Monday, February 19, 2018

Rock Circuit Trail

It's been ten years since I moved into my place here!  That's amazing, it's hard to believe that ten years ago I was just settling into my new home. How much has changed since then, and how much hasn't.... Definitely no regrets on buying, though it was a scary idea at the time.

To celebrate President's Day and the fact that it's super nice out I decided to go for a walk on the Rock Circuit trail. I was initially going to do to the viewpoint and back, but then decided I should just go for the full loop. WTF, it's been too long since I hiked and I really need some time to be outside.  I started my hike at 11:22 and got back to my car at about 3, so the entire thing took a little over 3.5 hours - it's 3.7 miles.  But, it was snowy and slippery out, so that slowed me down.

It was so nice to just get out and walk, and not think about work, dissertation, finding a new job, or anything. Too much. Yeah, I need to do that more.

Next week I have to give my Welcome Day presentation to some unidentified number of peeps from Admissions, and they are going to critique it. I'm not at all excited about this.  I feel like I should be working on it right now, but to be honest I'm tired of work, and want a day off!

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