Today I took my first ballet class in a really long time - I was trying to remember the last time I took a ballet class, and I think that it was when the First Bush was president! That's a while. Needless to say, I was a little worried that it would be a disaster. But, it was awesome!! My body remembered a lot of the steps, even if I'm much fatter and clunkier than I was the last time I tried dance. The class was held in this beautiful old church in Cambridge. Totally going to go back. There's a ballet school in Newton also, which will be close to my new job (and there's a sierra trading post outlet there, which is an added bonus/expense), and they also have adult classes. They are both on my list! I did the beginner class - maybe at some point I will progress to elementary :)
I spent the last two days recovering the wingback chair that I have in my living room. I had a piece of material basically thrown over it before. It looks really nice, and it's pretty close to done now. I just hope that my little punks (aka the cats) don't totally destroy it. Tigger already clawed at it, and now it has a few loose threads...
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Christmas Fells Walk
I should have blogged about my first walk around the lake, it was really nice and there were students running around it. There were a couple slightly hilly spots, but for the most part it was pretty flat. It's so pretty. I won't have to go to the Charles, there's a lake! It took me about an hour and a half to walk around, but that was much longer than it should take. But, #1 I was texting with a friend. #2 I stopped to look at things, like trees that beavers had chewed, landscaping that looked like it was done by Dr. Seuss, and the really really big houses. Also, I got lost on campus and couldn't find the parking garage. I think a good goal would be to be able to run around the lake by spring! (there are lots of roots and rocks, so it would be a little slower than my usual slow time).
I went to a spin class last week. It was this fancy one that had flashing lights and it got dark and then the instructor would be lit up, and then she would yell "ha" in time with the music. There was a board that showed how fast we were going, and I was #17 or 18 for the class. I passed someone! The next day my legs were jelly. The lights and fancy stuff was all well and good, but it didn't fool me. I was still on a bike, going nowhere. On the bright side, the class was only 45 minutes.
Today I went for a hike in the Middlesex Fells. I went from the Shepfold to the tower where you can see Boston, and looped back on the Reservoir trail. When I hit the Reservoir trail, I accidentally went the wrong way, and walked for a good 10 minutes in the wrong direction. Awesome. It was uphill first, so downhill on the way back. It took me pretty much exactly 3 hours, with only a short stop to admire the view of Boston - since it's pretty cold out. It was a really nice day out, not too cold, sunny...
I spent a lot of the walk thinking about how different a place I'm in this year as opposed to last - I've finished my dissertation, which I hadn't started this time last year. I have a shiny new job waiting in the new year - last year my old job was messing with me a little, and reluctantly giving me a chance because there was no one else. Last week, though, my interim boss sent me a very nice email, saying that they made an excellent choice in hiring me and he was sure I would do great :) So, I did well, even though they didn't expect it of me. I'm excited for this next year! And, I am resolved to network. It's not my favorite thing, like eating vegetables for a kid, but it's important, and I will do it.
I went to a spin class last week. It was this fancy one that had flashing lights and it got dark and then the instructor would be lit up, and then she would yell "ha" in time with the music. There was a board that showed how fast we were going, and I was #17 or 18 for the class. I passed someone! The next day my legs were jelly. The lights and fancy stuff was all well and good, but it didn't fool me. I was still on a bike, going nowhere. On the bright side, the class was only 45 minutes.
Today I went for a hike in the Middlesex Fells. I went from the Shepfold to the tower where you can see Boston, and looped back on the Reservoir trail. When I hit the Reservoir trail, I accidentally went the wrong way, and walked for a good 10 minutes in the wrong direction. Awesome. It was uphill first, so downhill on the way back. It took me pretty much exactly 3 hours, with only a short stop to admire the view of Boston - since it's pretty cold out. It was a really nice day out, not too cold, sunny...
I spent a lot of the walk thinking about how different a place I'm in this year as opposed to last - I've finished my dissertation, which I hadn't started this time last year. I have a shiny new job waiting in the new year - last year my old job was messing with me a little, and reluctantly giving me a chance because there was no one else. Last week, though, my interim boss sent me a very nice email, saying that they made an excellent choice in hiring me and he was sure I would do great :) So, I did well, even though they didn't expect it of me. I'm excited for this next year! And, I am resolved to network. It's not my favorite thing, like eating vegetables for a kid, but it's important, and I will do it.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
I'm wrapping up everything at work, I only have 5 days left, but not really 5 days because tomorrow I have to leave early to fill out paperwork, my boss says we can leave early Friday because of the break, and he said I could leave at noon on my last day. So, 3 or my 5 remaining days are half days. Which is 3.5 days left. Shit's getting real! I got some nice notes from some of my students, and I'm having a little gathering at a taco place on my second to last day. I kind of wanted to just skulk out, but I guess that's not what you should do after almost 20 years.
Tomorrow I'm going to fill out paperwork at the new school. There's a lake on campus (!) that I plan to try walking around. I think it's 2.6 miles, which would be perfect for a jog. It's going to be so different. I mean, now I can see the city from my office window. Soon, there will be a lake.
Anyhow, I've been trying to figure out this exercise thing, and I finally settled on class pass. You pay a membership fee and can take classes at studios all over the city and burbs. Which seems like it will be perfect, because I can take classes near my new work, and also near home on the weekend. Or I can stop on the way home. I can even do crossfit! I just started a week's free membership on Monday. I did yoga on Monday, which was fine. Yesterday I did my first barre class ever. I've wanted to try it for a while - it was a lot of squats. My legs were shaking! Today I was trying to walk up and down stairs and there was some serious protests from my body. It was fun. Not something I would want to do 4 days a week, but maybe once? And yoga once? And spin once? And climbing once? Or, run around the lake. I think that could be a plan.
Tomorrow I'm going to fill out paperwork at the new school. There's a lake on campus (!) that I plan to try walking around. I think it's 2.6 miles, which would be perfect for a jog. It's going to be so different. I mean, now I can see the city from my office window. Soon, there will be a lake.
Anyhow, I've been trying to figure out this exercise thing, and I finally settled on class pass. You pay a membership fee and can take classes at studios all over the city and burbs. Which seems like it will be perfect, because I can take classes near my new work, and also near home on the weekend. Or I can stop on the way home. I can even do crossfit! I just started a week's free membership on Monday. I did yoga on Monday, which was fine. Yesterday I did my first barre class ever. I've wanted to try it for a while - it was a lot of squats. My legs were shaking! Today I was trying to walk up and down stairs and there was some serious protests from my body. It was fun. Not something I would want to do 4 days a week, but maybe once? And yoga once? And spin once? And climbing once? Or, run around the lake. I think that could be a plan.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Fells Walk
I took an hour walk in the Fells today on what's now my favorite trail, the Rock Circuit. Winter is definitely coming, it was pretty chilly out. I decided it was OK to just do an hour instead of getting to the view point. It gets dark so early.
Well, another hike on the Rock Circuit trail isn't that exciting, but - more exciting is the fact that I GOT THE JOB! I will be a director, and I will be leaving my current school after 19.5 years. It's a big scary move, but one that I'm excited to be making. Everyone at the new place has been so welcoming and friendly, they seem so excited to have me, and that's cool. I will be sad to leave some of the people who I like so much. But, my office moved in Sept anyhow, and I don't see my former people anyhow. I like my new people, but it's not the same...
I'm feeling good about the last year's adulting. Now, I can get back into exercising. Cause, I'm pretty out of shape. Maybe I'll try running again?
Well, another hike on the Rock Circuit trail isn't that exciting, but - more exciting is the fact that I GOT THE JOB! I will be a director, and I will be leaving my current school after 19.5 years. It's a big scary move, but one that I'm excited to be making. Everyone at the new place has been so welcoming and friendly, they seem so excited to have me, and that's cool. I will be sad to leave some of the people who I like so much. But, my office moved in Sept anyhow, and I don't see my former people anyhow. I like my new people, but it's not the same...
I'm feeling good about the last year's adulting. Now, I can get back into exercising. Cause, I'm pretty out of shape. Maybe I'll try running again?
Friday, November 23, 2018
Dr. Me!
I successfully defended my dissertation earlier this week!! To be honest, it was a little anticlimactic. There were three people on my dissertation committee, two who were assigned, and one who I chose. of course I chose my old boss (not the crazy bitch) and she asked me two questions that were impossible to answer. After we went out for lunch, and I was like, "you couldn't just start with a softball?" Whatever, I passed and on December 15 will officially be a doctor. The day that I defended, I came home in the evening, finished everything, closed my IRB, uploaded, and now I'm really done. I have so much free time, during which I don't have to feel any guilt. Of course, I was immediately like "I should learn how to be a better counselor." But when I do that, it will be a free class with no required assignments. Because, the school I interviewed at invited me back to meet the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences!! I'm not sure why that couldn't fit into the 6 1/2 hour day, but I think this could actually work out.
