Thursday, February 22, 2018

Story Time

I submitted a story that I wrote several years ago to grown up story hour a few weeks ago and I found out today that it was accepted and it's going to be read, IN PUBLIC, at Aeronaut Brewery!!! I'm so excited about it!  And I don't even have to do the reading :)  The reading will be next Wednesday, so I have a whole week to feel excited and anticipate.

Such a nice way to end a day that started so sucky.  I did my presentation for admissions and it was painful. I was boring myself. They gave me some good suggestions on how to change the presentation, use the student panel, and make it more interesting. At the end, the consultant gave me a full review, and she gave me like 4 good points and then a page and a half to improve. Ouch.

Anyhow, after I went to crossfit. For strength we did front squats, and I lifted 75 pounds for 2 rounds of 3. Not bad.

WOD: 3 rounds
21 sit ups
18 deadlifts (I lifted 75 pounds)
15 box jumps (I stepped)
12 toes to bar (knees to chest)
9 push ups
my time 14:20

Last night I went to the Banff Film festival. It was so good!  People in those movies are so impressive, my favorite movie this year was a skier doing freeskiing in a glacier.  So incredible and peaceful looking at the same time.  But they were all so good.

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