Saturday, January 4, 2014


Great storm!  I was supposed to go back to work on Thursday, and work Thursday and Friday.  But the snow was so bad that things were closed!  It's like adding an extra four days to my vacation.  I still had to work for part of the day Thursday, but I got to sleep in, and was in my PJ's in the living room for work.  It's still enough of a mess out (and pretty cold) such that I went to the gym to run today.

I did the usual 30 min on the treadmill, half at 10 minute mile, the rest at 5.7 mph.  In the end I went 3.2 miles in 35 minute, which is a little faster than my norm.  I was thinking I should do some interval training with the treadmill running, and go a little faster for some of it, and a little slower for some.  But then of course I didn't.

I finally asked about the new gym.  My price is staying the same, new memberships will cost more.  I don't know what I will be saving, but now of course I will need to be a member here forever.  I can't pass up a bargain :)

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