Monday, January 27, 2014

Slow and Steady....

I was thinking of doing the other half of the run I had done last week, but then I decided to suck it up and do the full 30 minutes. After all, I wanted to blog, and if it was just finishing the other half of the run, I don't think it would be legit. It was a pretty slow run today, I tried to talk myself into 5.8 mph on the treadmill, and I did it for like 10 min, but then I needed to slow down to 5.7, then 5.6 and finally 5.5 for the last five minutes. In the end it was like 5K, but I'm starting to think those treadmills will tell you that you've gone like 5K no matter how far you run.

I hope it warms up soon because all this gym running is for the birds!

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