Wednesday, January 31, 2018

things I can't do

I'm meant to be working on the dissertation, which is now on page 4, but I think it's all kind of crap. But I have to blog. Today's workout was a long one, with lots of things I can't really do. I thought about not going, but it's Wednesday, and I don't know if I can go tomorrow, so I figured I better get with the program.

Ring rows (meant to be chest to bar pull ups, but let's get real)
kettle bell swings (I used the smallest one)
box jumps (I stepped, just jumped like 5 times)
push ups (I used a band)
stationary biking (I really did this!)
my time 19 minutes 41 sec

Yesterday after work I went to a talk on public health. It was interesting and a little scary. All about pandemics and the flu and such.  Yikes!  I wanted to network after because there was food and networking time, but it was making me so anxious I didn't think I would be able to. I decided that I would give myself credit for going and listening, and maybe next time I will network. But I do want to go to more things...

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