Monday, January 15, 2018

Middlesex Fells

Yesterday I did a little weight lifting at the climbing gym, not like a full crossfit class worth, but I felt good about it. I did 5 rounds of 3 of back squats at 75 pounds then 2 rounds of 5 presses at 45 pounds and 2 rounds of 5 push presses at 45 pounds. It felt good to lift again!  I was thinking I would go back to crossfit today, but then of course I didn't.

Instead, I went for a walk in the fells. At first I was going to drive up to NH and hike Mt. Tecumseh and butt sled down. I'm glad I got over that idea because it was COLD out!  I mean, really cold.  I walked in the fells on the Crossfells trail for 15 minutes out and 15 minutes back and called it a day.  My legs and butt were numb!  NH would have been colder and I would have been sad to drive all that way again, like on the failed Cannon day, and then turn around and come back.

I realize that I haven't mentioned that I am now working on my dissertation!  There's a sentence I never thought I would write. I totally lucked out and got the best advisor, so that was a piece of awesome news this year. My advisor's a really positive and supportive person, and she thinks I can get through the dissertation in a year and a half. Bring it!  Or, Dracarys!  

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