Sunday, August 9, 2020

Fells Skyline Trail

I found a couple new mountains in the Belknaps that I want to hike - Klem and Mack. But, today I slept in and was lazy and by the time I was ready to think about hiking, it was already almost noon. It's only an hour and 45 minutes to get there, and 6.1 miles, with only 1227 elevation gain. Which is still a hike, no doubt, but not a 4000 footer. But, in the end I decided it was getting a little late, the trail might not be popular and I could have gotten lost, so I went to the Fells instead. 

 I decided that if I was going to do the fells, I should try doing the Skyline. Happily I could look back in the blog and see that I had done it in four hours and 20 minutes, which seemed reasonable. Of course, I was not thinking about heat. When I got home from my walk, it was 91 out - this was at 4 pm. So, it was hot out!

It started as a fun hike. I actually got parking in one of the more popular areas (now I know why, no one wants to hike in 91+ degree weather. I started out feeling warm, but also good. I saw a couple woodpeckers, which was cool! And, I only got off track once. After about an hour I started feeling hot and tired, but kept on trucking for another 45 minutes or so, when I decided I was pooped and should look at the map. Fortunately I had gone around the reservoirs in the way that left the tower for the end - but I was able to take a short cut and skip the tower area. In the end I did about 3 hours, taking the skyline to the reservoir. I got back to my car and was so happy to sit and turn on the AC!

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