Thursday, January 18, 2018

Back to Crossfit

Today was the day, no more excuses, I had to do it.  The WOD was all rowing, deadlifts and box jumps (I did steps), all things I can do and don't bother my finger (which is really mostly better anyhow).  I was thinking about wimping out, but I made myself go, and I'm glad I did. It felt good to be pushing myself again.

There were three EMOM workouts:
First was two rounds each of rowing, lateral up and over the box and good mornings.
Second was five rounds each of deadlifts and step ups.
Third was six rounds of rowing, step ups and power snatches.

In total I rowed 80 calories, did 120 step ups on the box, deadlifted 100 pounds 25 times, and did 42 power snatches at 35 pounds. Not bad for the first day back. I think I will be sore tomorrow.

I talked to my dissertation advisor yesterday and she thinks I should rewrite my first chapter that I started, but this time make it interesting.  I laughed really hard when she said that because she's right that it's really boring and because I wasn't aware that I was allowed to make it interesting. This will make it more fun.

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