Monday, May 16, 2016

medicine ball run

For some reason I looked at todays WOD and thought it would be OK. IDK why, it was torture. First we did front squats in sets of 3 (5 sets). I got up to 80 pounds, which I did for two sets, but pretty shaky. I think 75 pounds was my real high.

WOD: 3 rounds
30 calorie row
300 meter run with a medicine ball
20 wall balls
10 shoulders to overhead (I lifted 45 pounds)
my time: 23 min 30 sec

Running with a medicine ball is like 500x harder than just running. I tried pretending that I was a marine, carrying a wounded comrade out of a battle zone. But I'm pretty sure we would both have been killed.

I wacked my nose again with the barbell in warm up. So hard that my eyes watered. I have a bruise there now.

I started Weight Watchers again. IDK why I think it will work this time, but it has worked sometimes, and I can't stand how fat I am! Not that that stops me from eating like a pig. >sigh<

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