Today, to celebrate the long weekend with nothing to do, I hiked Mt. Roberts with a meet up group. There was snow on the mountain, it was 20 degrees out, but not too windy until the top. The group was just 12, after we went to a pub for food. It was a good hike! I definitely realized how out of shape I was, although I kept up with the group, I was huffing and puffing the entire way up. The hike is an in and back, 2.51 miles each way, just a little over 2000 feet tall, and a little over 1000 feet elevation gain. So, definitely not a killer hike, but not nothing, especially since there was a lot of loose snow on the trail. On the way down we moved sooo fast. I think it probably took us over two hours up, and about an hour down. There were really nice views for most of the hike, and at the top we could see Mt Washington in the distance. After we went to a cozy brew pub for drinks and food. Good day!
Today, to celebrate the long weekend with nothing to do, I hiked Mt. Roberts with a meet up group. There was snow on the mountain, it was 20 degrees out, but not too windy until the top. The group was just 12, after we went to a pub for food. It was a good hike! I definitely realized how out of shape I was, although I kept up with the group, I was huffing and puffing the entire way up. The hike is an in and back, 2.51 miles each way, just a little over 2000 feet tall, and a little over 1000 feet elevation gain. So, definitely not a killer hike, but not nothing, especially since there was a lot of loose snow on the trail. On the way down we moved sooo fast. I think it probably took us over two hours up, and about an hour down. There were really nice views for most of the hike, and at the top we could see Mt Washington in the distance. After we went to a cozy brew pub for drinks and food. Good day!
Monday, November 12, 2018
I'm Back!
It's been a little while. The end of August, September and October were tough months with the new boss starting and dissertation writing. November is looking up, though! I'm defending my thesis next Tuesday, November 20, which I'm super excited about. And, I have a big job interview tomorrow for a Director position! I'm pretty sure that the school has a strong internal candidate, so I don't have high hopes for getting the position, but it's a seven hour interview, so who knows? I also applied for a director position at another school and got an email from them the other day saying that they are almost done going through resumes and hope I'm still interested! It's a nice confidence boost, since my own school wasn't interested in interviewing me for the position. Anyhow, the new director is a nice guy, which is fortunate. And hopefully in a month and three days I will be a doctor! (EdD, that is)
I have done some exercise, but not enough. I climbed Monadnock, that's the only big hiking I've done. I'm really out of shape. The last week and a half I've been working on getting back into some shape, and it's killing me! Today I did the Rock Circuit trail, which was really nice, as always. It was a beautiful fall day, there were crunch leaves on the ground, and it was nice being out walking. Last week I went to this "pound" class where they give you drum sticks and you pound on the floor, it was a lot of lunges and such. It was kind of fun, and kind of hard. The instructor was super perky, which I'm not so crazy about....
I'm still working on the swimming thing. My teacher said that I breathe like I'm taking my last breath, and that's why I'm struggling. Could be. OK, off to prep!
I have done some exercise, but not enough. I climbed Monadnock, that's the only big hiking I've done. I'm really out of shape. The last week and a half I've been working on getting back into some shape, and it's killing me! Today I did the Rock Circuit trail, which was really nice, as always. It was a beautiful fall day, there were crunch leaves on the ground, and it was nice being out walking. Last week I went to this "pound" class where they give you drum sticks and you pound on the floor, it was a lot of lunges and such. It was kind of fun, and kind of hard. The instructor was super perky, which I'm not so crazy about....
I'm still working on the swimming thing. My teacher said that I breathe like I'm taking my last breath, and that's why I'm struggling. Could be. OK, off to prep!
Saturday, August 18, 2018
No posts so far this month, but that's not because I was being lame, it's because I was off on vacation near Lake Placid! I went with my brother and Maura, and we stayed at a cabin with no wifi, so no blogging. It was really nice! The cabin was on Saranac Lake, there were kayaks, a deck for swimming (which I did every day but one), a hammock, a fire pit, and access to hiking and climbing! I climbed two mountains, one on my own and one with Andy and Maura, and we went climbing.
The first mountain that I climbed was a 4000 footer - Mt. Cascade. Andy would not move that morning, so I had to do a short hike. He and Maura rented bikes and I asked for hike recommendations at the bike shop. It was already after noon, so the woman recommended Cascade. It was only 2.4 miles each way, but of course I knew that meant it would be killer! It didn't disappoint. It was so hot out, the mountain was steep, I didn't really bring enough food (though I was super excited to discover an old Lara bar in my backpack that I didn't realize was there). It pretty much went straight up. I was so happy to get to the top! The summit was bare rock with an amazing 360 view. I sat up there for a full 30 minutes before heading down. The hike down was tough. I was so tired when I got to my car, I wanted to just crawl in and take a nap. Brutal.
We went climbing a couple days late at Beer Walls in Keene Valley. It was actually a bit of a miracle that we found them. The original people who found the cliffs saw them from a cesna :) But, we did manage to find them, and there was pretty much no one there! For most of the time we had the place to ourselves, and then this couple showed up, but of course they were cool. We did three climbs, and half of a fourth. The ones that we really did were crack climbs - they were so nice, and pretty hard even though they were rated low. It took me forever to set up the rope for the first one because the trees were so far back.... In the end we did Seven Ounces, which was the best - we did it first but should have saved it for last, 3.2, and Guinness. We tried to do 40 oz to freedom, because it was on the same rope as Guinness, but there was nothing to hold onto!
The next day we went for a hike up Haystack Mountain, not the second tallest mountain in the Adirondacks Haystack, but a much shorter one. It was a 6.6 mile out and back hike. It's less than 3000 footer, but it plays with your head because you do a lot of downhill on the way in, so you know you have to hike uphill on the way out. The first half or so of the hike was to the mountain, it was very pretty and mellow, not too much elevation gain (loss), but then of course the mountain itself was pretty uphill. I was very tired at the top - we sat up top and admired the view, and ate pop tarts (it was vacation, pop tarts are allowed.) The hike out was tough. Andy and Maura do a lot of aerobic exercise, and since I stopped crossfit, I don't. I hope I can get swimming laps soon, I need to build up my stamina!
The first mountain that I climbed was a 4000 footer - Mt. Cascade. Andy would not move that morning, so I had to do a short hike. He and Maura rented bikes and I asked for hike recommendations at the bike shop. It was already after noon, so the woman recommended Cascade. It was only 2.4 miles each way, but of course I knew that meant it would be killer! It didn't disappoint. It was so hot out, the mountain was steep, I didn't really bring enough food (though I was super excited to discover an old Lara bar in my backpack that I didn't realize was there). It pretty much went straight up. I was so happy to get to the top! The summit was bare rock with an amazing 360 view. I sat up there for a full 30 minutes before heading down. The hike down was tough. I was so tired when I got to my car, I wanted to just crawl in and take a nap. Brutal.
We went climbing a couple days late at Beer Walls in Keene Valley. It was actually a bit of a miracle that we found them. The original people who found the cliffs saw them from a cesna :) But, we did manage to find them, and there was pretty much no one there! For most of the time we had the place to ourselves, and then this couple showed up, but of course they were cool. We did three climbs, and half of a fourth. The ones that we really did were crack climbs - they were so nice, and pretty hard even though they were rated low. It took me forever to set up the rope for the first one because the trees were so far back.... In the end we did Seven Ounces, which was the best - we did it first but should have saved it for last, 3.2, and Guinness. We tried to do 40 oz to freedom, because it was on the same rope as Guinness, but there was nothing to hold onto!
The next day we went for a hike up Haystack Mountain, not the second tallest mountain in the Adirondacks Haystack, but a much shorter one. It was a 6.6 mile out and back hike. It's less than 3000 footer, but it plays with your head because you do a lot of downhill on the way in, so you know you have to hike uphill on the way out. The first half or so of the hike was to the mountain, it was very pretty and mellow, not too much elevation gain (loss), but then of course the mountain itself was pretty uphill. I was very tired at the top - we sat up top and admired the view, and ate pop tarts (it was vacation, pop tarts are allowed.) The hike out was tough. Andy and Maura do a lot of aerobic exercise, and since I stopped crossfit, I don't. I hope I can get swimming laps soon, I need to build up my stamina!
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
11 laps
The pool at the Boston Y is definitely longer than the one in Somerville. I noticed that right away - in Somerville it took me four sets of three strokes to swim the length of the pool. It's way longer than that in Boston. Fortunately, the entire length of the pool is like 4 feet deep, so you can stop at any time. Which I did.
I went to practice after work today. I started with the kick board and breathing exercises again. I did five laps in the pool. Maybe it's getting a little easier? But I'm not convinced. Then I decided to swim 5 laps without the kick board. That was hard. I had to stop during a lot of them. After a while I get so much water in my mouth that I can't swallow. But I did it! Then I decided to time myself and see how long I was really swimming, so I did a 6th lap. It took me about 15 seconds to do a half a lap, so about 30 seconds to do a full one. I did 11 laps. OK, it's a start. After I worked on my flip turns, which I totally dig. I can swim to the wall with floating barbells in my hands, flip, kick off, and go on my back. I just have to learn to do it without the barbells, and flip over to my front.
