Sunday, March 22, 2020

Charles River Run

It was beautiful and sunny, though slightly cold, out today. We don't really know how long we will be allowed outside, so I went for a socially distant run. On the way there, I did stop at Target, where I scored 8 roles of toilet paper! Ha! There was no one outside by the Charles and I found parking right on Memorial Drive. It made the run shorter, but not short enough.

I started out doing OK, but also thinking it was a bad idea, and that I wanted to stop. I told myself that the first 5 minutes is always the hardest, and kept going. I was going pretty slow for much of the run, though I did try to do some fartlicks. After I crossed the Charles I sped up for a bit, trying to do some faster, and I actually gained on a runner. But then I was breathing so hard I stopped and walked for about 5 minutes. I ran again, then walked up the ramp to get on the Mass Ave bridge, then I ran across the bridge, walked a little, and ran the last like 3 minutes. Not my most successful run, but in the end my knees didn't hurt or anything. I'm not completely sure what the pace was, but it seemed OK for the times I was pushing myself. If I can still be out running, I'm going to try to work on it.

It was so nice out, aside from the running. I forgot how much I like being out on the Charles, being a city person who runs around. The trees were flowering, there were some other people out (though not many considering the weather) and the sky was a perfect blue. The parks were empty and I didn't see many little kids.

I'm going to a virtual cocktail party soon, and we will be having a virtual seder. Strange times.

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