Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Today's workout at Crossfit had a fair amount of running in it, so I guess I'm back to doing a little running blogging! But just a little, because it was only a mile and a half in total, broken up into four blocks. It was a really long and difficulty WOD:

run 800 meters (I ran a 9 minute mile!)

3 rounds:
9 ring dips (I used a band and did most of them poorly)
6 squat cleans (I lifted 45 pounds)
9 box jumps (I did steps)

run 400 meters (not sure how fast I ran)

3 rounds:
9 ring dips (I used a band and did most of them poorly)
6 squat cleans (I lifted 45 pounds)
9 box jumps (I did steps)

run 800 meters (I ran a 10 minute mile)
my time: 26 min 37 seconds

When I finished I kind of wanted to throw up. My whole face was bright red and one of the other members actually asked me if I was OK. So, I guess I pushed myself, even if I was almost last :/

Sunday was the first Mother's Day with my mom here. It was nice to see her, and she treated me, my sister and her family to a nice lunch (I'm not totally sure that's how it's supposed to work, but that's how it went.) I ate so much I had to walk around her building a couple times, and burp.

Things are starting to come up in the garden! It's so nice :) I planted potatoes this year, and they seem to be growing well. I've been picking the rhubarb. And the mescaline that I planted will be ready to be picked soon. Some of the radishes are looking good, and I think the pumpkin seed that I planted is coming up. I love spring!

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