Saturday, February 17, 2018

Partner WOD

I usually hate partner WODs, and this one required 50 burpees, so I seriously considered not going, but then I got off my lazy butt and went. I was glad because I wound up with a partner who felt exactly like I do!  We used the same size kettle bells, and both hate burpees. Yay!

100 jumps on the jump rope
50 calorie rowing
50 kettle bell swings
50 burpees
50 squats holding the kettle bell

No memory of my time, but about 20 minutes total.

I went shopping for work clothes with a friend on Wed. It's totally the way for me to go, she has much better taste than me, and I didn't buy things that look like a burlap sack.

I'm meant to be working on the dissertation, but I can't stop watching the olympics. Dissertation is now on page 10. It's going sooo slow.

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