Running started like this, and I got to a point where I could run 5 miles. Hopefully I will be able to swim better too. Right now I'm not totally convinced that it will happen. I'm going on faith.
This past weekend we went to see King Richard on the Common. I go to Shakespeare in the Park every year and absolutely love it. But I confess I never really understand what happens. There was no mistaken identity or donkeys this year. The actors were amazing! It's just nice being outside on the Common with my people, eating a picnic, and watching a play. <3 p="">3>
I went to practice after work today. I started with the kick board and breathing exercises again. I did five laps in the pool. Maybe it's getting a little easier? But I'm not convinced. Then I decided to swim 5 laps without the kick board. That was hard. I had to stop during a lot of them. After a while I get so much water in my mouth that I can't swallow. But I did it! Then I decided to time myself and see how long I was really swimming, so I did a 6th lap. It took me about 15 seconds to do a half a lap, so about 30 seconds to do a full one. I did 11 laps. OK, it's a start. After I worked on my flip turns, which I totally dig. I can swim to the wall with floating barbells in my hands, flip, kick off, and go on my back. I just have to learn to do it without the barbells, and flip over to my front.
Running started like this, and I got to a point where I could run 5 miles. Hopefully I will be able to swim better too. Right now I'm not totally convinced that it will happen. I'm going on faith.
This past weekend we went to see King Richard on the Common. I go to Shakespeare in the Park every year and absolutely love it. But I confess I never really understand what happens. There was no mistaken identity or donkeys this year. The actors were amazing! It's just nice being outside on the Common with my people, eating a picnic, and watching a play. <3 p="">3>
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Somerville Y
Today I decided to try the Somerville Y for swimming practice. It's walking distance (though of course I drove) and you can go to any Y, as long as you go to the one you pay for 51% of the time. There was open swim 9 - 12:30, which was perfect! I swam for about a half hours, during which I did about 16 laps and 10 flip turn attempts.
I think the most important thing to work on is breathing, because if I can't breathe then nothing else is going to work. So, I did 10 laps back and forth with the kick board, working on my breathing. It's slowly improving, but needs work. Then I did 5 laps without the kick board. (I think I did an extra with the kick board, not sure.) Once I started getting water in my airways, after about 30 minutes, I went to working on my flip turns. I did about 6 of them, with various degrees of success, holding the dumbells. On the 7th I got water up my nose and decided I was done. After the first lap I noticed that the lifeguard had gotten up an was walking in my direction, I thought he was going to give me some advise. But no, he was just guarding my life. He walked back and forth as I swam, each time. Apparently he thought I was in immediate danger of drowning! Huh. I guess I have a ways to go.
Breathing is hard, especially on the right. Maybe I need to practice above water? I notice that when I'm climbing I tend to hold my breath, that won't work so well with the underwater stuff.
The Somerville Y is really old, it's got character. The pool is pretty small, just three lanes. But I had my own lane the entire time. Not crowded. I wore my bathing suit there, and once I was done swimming I really had to pee, which meant taking the bathing suit off. After showering I didn't want to put it back on. But I had no underwear, and a kind of thin t-shirt. Awkward. Note to self, bring change of underware....
I think the most important thing to work on is breathing, because if I can't breathe then nothing else is going to work. So, I did 10 laps back and forth with the kick board, working on my breathing. It's slowly improving, but needs work. Then I did 5 laps without the kick board. (I think I did an extra with the kick board, not sure.) Once I started getting water in my airways, after about 30 minutes, I went to working on my flip turns. I did about 6 of them, with various degrees of success, holding the dumbells. On the 7th I got water up my nose and decided I was done. After the first lap I noticed that the lifeguard had gotten up an was walking in my direction, I thought he was going to give me some advise. But no, he was just guarding my life. He walked back and forth as I swam, each time. Apparently he thought I was in immediate danger of drowning! Huh. I guess I have a ways to go.
Breathing is hard, especially on the right. Maybe I need to practice above water? I notice that when I'm climbing I tend to hold my breath, that won't work so well with the underwater stuff.
The Somerville Y is really old, it's got character. The pool is pretty small, just three lanes. But I had my own lane the entire time. Not crowded. I wore my bathing suit there, and once I was done swimming I really had to pee, which meant taking the bathing suit off. After showering I didn't want to put it back on. But I had no underwear, and a kind of thin t-shirt. Awkward. Note to self, bring change of underware....
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Flip Turns!
Today's swimming class was really good! We worked on my stroke (needs tons of work) and on breathing (can't do it), and then, since I was doing so well, she taught me how to do flip turns! When she said she was going to teach me them, I admit I had my doubts. But, it turns out that if you can do a forward flip in the water (which I can, it's one of my few swimming talents), then flip turns aren't that hard. The hardest part is the spacing/timing and not freaking out and thinking that you will hit your head/break an ankle. I sort of kind of did a few, though I didn't exactly swim off after.
While I was headed out to the pool, a man walked into the ladies locker. Ha! Either I've started a trend, or it's an easy mistake to make.
I've written 67 letters of recommendation in the last two months. Today, my stack is down to one half a letter, plus 4 waiting for entrance exam scores, plus 2 who are just goofing around! I see a light at the end of the tunnel...!
While I was headed out to the pool, a man walked into the ladies locker. Ha! Either I've started a trend, or it's an easy mistake to make.
I've written 67 letters of recommendation in the last two months. Today, my stack is down to one half a letter, plus 4 waiting for entrance exam scores, plus 2 who are just goofing around! I see a light at the end of the tunnel...!
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Swimming Practice
For some reason my last post got 28 views. Weird. Because there wasn't anything really googleable in it, and it wasn't in any way interesting. Anyhow, I went to practice my swimming today - I was going to go yesterday, but #1 it was my birthday and I didn't feel like it and #2 I had just colored my hair and I was afraid I would leave a red streak in the water. So, I got a swim cap and went today.
I practiced for about 25 minutes, I think about 10 laps. The breathing part was hard, especially on the right side, which I can tell is going to be my bad side. There were a few times when I was reaching far out and feeling like I was on top of the water, and it was left side breathing time, and it was really great! I think I will like it! Especially when I know what to do with my arms under water.
I got to a point where I was just swallowing water and it was no fun, so I got out. I must have been a little loopy from swimming. Either that or I've gone right over the hill, but I walked straight into the men's locker room and took a shower (fortunately still in my bathing suit!). I knew things were not quite right when I saw a man giving me a funny look through the not closed curtain. I was wondering who was in the wrong place, and popped my head out. And then dashed to the correct room! Oy!
This morning I finally met my dissertation advisor, LB. She was on campus for residency and I met her at breakfast. In front of other people, she said I was one of the Top 5 Best Writers that she's worked with in the program! My head exploded a little :) We wound up at a table with 4 other students, and as soon as she left, everyone else was like "how did you get her for an advisor?" I felt so wise and mentor-y. And very lucky!
I practiced for about 25 minutes, I think about 10 laps. The breathing part was hard, especially on the right side, which I can tell is going to be my bad side. There were a few times when I was reaching far out and feeling like I was on top of the water, and it was left side breathing time, and it was really great! I think I will like it! Especially when I know what to do with my arms under water.
I got to a point where I was just swallowing water and it was no fun, so I got out. I must have been a little loopy from swimming. Either that or I've gone right over the hill, but I walked straight into the men's locker room and took a shower (fortunately still in my bathing suit!). I knew things were not quite right when I saw a man giving me a funny look through the not closed curtain. I was wondering who was in the wrong place, and popped my head out. And then dashed to the correct room! Oy!
This morning I finally met my dissertation advisor, LB. She was on campus for residency and I met her at breakfast. In front of other people, she said I was one of the Top 5 Best Writers that she's worked with in the program! My head exploded a little :) We wound up at a table with 4 other students, and as soon as she left, everyone else was like "how did you get her for an advisor?" I felt so wise and mentor-y. And very lucky!
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Swimming lessons!
On Tuesday I decided that I would just try swimming on my own. I mean, how hard can it be? So I went to the Y and put my swim suit on in the locker with no privacy, and I had my flip flops and my new goggles. And I got to the pool and the life guard said, "I'm sorry, there's lightening. The pool is closed." It's an indoor pool! Apparently there are things below it. So, I couldn't swim. I thought that the universe hated me and didn't want me to swim. But then, as I was leaving, I saw a bunch of people in swimsuits and shirts that said "instructor!" The swim teachers! They were just sitting around doing paperwork, and so I asked about lessons, and they set me up. I paid for 6 half hour lessons, and I had my first today.
