Sunday, January 21, 2018

IT band band only works if you wear it

I did the two mile running loop again, I'm trying to get back into exercise but of course it's hard. I left home thinking that I might extend the two miles to my full 5K, but by the time I was a half mile I decided that wasn't going to happen. It was killer running, and I realized that although I bought a support for my IT band I didn't put it on. So, my right leg was killing me!  According to my fitbit stats I ran for 22 min and 23 seconds which is about an 11 min 11 sec mile. So, getting a little bit faster maybe?  Or not, hard to know.

Anyhow, it's a beautiful day outside today, like 50 degrees and sunny, so I definitely wanted to at least get a little bit of a run in.  I may have to work gradually at extending the length. Maybe trying to go once a week?  And being a little more choosy with crossfit (which is something that you aren't meant to do, but whatever).

I'm trying to make my dissertation more interesting. I remembered a short essay I wrote about my study abroad years ago, which I actually liked, but never did anything with. I tried putting that in as my positionality statement, but I don't think it worked. Then I submitted it to Grown up Story Time at Aeronaut Brewery.  It would be so awesome if it was accepted, but I will try not to get my hopes up too much, and not to check my email every 15 min. And, will try to write my interesting dissertation. Which is not this blog. OK.

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