Saturday, January 27, 2018

Long WOD

After Tuesday's WOD I was in so much pain!  It's hard going back after a long break. Today it was hard again - the flu is going around and it's pretty bad this year, I was thinking I must be coming down with it, then I realized that no, it was just the WOD. And I took some Advil and a nap.

WOD: 2 rounds
in 4 minutes:
row 500 meters
75 jumps on the jump rope
remainder overhead squats (I did 35 pounds 10 times then 8)
rest 1 minute

in 4 minutes
bike 7 calories or ski urg 500 meters (I biked first then skied)
75 jumps on the jump rope
kettlebell swings (I used the smallest kettle bell and did 20 swings the first time and 8 the second)
rest 1 minute

in 4 minutes
run 400 meters
75 jumps on the jump rope
thrusters (35 pounds, 10 times then zero)
rest 1 minute

I'd never really done ski urg, except once to try it, and it took me a little while to figure it out at all. I skied for longer than the other things and ran out of time with just ski and jumping rope, and didn't get to swing my kettle bells, so I swung on the last round and did just one of thrusters. Because my thruster muscles are still sore.

I'm thinking about going to the U4S conference in April. It's kind of expensive, though less than spending a weekend at Kripalu with Yang Yang. It would be a good way to learn about things that might be interesting to me, and to network. And, to make contacts for my dissertation. Because LB says I should do that with my dissertation, and she's so right!  There's a little mini conference at my school in February that I definitely want to go to.

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