My teacher's name is Hannah, and she's amazing. We learned about kicking, arms and breathing. And I swam up and down the pool a bunch. I think I will actually be able to do this! She was trying to show me how to do the breast stroke, and I was like "I think I'll just keep my little old lady style." But then she said she could teach me to do flip turns. How cool would that be??
My teacher's name is Hannah, and she's amazing. We learned about kicking, arms and breathing. And I swam up and down the pool a bunch. I think I will actually be able to do this! She was trying to show me how to do the breast stroke, and I was like "I think I'll just keep my little old lady style." But then she said she could teach me to do flip turns. How cool would that be??
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Rock Circuit Trail
I was thinking about doing North Twin today, but the weather called for thunder storms in the afternoon, which is very bad for hiking, so I decided to stay closer to home. The Middlesex Fells Rock Circuit seemed like a good call for the day! Today it only took me 3 hours, and I stopped to eat wild blueberries a couple times, and to have a snack at the rock with a view of the city! So, it was faster then when I hiked it in the winter.
There were a ton of ripe blueberries on the side of the trail, so fun to pick and eat. Maybe I should have brought some home for muffins? And, I actually passed people! I passed this guy twice - I'm not sure how he got ahead of me, but one of us took a wrong turn. And then I passed a couple that was hiking. I'm so speedy :)
Yesterday I went to see Tanglewood on the Common - the Boston Symphony Orchestra plays at Tanglewood in the Berkshires, and they have speakers and a jumbotron on the Boston Common, so you can just go and listen to the music. Of course, I'm so tone deaf, it all sounds kind of similar to me. But still, I went with a friend, we had a picnic and some wine, and then just lay on a blanket under the stars listening to the music. It was a nice night!
There were a ton of ripe blueberries on the side of the trail, so fun to pick and eat. Maybe I should have brought some home for muffins? And, I actually passed people! I passed this guy twice - I'm not sure how he got ahead of me, but one of us took a wrong turn. And then I passed a couple that was hiking. I'm so speedy :)
Yesterday I went to see Tanglewood on the Common - the Boston Symphony Orchestra plays at Tanglewood in the Berkshires, and they have speakers and a jumbotron on the Boston Common, so you can just go and listen to the music. Of course, I'm so tone deaf, it all sounds kind of similar to me. But still, I went with a friend, we had a picnic and some wine, and then just lay on a blanket under the stars listening to the music. It was a nice night!
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Spin 2
I did my second spin class yesterday! I got my bike up to 15 at the max, but then went down to 12 and then 10. Anyhow, it was more resistance than last time. My heart was really pounding! Apparently you can take spin class, but it's hard to take swim lessons - I've tried to sign up two ways, but they don't get back to me :(
Happy news on the director front: the guy we all like took the job! He's starting the day after Labor Day. He signed a contract, so I assume he isn't going to back out. I'm sure he will be good to work for, I called one of his references and she seemed to love him. I'm not looking forward to fall when he starts, though - we've largely flown under the radar until now, and that's not going to happen anymore.
I wound up doing 7 interviews for my dissertation, with one more alum saying that she would email me responses because she's out of the country on a service trip and doesn't have much internet. Totally enough for my study! OK, better get to it if I want to finish this puppy.
Happy news on the director front: the guy we all like took the job! He's starting the day after Labor Day. He signed a contract, so I assume he isn't going to back out. I'm sure he will be good to work for, I called one of his references and she seemed to love him. I'm not looking forward to fall when he starts, though - we've largely flown under the radar until now, and that's not going to happen anymore.
I wound up doing 7 interviews for my dissertation, with one more alum saying that she would email me responses because she's out of the country on a service trip and doesn't have much internet. Totally enough for my study! OK, better get to it if I want to finish this puppy.
Monday, July 2, 2018
I decided that I had to do something for exercise, and I still can't lift weights without it hurting my tendon, so I decided on swimming as an aerobic exercise that doesn't hurt anything. Of course, I can't swim very well, so I need lessons, which has entailed a lot of angst figuring out where. Last week I went to a conference and ate like a pig, so I knew I had to do something. I decided on the Y because I can literally see it out of my office window, so no excuses, and it's like 1/3 the cost of crossfit. I can take private swim classes and still pay about the same as I was paying for crossfit.
Today was my first day as a member of the Y. And I did my first spin class! I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was actually fun. I mean, less fun that eating pie, but not so horrible. I didn't want to kill myself, so I started my bike at level 5, and moved up to level 10 max. I'm pretty sure tomorrow I won't be able to walk.
My conference was in DC, and it was pretty good! One of the speakers was a former acting surgeon general, and he talked about being on the front lines on the ebola crisis, with pictures of the hospitals there. He showed where people got suited up to go care for the patients, and some of the surroundings - security was pretty tight there, with 8 foot high fences that you couldn't get out of. Anyhow, some of the workers there built a tall chair so that you could see over the fence, to Africa, as a way to keep hope alive. He's an MD, and has 2 daughters who are premed, and it was interesting to hear him talk about her experiences from the dad's side, and also his experiences, following his dreams (he had an advisor who told him he was ruining his career by doing an MPH after medical school instead of going right into residency, but he turned out OK).
I got to visit America's Medical School, and instead of a tour of the sim lab, they gave us a simulated battle scene with medical rescue. It was pretty cool - there was (fake) firefighting, (fake) gushing blood, and screaming (fake) injured soldiers.
Still no final answer on the new director. We interviewed three people, one was a disaster and absolutely not an option (but she was at the conference, awkward. Everywhere I turned, there she was.) One was awesome and we want to hire him, but I don't know if he will take the job. And one I thought was awful, but some people could like her. I hope the guy takes it!
PS. Nothing from Harvard. Maybe next time...
Today was my first day as a member of the Y. And I did my first spin class! I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was actually fun. I mean, less fun that eating pie, but not so horrible. I didn't want to kill myself, so I started my bike at level 5, and moved up to level 10 max. I'm pretty sure tomorrow I won't be able to walk.
My conference was in DC, and it was pretty good! One of the speakers was a former acting surgeon general, and he talked about being on the front lines on the ebola crisis, with pictures of the hospitals there. He showed where people got suited up to go care for the patients, and some of the surroundings - security was pretty tight there, with 8 foot high fences that you couldn't get out of. Anyhow, some of the workers there built a tall chair so that you could see over the fence, to Africa, as a way to keep hope alive. He's an MD, and has 2 daughters who are premed, and it was interesting to hear him talk about her experiences from the dad's side, and also his experiences, following his dreams (he had an advisor who told him he was ruining his career by doing an MPH after medical school instead of going right into residency, but he turned out OK).
I got to visit America's Medical School, and instead of a tour of the sim lab, they gave us a simulated battle scene with medical rescue. It was pretty cool - there was (fake) firefighting, (fake) gushing blood, and screaming (fake) injured soldiers.
Still no final answer on the new director. We interviewed three people, one was a disaster and absolutely not an option (but she was at the conference, awkward. Everywhere I turned, there she was.) One was awesome and we want to hire him, but I don't know if he will take the job. And one I thought was awful, but some people could like her. I hope the guy takes it!
PS. Nothing from Harvard. Maybe next time...
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Monadnock Fail
I knew it was going to be nice out today, and I was going go hike North Twin, the peak I didn't get on my overnight, but the access road isn't opened yet, so it's another 5 miles to get to the trailhead. Nope. I was trying to decide on which 4000 footer to do, and then I kind of overslept, and this morning I was like "I should do Monadnock! It's been ages!" Good idea - Monadnock's closer and it's a little less intense hike.
I chose the Pumpelly Trail, it's 4.5 miles long each way, but way less hiked. Even though there are a million people on the mountain today, there were only a handful on Pumpelly. I also like it because the first couple of miles is a stroll through the woods, just a little uphill but not too intense. It was a beautiful day, and a really nice walk. After a while you get to the intense uphill part, and then you get this nice viewpoint - I stopped for a snack. Then it's more exposed - you're walking on a ridgeline with three summit's the third of which is the top. I got over the first one and was headed down a bit when I rolled my ankle and heard a pop. Not a good noise when you are by yourself on a ridgeline. I sat down for a little bit and let it stop hurting, and then looked at it, shook it a little, and was like "oh, I think it's fine." I went on for a little more, but actually it wasn't totally fine. I think it's OK, but the top of Monadnock is all rocky and scrambling, and I was a little nervous. Plus, of course, I had started a little late, so I didn't want to be out there and have it hurt more, and there would be no one to rescue me. So, I turned back. Sad. I'm icing it now, I think it's fine.
On Friday I took this test at the canoe and kayak place. They have an outrigger canoe that you can take out after hours with a special pass - they're kind of hidden away, and so you have to go and have special instructions on how to set them up and use them. And because you take them out after hours you have to fall into the Charles and then get back on the boat. Easier said than done! First, swimming in the Charles. Sketchy. Second, it was kind of hard to get back on the thing! Once I passed, though, I got to take it out on the river, really fun!
