really, a ticket?" because the lot is up this dirt road that's a little sketchy. Then I thought someone hit me and left a note. But, I was relieved to find that it was just someone telling me that it wasn't a parking space. Phew!

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