Monday, May 23, 2016


Porchfest was a BLAST! I went with two friends and we started walking around and listening to a song or two at each porch for like 5 or 6 porches. As we were walking more and more people were out, until we felt like we were in the college Freshman Pack. It was nuts, like half the city was out I think!!  And everyone had opened beer in public. Like, that's so wild and crazy :)  We were thinking of going to a bar for a drink, but then we were like, let's just go to a liquor store and get a six pack, everyone's doing it. Two of us didn't have ID's, so we snuck outside and had our friend buy for us. More college flashbacks. Then we sat on a curb listening to music, people watching and drinking our beer.

Every porch was different - one would have heavy metal and the next would be blue grass, there was a lot folk, one Jesus group, some cover bands, horn bands, everything!  The last one we stopped at was in Davis Square, it was a horn band, and there were these two little girls dancing. So fun.

Today I was thinking crossfit didn't look that hard, but HA! Of course it was - it was a two WOD workout.

WOD 1: Benchmark Isabel
30 Power snatches
I lifted 35 pounds
Time: 4:40

I think snatches are the hardest lift, I still struggle to do them right.

WOD 2: Four rounds
300 m run
40 double unders (I did singles)
Time: 10:23

I gotta get a jump rope and try to work on these jumps. I have improved, but I really want to get  better. Today I was like "I'm going to pretend I'm Hercules Mulligan" when he does the big jump thing in Hamilton, and it really helped. I bet I could do them better if I practiced...

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