I'm not totally sure how the interview at Harvard went. I don't think I talked about my data experience well enough. And they asked some questions that I thought were a little icky. And, they were indefinite about their timeline. We'll see I guess. On the bright side, I did 3 interviews so far, and have one more for tomorrow :)
I chose the Pumpelly Trail, it's 4.5 miles long each way, but way less hiked. Even though there are a million people on the mountain today, there were only a handful on Pumpelly. I also like it because the first couple of miles is a stroll through the woods, just a little uphill but not too intense. It was a beautiful day, and a really nice walk. After a while you get to the intense uphill part, and then you get this nice viewpoint - I stopped for a snack. Then it's more exposed - you're walking on a ridgeline with three summit's the third of which is the top. I got over the first one and was headed down a bit when I rolled my ankle and heard a pop. Not a good noise when you are by yourself on a ridgeline. I sat down for a little bit and let it stop hurting, and then looked at it, shook it a little, and was like "oh, I think it's fine." I went on for a little more, but actually it wasn't totally fine. I think it's OK, but the top of Monadnock is all rocky and scrambling, and I was a little nervous. Plus, of course, I had started a little late, so I didn't want to be out there and have it hurt more, and there would be no one to rescue me. So, I turned back. Sad. I'm icing it now, I think it's fine.
On Friday I took this test at the canoe and kayak place. They have an outrigger canoe that you can take out after hours with a special pass - they're kind of hidden away, and so you have to go and have special instructions on how to set them up and use them. And because you take them out after hours you have to fall into the Charles and then get back on the boat. Easier said than done! First, swimming in the Charles. Sketchy. Second, it was kind of hard to get back on the thing! Once I passed, though, I got to take it out on the river, really fun!
I'm not totally sure how the interview at Harvard went. I don't think I talked about my data experience well enough. And they asked some questions that I thought were a little icky. And, they were indefinite about their timeline. We'll see I guess. On the bright side, I did 3 interviews so far, and have one more for tomorrow :)
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Tuesday Kayak
On Tuesday I went for a long kayak on the Charles. There's a Waltham site for the kayak place that's right by the dam there, and you can go upstream (no real current) for 6 miles to Newton Falls, which is what I did. It was a perfect day on the water - the sun was out and it was beautiful! At one point I came across a bird fight - this swan was all puffed up and angry with this goose family, I think they got too close to mom goose and the babies (who were hanging out and watching). Angry, puffy swan kept going after the geese, who were distracting him from the baby geese. Finally all the babies got away, and the geese went in one direction, swans in another. I would not want a swan to be angry with me, that dude was fierce!
For much of the time the water was completely flat - I love it when it's like that! It took me like 4 hours, but I took my time, and had lunch, etc. Definitely will try to do that again!
So, my big news that I didn't mention in my last post:
1 - I defended my research proposal and passed.
2 - My IRB was approved
3 - I reached out to people to interview and have 2 scheduled for Monday, and 6 others who have expressed interest/willingness. I need a minimum of 6 interviews.
4 - I have a job interview at Harvard on Tuesday!! (Made it through their screening interview already)
For much of the time the water was completely flat - I love it when it's like that! It took me like 4 hours, but I took my time, and had lunch, etc. Definitely will try to do that again!
So, my big news that I didn't mention in my last post:
1 - I defended my research proposal and passed.
2 - My IRB was approved
3 - I reached out to people to interview and have 2 scheduled for Monday, and 6 others who have expressed interest/willingness. I need a minimum of 6 interviews.
4 - I have a job interview at Harvard on Tuesday!! (Made it through their screening interview already)
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Galehead and South Twin

Anyhow, it's Memorial Day weekend, and I decided to get in some 4000 footers. The plan was Galehead and the Twins, staying at Galehead hut. It's so cheap when it's not full service season, just $30! You have to carry up your sleeping bag and food, though it turns out that there's coffee and home baked cookies (which I couldn't have because I didn't have any money. Sad.)
Because I was sleeping up there, I was able to get a little later start, I got to the mountain at about 9:30 and started climbing a little before 10. Galehead is a pretty gentle climb for the first 2-3 miles, and it was nice just being out there, walking, not stressing too much. Then, of course, it got steep. The steep part was long, but not too hard, and I got to the hut in about 3.5 hours. The hut's so nice, it's a little bit smaller, nice view, really pretty part of the Whites. I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some gummy bears, and left my main pack in the hut, and left to do South Twin. It's only .8 miles from the hut to the peak of South Twin, but man that was hard core! I was huffing and puffing, and I could feel my heart beating! About a half hour into the hike I got to the sign that said I was a quarter mile from the hut, and I thought about turning back and giving up, but then I reminded myself that it's a mental battle as well as physical, so I continued. It took me almost an hour and a half to get the .8 miles! It was an amazing view from the top, though, that's for sure. I sat and ate and looked at the mountains and felt proud of myself.
I had the option to hike over to North Twin, which is 1.2 miles away, but I decided not to because #1 I could see rain in the distance and I didn't want to go down the rocky South Twin trail when it was wet and #2 I still had to summit Galehead mountain, and by the time I did the 2.4 miles, I was worried I would be too pooped. It's a half mile from the hut to the top of Galehead, but I was a little worried that would be another couple hours. So, I went down (much easier) and back to the hut.
I asked the caretaker about Galehead, and how hard it was, and he was like "it's easy, but not very interesting, and there's no view from the top." He made it sound pretty unappealing, but I had to hike it anyhow, because that's what I do. The top was just a cairn with no view, but there was a nice scenic overlook, so it was good.
I was so tired I went to bed at 8:30. At 11 I woke up and thought I had slept a long time - ha! Then I went back to sleep. I got up at 6:30 and started down at 7:20. It was a little rough at first going down because it had rained and there were slippery rocks. But I got down in about 2.5 hours.
After I went to my friends in North Conway. We went climbing today - I did a 5.5, a 5.9, and a 5.10b, though I think I skipped the crux on the 5.10b, and my friend assisted me a little with her rappel. I got to the top of the 5.10b, and my belayer went to lower me down, and I didn't move. Apparently the rope was twisted. I was shaking in my shoes. So scary. Because there was slack on the other end of the rope, and I wasn't moving. I had some Dark Climbing Thoughts. And it was a high climb! But then they got me untwisted and down. So, survived another long weekend!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
A day late + a few days late
I've been a bad blogger once again. But, last weekend, on Saturday I did go for my favorite walk in the Fells, to the overlook rock. It's finally spring, and it was so nice to go for a walk in just jeans and a sweat shirt! I did spend some time with my dark thoughts, but I guess I have to get them out. I think they're dying down a little. On the bright side, I decided that since I will no longer be killing myself over work, it will be fine to join the Canoe and Kayak place again - especially because they've opened a new location on the Mystic River that I can practically walk to! So, I decided that's my tax refund, the canoe and kayak for the summer + the conference I went to. I can't wait to get back out on the river!
I also went to crossfit on Monday. I had a pretty crappy day (again) and was feeling a little blue. It didn't help that when I got there it was a huge class, and we were doing back squats, so I had to share a platform with tiny people who were lifting way more then me. And my quads are still killing me! I did squat 83 pounds 20 times, which I feel is pretty hard core.
For the WOD, I wasn't feeling it. There was running and I was a little tempted to just run to my car, get in, and drive off. But I didn't. So I gave myself credit for what I did.
WOD: 2 rounds
400 meter run
15 overhead squats (I lifted 35 pounds)
I don't remember my time, but I do remember it was killer!
I also went to crossfit on Monday. I had a pretty crappy day (again) and was feeling a little blue. It didn't help that when I got there it was a huge class, and we were doing back squats, so I had to share a platform with tiny people who were lifting way more then me. And my quads are still killing me! I did squat 83 pounds 20 times, which I feel is pretty hard core.
For the WOD, I wasn't feeling it. There was running and I was a little tempted to just run to my car, get in, and drive off. But I didn't. So I gave myself credit for what I did.
WOD: 2 rounds
400 meter run
15 overhead squats (I lifted 35 pounds)
I don't remember my time, but I do remember it was killer!
Friday, April 20, 2018
Rope Climbing (not)
Once again I didn't climb the stupid rope. I did however go to crossfit twice this week, which is what I wanted to do. So, check. It was a lot of rowing, and deadlifts. Plus rope climbing, which I eventually just skipped, because I felt like it.
We started with push press, 5 sets of 2. I got up to 75 pounds, which I was happy with!
WOD: Dork AMRAP 20.14
33 calorie row
15 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
5 rope climbs (wiffed it)
I rowed like 4 times and lifted 3.
Work has just been all around yucky. I'm not applying for the director position after all - after I emailed my current boss earlier this week he put me on the hiring committee. And then emailed back to say "oops, my bad." That's just mean. They aren't going to offer me the job, no matter how hard I try to prove myself. As I tell my students, sometimes when you are hitting your head against a wall, it's just good sense to stop.
