Saturday, May 7, 2016

Welch-Dickey in the Spring

Welch Dickey in the spring was not as much fun as Welch Dickey in the fall. :(  Largely this was due to weather, it was pretty wet out, not raining on the hike, but the granite was wet, and super slippery. Since it's an exposed, slabby hike, it was way harder and less fun. Also, the Egg Salad Sandwich people were hiking slowly! I mean, really slow. I actually wound up leading the hike for  some of it! I don't get why, with 27 hikers and 6 leaders they didn't break us up into groups. Finally, we met at 8 am, and it's a two hour drive to get there. So I had to get up at 5:20!

Well, other than that, it is an amazing hike, one I recommend for anyone. But not in the rain!

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