Thursday, February 28, 2013


Shortened run today, but it felt great, I was happy to see. I was a little worried because of the Seaworld run.  But today I def could have run further. I went 2.36 miles in 24 min and 37 seconds, an average of 10.27 min mile, which is about what I've been doing.

I had to run a shorter route because I was meeting a friend for drinks to process vis a vis the following: I may have a job offer as Assistant Dean! Well, $@&* me! I interviewed for a job like 6 months ago which was possibly the worst interview on the face of the earth. Only, the Associate Dean who I interviewed with came over today and encouraged me to apply for this other position that's not even posted yet. I'm not sure if it was an offer, or a sort of offer. But I couldn't focus at all today, and then I had to go for a run, and then get drunk drunk drunk. They say that's how it works, but who would have known it?

Race is coming up in just 10 days. I'm pretty psyched about it. I have some friends who are going to meet me at the end, so we can jog right over to the pub after.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


My objective for the day was to run around Seaworld. It should be almost exactly 5K, perfect! Only, it was a total fail. IDK if it was the corned beef and pastrami sandwich I had for lunch, or the 90 percent ish humidity, or the fact that I've been eating crap for 4 days, but I got though only about a mile of running before getting cramps and wanting to puke. Oh, and my right knee hurts, probably because I haven't lifted in about a week. (The fitness center here is 4 machines, last time I go to a conference and stay in a cheapo hotel.) Anyhow, I ran about a mile and then walked the rest of the way around Seaworld. So I still get exercise points. I saw some huge herons, and a pretty pink pelican :)

Oh, and if anyone ever does read this, First Year Experience Conferences rock! Apparently publishers and authors want schools to use their books for Freshman reading programs. I left with 30 free books! And I got to hear 6 of the authors speak. Love!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I've been way ass lazy for the last week. My excuse was that I wasn't feeling so great and it was cold out and I didn't want to run on the treadmill. I'm in Orlando for a conference on First Year Experience (I mean, really?) but it's sunny and warm out and I got to go running in shorts and a tshirt. I also got lost and even had to ask someone for diections. So, I ran for about 30 min, with a couple stops, and a little slow because I had eaten recently and sort of wanted to puke. I'd kind of like a beer now.

2.55 miles, that's legit slower than I've been doing. Left knee was a little sore after. I'll give it a day off and try to run again tomorrow.

You can buy single beers in a gas station in Florida. + 1 for this state! I got two :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Long Training Run

I ran for 50 minutes today! Not too long ago I couldn't run 5 minutes, and now I ran 50!! For sure, it wasn't fast, but I def passed pedestrians, and the only time I stopped was to wait for traffic and for a sec to unzip and then rezip my fleece, but actually I was out 50 min and about 40 sec, so I think that covers the stoppage (and I didn't stop moving while stopped.)

I ran up Medford St to Curtis, the closest point on the race route, and then I did the race route, and then ran home. A total of 4.87 miles. Dude! I can't believe I ran that far! That's about a 10.26 minute mile, or 5.85 mph. That's about what I do on the treadmill. Boy, it feels slow outside.

4.86 miles, never would have thought I could do it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Post Blizzard

I guess it was about 27 inches of snow, the 5 th largest storm in the Boston area. It was great! I got two days off work, and didn't have to shovel. The roads are still kind of a mess, and parking is at a premium. So lucky to have deeded parking!  One downer was that they didn't clear the lot until Monday. I had to take the T to work, but I was ok with that, traffic was awful. And, I couldn't run because it was hazardous on the roads and I couldn't get to the gym. The T wasn't even running until Monday (it was like Hunger Games, only a few had cars, the rest of us poor slobs were walking.) I went to Union Square where there was a snow building thing, hot chocolate, snowball fighting, dancing, and a dude dressed in full Jedi Stormtrouper gear. So, lots of walking.c

Today was the first day back running. It was hard, but I did manage to do about the same as I've been doing. 2.85 miles in 30 min, about 15 of those minutes at 6 mph. I forgot my music, but fortunately NCIS was on. Lifted weights after. Then I ate a salad and a banana with peanut butter, even though it was after 9 pm.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Feeling very hard core because I went for a run at the start of the blizzard of 2013. It sounds like this may be one for the books! I got out early when there were flurries in the air, but nothing on the ground. I had to drop off a check at the condo management company for an excessive fee ($75 to fill out a form! And it had to be a money order, not a check. Guess a lot of people cancel that check, it is pretty extreme. Wish I got $75 every time I filled out a form. Bloodsuckers!) Well, they were still there working when I got there, so they get theirs I guess.

Because I was dropping off the check, I didn't run the entire 30 min straight, but that was an allowed pause. I ran 11 min and then 19 min, but I did spend some time running in place, waiting to cross the street. Only 2.77 miles, but I ran over Spring Hill, and down the other side. The run back the hill was categorized as a cat 5 hill, which is the smallest of the cat hills, but still, it has a cat. I was puffing at the end, and really wanted to stop, but I didn't.

One pretty exciting thing is that I didn't wear my knee braces, and nothing hurt at the end! No need for ice. My body/joints seem to be getting used to running. And I've been lifting weights, which they say helps.

So psyched about the storm! I'm all cozy at home, I have off street parking, and someone plows the lot. Just me and the cats here. I have food and wine. What more does a person need?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Missed a Posting!

I ran last night at Metro Rock on the treadmill, then climbed for 2 1/2 hours.  I was beat by the end, could barely drag myself up a 5.7.  And I forgot to include my run.  2.89 miles, about 15 minutes, maybe a little less, at 6 mph.  I had dinner pretty shortly before going, and had some cramps, but not too bad.  30 minutes is a long time on a treadmill, very boring!

If I run at MR again, I better bring a change of shirt, because I was all sweaty and gross at the end.  I went in the ladies room and used the speed hand drier to dry out my armpits, but that was a little embarrassing :P

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Charles River Run

I decided to go for my first run on the Charles today. It was full of runners, and I felt pretty cool being one of them! It was freezing out though, like 30 degrees, and I was really sucking wind while running. Maybe the air is thinner? I wanted to stop and walk a bunch of times, and I kind of felt like puking, but I didn't! I didn't break any speed records, and I was really counting down the Smoots by the time I got to the Mass Ave bridge. I did the Longfellow to Mass Ave loop, which is supposedly 2.8 miles, and I did it in 31 min, more or less. I started on the wrong side of the Longfellow, which added to my time because I had to cross two busy streets, one time I had to wait about 20 sec I bet. So really it was just a little slower than normal.

It feels funny to drive to run. I mean, you should just go out the door. It's like 3 miles to the Charles, so by the time I ran there, I would be done running and need to take a taxi home!