We started with push press, 5 sets of 2. I got up to 75 pounds, which I was happy with!
WOD: Dork AMRAP 20.14
33 calorie row
15 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
5 rope climbs (wiffed it)
I rowed like 4 times and lifted 3.
Work has just been all around yucky. I'm not applying for the director position after all - after I emailed my current boss earlier this week he put me on the hiring committee. And then emailed back to say "oops, my bad." That's just mean. They aren't going to offer me the job, no matter how hard I try to prove myself. As I tell my students, sometimes when you are hitting your head against a wall, it's just good sense to stop.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Marathon Day
Marathon Monday today, but it rained and was miserable out all day. I watched a little of it, but tried to work on my resume and cover letter. I can't believe I'm hear again. Letter is just started, needs lots of work.
I did want to get to crossfit today - tomorrow I'm going climbing, Wed to pub quiz, Thursday there's a workshop on salary negotiation that I really want to go to, so that leaves the weekend. For the last two weeks I've only gone once, which is lame. So, I had to go. Which was rough, because there were a lot of burpees.
WOD: 4 rounds:
4 squat clean and jerks (I lifted 55 pounds)
10 pull ups (I used bands)
13 burpee lateral jumps
after 4 rounds are complete row 1000 meters
my time 24 minutes 20 sec
It was supposed to be a 800 meter run, but it was so nasty outside, I'm not sure anyone went out to run.
All those damn burpees were killer, I really thought I might puke at the end of the 4th round. It took me 6 minutes to row because I was so nauseous. I was going to cut down the burpees, but then I was all, if you're going to hike the AT one day, you can't be taking it easy. So, there's that.
I emailed my boss today and told him that I was applying for the director position and that I "appreciate your support and guidance through the hiring process." That was the second time today that I almost vomited. But, as a friend of mine pointed out, that's what I would say to him if I was the director. Now, I just have to write the damn letter. Yuck.
I did want to get to crossfit today - tomorrow I'm going climbing, Wed to pub quiz, Thursday there's a workshop on salary negotiation that I really want to go to, so that leaves the weekend. For the last two weeks I've only gone once, which is lame. So, I had to go. Which was rough, because there were a lot of burpees.
WOD: 4 rounds:
4 squat clean and jerks (I lifted 55 pounds)
10 pull ups (I used bands)
13 burpee lateral jumps
after 4 rounds are complete row 1000 meters
my time 24 minutes 20 sec
It was supposed to be a 800 meter run, but it was so nasty outside, I'm not sure anyone went out to run.
All those damn burpees were killer, I really thought I might puke at the end of the 4th round. It took me 6 minutes to row because I was so nauseous. I was going to cut down the burpees, but then I was all, if you're going to hike the AT one day, you can't be taking it easy. So, there's that.
I emailed my boss today and told him that I was applying for the director position and that I "appreciate your support and guidance through the hiring process." That was the second time today that I almost vomited. But, as a friend of mine pointed out, that's what I would say to him if I was the director. Now, I just have to write the damn letter. Yuck.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
This weekend I'm going to a conference that I paid for myself and I'm going to try to network! I hope it doesn't totally suck. But, I have to do some job searching, and I have to do it now.
Crossfit today was a lot of rowing, which of course I like. But, we rowed 3000 meters, which is pretty far! 1600 is a mile, so almost 2 miles. We also did ring dips, which I can't do, but I learned that if I have a band holding the rings together, I can jump up and hold myself up on the rings. Small steps.
WOD: 5 rounds
500 meter row
5 pull ups (I used bands)
10 push ups (I used bands)
20 sit ups
my time 25 minutes, 38 seconds
I'm working on the IRB paperwork for my dissertation. I hope this year of crazy hard work pays off with something good. I think it will.
Crossfit today was a lot of rowing, which of course I like. But, we rowed 3000 meters, which is pretty far! 1600 is a mile, so almost 2 miles. We also did ring dips, which I can't do, but I learned that if I have a band holding the rings together, I can jump up and hold myself up on the rings. Small steps.
WOD: 5 rounds
500 meter row
5 pull ups (I used bands)
10 push ups (I used bands)
20 sit ups
my time 25 minutes, 38 seconds
I'm working on the IRB paperwork for my dissertation. I hope this year of crazy hard work pays off with something good. I think it will.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Forgot to blog on Thursday, now it's Saturday. Lame. I only went to crossfit once this week. I was still sore from the hike on Monday, was very busy feeling sorry for myself Tuesday, Wednesday was full of burpees and I really didn't want to, and Friday I went hippy dancing (more on that later). So, only once this week - I was going to go on Friday, but decided that hippy dancing was an allowed alternative.
Thursday started with push presses, 5 rounds of 2. I got up to 75 pounds, which I did 8 times. That's heavy!
40 calorie ski erg
30 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
40 calorie row
30 kettle bell swings
my time around 15 min 20 sec
I just got off the phone with my dissertation advisor, and I'm going to start working on my IRB paperwork! Yay! She approved my lit review, and made some recommendations for edits on the rest of it, but I could work on the edits as I wait for the IRB approval. Hopefully I will submit it in a couple of weeks. That's my goal.
I bought a skateboard because, well, not really sure why, but I did. I took it outside for the first time today and totally wiped out. Ouch! I'm icing my knees now. Why do I do this??
Thursday started with push presses, 5 rounds of 2. I got up to 75 pounds, which I did 8 times. That's heavy!
40 calorie ski erg
30 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
40 calorie row
30 kettle bell swings
my time around 15 min 20 sec
I just got off the phone with my dissertation advisor, and I'm going to start working on my IRB paperwork! Yay! She approved my lit review, and made some recommendations for edits on the rest of it, but I could work on the edits as I wait for the IRB approval. Hopefully I will submit it in a couple of weeks. That's my goal.
I bought a skateboard because, well, not really sure why, but I did. I took it outside for the first time today and totally wiped out. Ouch! I'm icing my knees now. Why do I do this??
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Tecumseh with Butt Sled
I haven't been doing a lot of fun things, mostly just working and trying to impress the new boss (which it turns out I was successful with, he emailed me with my performance eval and said that I am smart and motivated and when presented with a challenge can be counted upon to deliver!) and working on my dissertation (which just needs one more section to be two chapters, it's now 37 pages! Gonna work on it tomorrow, hopefully make it 42 ish.) Anyhow, I decided I needed a day to do something fun, and hiking Tecumseh fit the bill. I'd hiked it before with the Egg Salad Sandwich People, but now since I'm solo hiking all the 4,000 footers, I needed to do it again alone for it to count. Plus, it's a pretty easy one, and I haven't been hiking in a while, so I thought that would be good. And, I read that you could butt slide down it!
One of the benefits of it being just a 5 mile hike was that I could leave later - I got up at 8, spent a while deciding if I would hike it or not, decided I would, putzed around, and left around 10. I didn't have a lot of lunch food. I packed tea, cashews, and my favorite kind of protein bar, but I had to stop on the way up - also needed gas. I got an egg salad sandwich, in honor of the Egg Salad Sandwich People, and because it looked good. The hike starts from Waterville Valley Ski resort, which was great because I could use a real bathroom before I headed up. When I finally started it was about 1:00. Late, but I figured it would be OK due to the short easy hike, and it was.
The start of the hike was really gentle and nice, uphill but not too uphill. There was still snow on the ground, and I was really glad I had my microspikes. There's a lookout at the ski trail at at about the one mile mark, I stopped and watched the skiers and had some tea. Then, the hard part... The next mile was the uphill bit. Pretty relentless. I was kind of hungry and kept thinking I would stop, and then just went a little further. I got to the ridgeline between the ski mountain and the top peak after an hour, and finally ate my cashews and drank more tea. Then the push to the summit. I got to the top around 3:00, put on my layers because it was windy, and snarfed down the sandwich. I took a few pictures, but I have to say the view is a little limited. It's nice when you're up there, but I don't think it photographs well, or at least not on my phone with sun glare:
One of the benefits of it being just a 5 mile hike was that I could leave later - I got up at 8, spent a while deciding if I would hike it or not, decided I would, putzed around, and left around 10. I didn't have a lot of lunch food. I packed tea, cashews, and my favorite kind of protein bar, but I had to stop on the way up - also needed gas. I got an egg salad sandwich, in honor of the Egg Salad Sandwich People, and because it looked good. The hike starts from Waterville Valley Ski resort, which was great because I could use a real bathroom before I headed up. When I finally started it was about 1:00. Late, but I figured it would be OK due to the short easy hike, and it was.
