Thursday, January 23, 2014

Treadmill Fartleks

It's so cold out, there weren't even any crazy running nuts out there running today.  Everyone was at the gym, including me.  I decided to try to make my run a little more interesting with a few fartleks on the treadmill.  It actually did make the time go by faster!  I was running 5.7 mph, and then for the first fartlek I bumped it up to 6 mph for about 45 sec.  Then I thought "I wonder if I could actually run faster than 6 mph?" because I had never tried on the treadmill.  So, for the next sprint I bumped it up to 6.1 mph for a minute.  (Because that's so much faster.)  Then I decided I could go faster than that, and did 6.3 mph for two minutes!  It was actually fine, and I was impressed with myself.  Then I did a couple more in the 6.2/6.3 range.  I did about 4 minutes at a faster pace, the rest at 5.7 or 5.8.  In the end I went 3.2 miles in the 35 minutes, so not much more than usual (though I think that's my missing .1 mile from Monday).

Then I lifted weights for about 20 min, which sucked per usual.

I think the "new" gym is going to be exactly the same as the old one, but with more florescent paint.  I don't get it, why would you pay more for that??

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