Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Story day tomorrow!

Today's WOD had a bunch of lifting, jumping rope, and toes to bar (which I substituted with sit-ups in a brilliant move!). I'm pretty sure my entire body will hurt tomorrow, but it was a good workout for today.  We started with a combo weight lift:
2 power cleans
2 front squats
2 shoulders to overhead
I started at 40 pounds for two rounds, but for some reason thought I was at 50 pounds.  I was sad when I realized it was only 40. Then I did 45, 50, 55, 60 for two rounds, and then 65 for two rounds. 65 was really heavy! Of course, everyone else started above that. Meh.

WOD: AMRAP 12 min
10 Thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
15 sit ups
40 jumps on the jumprope
I did 4 full rounds and a 5th round of thrusters and sit ups

Tomorrow's the big reading!  I found out that I get a beer ticket and money for my story!  :)  I don't know what they are paying me, but I'm now going to be a paid author!  I'm a little psyched that I'm also being paid in beer.  Cause how cool is that.  I think my story will be first. I hope there will be people there, and that they will like it. And that the person who reads it will be good. And I won't be caught in awful traffic.

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