Monday, February 26, 2018

Two mile run

I got home from work late today and wanted to get a little exercise, but of course I hadn't made it to crossfit. So, I decided it was a perfect day for a run! The weather is pretty nice for February, and I'm still all motivated from the Olympics. I put on my Athleta pants, ninja hoodie, and my citgo t-shirt, and once again forgot the knee/IT band braces that I bought. One of these days I will actually wear them, and that will be helpful.

I was going to just run a mile, going up the hill and around the block, but by the time I was up the hill I decided I had done the hard part and might as well keep going. In the end it was pretty much exactly 2 miles and it took me about 23.5 minutes - I thought it took 27 minutes, but then I realized that part of that time was walking up the hill to my place in the end!  So, that's an 11 min 45 sec ish mile, which is still slow, but it was a really big hill that I ran up, so that's my excuse.

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