Sunday, March 8, 2020

Rock Circuit and a tick

Last night we sprang forward, which makes today a short day. But it's so nice to have the sun go down later! I wish we just left it at this time. To celebrate the approach of spring, I decided to head out for my first real hike of the year. I did the full Rock Circuit trail, and I found a little part that I didn't know existed before, Pinnacle Rock. There's an area where things get a little loopy on the map and I always get a little confused - this time there was a group of hikers that was parents with two year olds that was going soo slow, and I was so glad to see a white blaze to turn, that I went in a direction that I've never gone before. Really glad I did - nice view!

The hike took 3 hours and 10 minutes, I took only a few breaks - about 3-5 minutes each at three view points, and once to pee. I think that's where I got the tick - when I went to get in the shower I thought I had a speck of dirt on my stomach, but it wouldn't brush off. And then I realized what it was. I think they have to be on you for 36-48 hours for you to get lyme, but I'm still a little freaked out. What happened was that I usually have the best pee karma - no one ever comes when I am peeing. But this time there I was, with my butt exposed, and I heard someone coming. So, I ducked low so they wouldn't see me. Fortunately is was a female trail runner, so she moved fast (and I wouldn't have been as embarrassed if she did see me.) But, I bet when I ducked down is when I got the tick. I read they will be worse this year because we didn't have enough days below freezing. I may buy some clothes treated with that bug stuff...

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