The start of the hike was really gentle and nice, uphill but not too uphill. There was still snow on the ground, and I was really glad I had my microspikes. There's a lookout at the ski trail at at about the one mile mark, I stopped and watched the skiers and had some tea. Then, the hard part... The next mile was the uphill bit. Pretty relentless. I was kind of hungry and kept thinking I would stop, and then just went a little further. I got to the ridgeline between the ski mountain and the top peak after an hour, and finally ate my cashews and drank more tea. Then the push to the summit. I got to the top around 3:00, put on my layers because it was windy, and snarfed down the sandwich. I took a few pictures, but I have to say the view is a little limited. It's nice when you're up there, but I don't think it photographs well, or at least not on my phone with sun glare:
Then the fun part! I detached the sled from my backpack and headed down. I realized, though, that I didn't know what to expect at the top, since there are two ways to go up, and I was going down a way I didn't go up, so I walked down, and was glad I did! It was really steep and bumpy. I finally got to the fork where I'd had my cashews and did some sledding. It was pretty fun, but also really scary! The sled can really move, and with the snow totally packed down, sharp turns, and lots of trees, I was kind of nervous about going too fast. So, I did a lot of bailing when I started to feel out of control. I think my butt will be killing me tomorrow! I think Pierce was better for sledding, or following Greta was better. One of the two. After a while my butt was so numb and wet, and I wasn't really going fast, so I walked down a lot of it. When I got to the ski trail look out I thought about taking the ski trail down, but somehow that seemed like cheating (no, butt sledding didn't, my hike/my rules). So, I went down the rest of the trail. I was really glad I did because when it got less steep it was way more fun.
I got back to my car a around 4:15. So 2 hours up, 20 minutes at the top, less than an hour down.
I really love early spring hiking. It's so quiet out, the sun is bright again, the snow makes it easy to hike because you don't have to worry about all the rocks. There aren't too many people out. It's a zen way to spend the day! If only it didn't take 4.5 hours driving for 3 hours 15 minutes on the mountain. Still, a good way to spend the day.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Deadlifted 175!
BOOM! Go me!
We had deadlifts today for strength, 3-3-2-2-1-1. I did a little more than just the prescribed amount, I started at 100 then added 10 for each round which got me up to 150. Then I was like, let me just do 170, which I did! And then I thought I could do a little more, so I did 175, which I think is a personal record for me :) And, then I did it again. So, I dead lifted 175 2x. I think I might have been able to do a little more, but I was out of time. And I was happy with what I did.
WOD: 3 rounds
120 jumps on the jump rope - after 1 round my right knee started hurting for some stupid reason, so I did 400 meters on the ski erg for the second 2 rounds.
30 sit ups
20 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest)
10 ring dips (I used a band and they were still pretty bad)
my time: 16 min 42 sec
It's my long weekend! I'm so excited. Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in a little, go climbing, clean, and work on Drogon, plus it's the first night of Passover. So we will hear about the exodus from Egypt.
We had deadlifts today for strength, 3-3-2-2-1-1. I did a little more than just the prescribed amount, I started at 100 then added 10 for each round which got me up to 150. Then I was like, let me just do 170, which I did! And then I thought I could do a little more, so I did 175, which I think is a personal record for me :) And, then I did it again. So, I dead lifted 175 2x. I think I might have been able to do a little more, but I was out of time. And I was happy with what I did.
WOD: 3 rounds
120 jumps on the jump rope - after 1 round my right knee started hurting for some stupid reason, so I did 400 meters on the ski erg for the second 2 rounds.
30 sit ups
20 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest)
10 ring dips (I used a band and they were still pretty bad)
my time: 16 min 42 sec
It's my long weekend! I'm so excited. Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in a little, go climbing, clean, and work on Drogon, plus it's the first night of Passover. So we will hear about the exodus from Egypt.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Death by Burpees
One burpee is too much, so the 59 I did today was beyond too much. But, I did them, go me! It was a killer burpee workout, but I had to go because tomorrow I'm working late, Friday I'm going climbing and over the weekend not sure. But if I do today and Thursday that will be good.
The warm up was death by burpees. It's 30 second intervals. In the first 30 seconds you do 1 burpee. In the second you do 2. In the third you do 3. I got up to 5. The best that someone did was 9, but that was just crazy! In my 5 sequence, I just did 4, so that = 24.
For strength we did squat clean and jerk, and I got up to 75 pounds, which I was pretty happy with! I started at 35 pounds because I never can remember what I lift, and I was saying to the coach that I couldn't remember, and she looked at me like I was nuts. Like "How can you not remember what you lift for a clean and jerk??" What can I say?
WOD: 21-15-9
Hang cleans (I lifted 55 pounds)
burpee lateral jump
my time: 9 minutes 8 seconds
My boss stood me up for my performance eval, so no idea how I did. I wonder when it's due, I think soon. Not that anyone pays any attention to them, except when they're bad. On the bright side, the presentation was fine. There were probably 400 or so people there, I started a little shaky, but by the end felt totally fine. I didn't leave much room at the end for questions, so no one could ask anything that I didn't want to answer, and that worked out just fine :)
I'm taking Friday and Monday off, cause I need a few days. Super excited! Going climbing with my brother at on Friday and I'm going to try to hike Tecumseh on Sunday or Monday.
The warm up was death by burpees. It's 30 second intervals. In the first 30 seconds you do 1 burpee. In the second you do 2. In the third you do 3. I got up to 5. The best that someone did was 9, but that was just crazy! In my 5 sequence, I just did 4, so that = 24.
For strength we did squat clean and jerk, and I got up to 75 pounds, which I was pretty happy with! I started at 35 pounds because I never can remember what I lift, and I was saying to the coach that I couldn't remember, and she looked at me like I was nuts. Like "How can you not remember what you lift for a clean and jerk??" What can I say?
WOD: 21-15-9
Hang cleans (I lifted 55 pounds)
burpee lateral jump
my time: 9 minutes 8 seconds
My boss stood me up for my performance eval, so no idea how I did. I wonder when it's due, I think soon. Not that anyone pays any attention to them, except when they're bad. On the bright side, the presentation was fine. There were probably 400 or so people there, I started a little shaky, but by the end felt totally fine. I didn't leave much room at the end for questions, so no one could ask anything that I didn't want to answer, and that worked out just fine :)
I'm taking Friday and Monday off, cause I need a few days. Super excited! Going climbing with my brother at on Friday and I'm going to try to hike Tecumseh on Sunday or Monday.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Non-noreaster day
Today was supposed to be the third 'noreaster in three weeks, but it was so lame. No snow day, I had to go to work. Boo. On the other hand, I did get in my second crossfit, which I definitely wanted to do today. And, I was super excited because it was a rowing day!
We started with these funny "elevator" front squats, where you do a front squat (of course), come up a little bit, then go back down, and then go up. They were actually kind of fun! I got up to 65 pounds, which I did for 2 rounds.
WOD: 3 rounds
750 meter row
20 kettlebell squats (I used the smallest)
20 kettlebell swings
my time 19 min 14 sec
That's a lot of rowing!
Tomorrow I have my first performance evaluation with my new boss. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. Cause what will he give me as goals? And, will that be some signal if they might possibly be considering me for a permanent promotion? So stressful.
Then Saturday I have my first welcome day presentation, and it's in a room that seats 1000. I bought a new outfit for it - a friend and I went for two dirty martinis and then went shopping. It was fun, way more fun than the presentation will be.
We started with these funny "elevator" front squats, where you do a front squat (of course), come up a little bit, then go back down, and then go up. They were actually kind of fun! I got up to 65 pounds, which I did for 2 rounds.
WOD: 3 rounds
750 meter row
20 kettlebell squats (I used the smallest)
20 kettlebell swings
my time 19 min 14 sec
That's a lot of rowing!
Tomorrow I have my first performance evaluation with my new boss. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. Cause what will he give me as goals? And, will that be some signal if they might possibly be considering me for a permanent promotion? So stressful.
Then Saturday I have my first welcome day presentation, and it's in a room that seats 1000. I bought a new outfit for it - a friend and I went for two dirty martinis and then went shopping. It was fun, way more fun than the presentation will be.
Monday, March 19, 2018
42 box jumps!
I was a box jumping mad woman today! It was crazy, it was just like I could do them with no problem, which it turns out is fact, I can do them with no problem once I get out of my own head. The first few I did the little hop thing at the beginning, and a few I psyched myself out and wound up on my knees on the box. But once I got going I did 10 in a row 4 times. Plus two to warm it up. Go me!
Last week there was another 'noreaster, and then they had the Friday thing, plus I had to work Saturday, and blah blah blah, so I froze my membership for the week. Because I didn't want to keep only going once a week. This week they are predicting more snow for Wednesday. I hope I can still get in on Thursday - I have to work again this weekend, which will be killer. I'm only doing one day, otherwise it would be 18 days in a row, which is too much.
Anyhow, I left work a little late today and got stuck in traffic right by work. I was a little nervous that I wouldn't make it (and a little hopeful, who are we kidding?) But I got there pretty close to on time. I missed about half of the warm up, which was OK because there were burpees involved. Yuck.
For strength we worked on snatches, my least favorite lift. I lifted 35 pounds. I kind of got the lift right, but at 35 pounds, meh.
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
10 power snatches (I lifted 35 pounds)
10 box jumps
I did 4 rounds and 2 snatches
OK, gonna stop procrastinating and work on the dissertation for a little bit.
Last week there was another 'noreaster, and then they had the Friday thing, plus I had to work Saturday, and blah blah blah, so I froze my membership for the week. Because I didn't want to keep only going once a week. This week they are predicting more snow for Wednesday. I hope I can still get in on Thursday - I have to work again this weekend, which will be killer. I'm only doing one day, otherwise it would be 18 days in a row, which is too much.
Anyhow, I left work a little late today and got stuck in traffic right by work. I was a little nervous that I wouldn't make it (and a little hopeful, who are we kidding?) But I got there pretty close to on time. I missed about half of the warm up, which was OK because there were burpees involved. Yuck.
For strength we worked on snatches, my least favorite lift. I lifted 35 pounds. I kind of got the lift right, but at 35 pounds, meh.
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
10 power snatches (I lifted 35 pounds)
10 box jumps
I did 4 rounds and 2 snatches
OK, gonna stop procrastinating and work on the dissertation for a little bit.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Ski erg
We had snow last night and I had an excuse to stay on the couch and work. The parking lot wasn't plowed until almost noon! It wasn't actually that much snow, but my neighbor tried to get out and got stuck, and blocked me in. I guess there's the bus. But then how would I get to crossfit? So, I worked from home and that was that. When I went to crossfit at 4:30, there was like no traffic. I got there 20 minutes earlier than expected. I was telling coach, and he said "you pr'ed your driving record!" (PR is what we cross fitters call a Personal Record). My dean friend was there, and he said he had to cut some trees down on the way to work. Wow.
There were a lot of ski ergs today, which it turns out I don't hate! I'm definitely slow at them, but I like to pretend I'm doing that olympic thing where you ski, then stop and shoot a little target. I don't shoot things. But in my mind I stop and shoot the target.
We did power snatches today, 5 sets of 3. I started at 55 for 2 sets, but then had to go down to 50 for the last 3. I really don't know how to do power snatches.
40 calories ski erg
30 power snatches (I lifted 35 pounds)
30 calories biking
30 overhead squats
my time like 18 minutes maybe?? IDK
I really wanted to get off the bike at 20 calories and go do my squats because I was so far behind everyone. But, I decided I had to live with it. I've been tossing the idea of hiking the AT around in my head, one day, when I retire. I started following this Women's AT group, and there are people starting out now. It looks cold and miserable and easy to quit. I don't want to be one of those people who quit in Georgia. So, I can't quit at 20 calories. On the bright side, everyone was commenting on the hike "wait until you get to the White Mountains!" which is where I hike already.
There were a lot of ski ergs today, which it turns out I don't hate! I'm definitely slow at them, but I like to pretend I'm doing that olympic thing where you ski, then stop and shoot a little target. I don't shoot things. But in my mind I stop and shoot the target.
We did power snatches today, 5 sets of 3. I started at 55 for 2 sets, but then had to go down to 50 for the last 3. I really don't know how to do power snatches.
40 calories ski erg
30 power snatches (I lifted 35 pounds)
30 calories biking
30 overhead squats
my time like 18 minutes maybe?? IDK
I really wanted to get off the bike at 20 calories and go do my squats because I was so far behind everyone. But, I decided I had to live with it. I've been tossing the idea of hiking the AT around in my head, one day, when I retire. I started following this Women's AT group, and there are people starting out now. It looks cold and miserable and easy to quit. I don't want to be one of those people who quit in Georgia. So, I can't quit at 20 calories. On the bright side, everyone was commenting on the hike "wait until you get to the White Mountains!" which is where I hike already.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Another 'Noreaster coming!
The story reading went well! My sister and two friends came, no one got up and walked out, people seemed to like it, the woman who read it said she did study abroad in Spain and it reminded her of her trip, and they paid me $10! Plus a beer. It was a good night :)
Anyhow, I was going to go to crossfit yesterday, I drove there, but there was serious traffic. So, I tried a different route and got lost in Southie. That place is like 2 square miles, but so confusing! After a half hour of driving around I gave up and came home. Which meant tonight I had to go, it was a little brutal:
Warm up: in 3 minutes
400 meter run
box step ups
one minute rest
in 3 minutes
500 meter row
push ups
It's cold out and I just had a short sleeve shirt on, so I was all "I'm going to bike instead." But then I just sucked it up and ran. I was second to last, but I noticed that the person behind me had their hands in their pockets.
Long WOD of aerobic sandwich:
800 meter run (everyone else ran a mile, but I just couldn't deal with that)
4 rounds:
3 rope climbs (I made 3 attempts)
12 push ups
12 box step ups
18 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest one)
2000 meter row
my time 32 minutes
There was one other woman who only ran a half mile. She was right behind me for much of the run, and I used it as motivation to run faster. I did that thing where I imagined that I was at the Boston marathon, in first place, and all the helicopters were above me, and the press vehicle was in front of me, and the crowds were cheering... It helps. When I got back the back door was locked and I had to run around to the front, which must have taken at least 15 sec, but maybe more like 30? When I got back in the gym, the timer was at 5 min, so I ran at about a 9-9.5 min mile! But only for a half mile.
We're supposed to have a noreaster tomorrow. I'm hoping it will time itself so I can be at home, but I'm not sure that it will.
Anyhow, I was going to go to crossfit yesterday, I drove there, but there was serious traffic. So, I tried a different route and got lost in Southie. That place is like 2 square miles, but so confusing! After a half hour of driving around I gave up and came home. Which meant tonight I had to go, it was a little brutal:
Warm up: in 3 minutes
400 meter run
box step ups
one minute rest
in 3 minutes
500 meter row
push ups
It's cold out and I just had a short sleeve shirt on, so I was all "I'm going to bike instead." But then I just sucked it up and ran. I was second to last, but I noticed that the person behind me had their hands in their pockets.
Long WOD of aerobic sandwich:
800 meter run (everyone else ran a mile, but I just couldn't deal with that)
4 rounds:
3 rope climbs (I made 3 attempts)
12 push ups
12 box step ups
18 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest one)
2000 meter row
my time 32 minutes
There was one other woman who only ran a half mile. She was right behind me for much of the run, and I used it as motivation to run faster. I did that thing where I imagined that I was at the Boston marathon, in first place, and all the helicopters were above me, and the press vehicle was in front of me, and the crowds were cheering... It helps. When I got back the back door was locked and I had to run around to the front, which must have taken at least 15 sec, but maybe more like 30? When I got back in the gym, the timer was at 5 min, so I ran at about a 9-9.5 min mile! But only for a half mile.
We're supposed to have a noreaster tomorrow. I'm hoping it will time itself so I can be at home, but I'm not sure that it will.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Story day tomorrow!
Today's WOD had a bunch of lifting, jumping rope, and toes to bar (which I substituted with sit-ups in a brilliant move!). I'm pretty sure my entire body will hurt tomorrow, but it was a good workout for today. We started with a combo weight lift:
2 power cleans
2 front squats
2 shoulders to overhead
I started at 40 pounds for two rounds, but for some reason thought I was at 50 pounds. I was sad when I realized it was only 40. Then I did 45, 50, 55, 60 for two rounds, and then 65 for two rounds. 65 was really heavy! Of course, everyone else started above that. Meh.
WOD: AMRAP 12 min
10 Thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
15 sit ups
40 jumps on the jumprope
I did 4 full rounds and a 5th round of thrusters and sit ups
Tomorrow's the big reading! I found out that I get a beer ticket and money for my story! :) I don't know what they are paying me, but I'm now going to be a paid author! I'm a little psyched that I'm also being paid in beer. Cause how cool is that. I think my story will be first. I hope there will be people there, and that they will like it. And that the person who reads it will be good. And I won't be caught in awful traffic.
2 power cleans
2 front squats
2 shoulders to overhead
I started at 40 pounds for two rounds, but for some reason thought I was at 50 pounds. I was sad when I realized it was only 40. Then I did 45, 50, 55, 60 for two rounds, and then 65 for two rounds. 65 was really heavy! Of course, everyone else started above that. Meh.
WOD: AMRAP 12 min
10 Thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
15 sit ups
40 jumps on the jumprope
I did 4 full rounds and a 5th round of thrusters and sit ups
Tomorrow's the big reading! I found out that I get a beer ticket and money for my story! :) I don't know what they are paying me, but I'm now going to be a paid author! I'm a little psyched that I'm also being paid in beer. Cause how cool is that. I think my story will be first. I hope there will be people there, and that they will like it. And that the person who reads it will be good. And I won't be caught in awful traffic.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Two mile run
I got home from work late today and wanted to get a little exercise, but of course I hadn't made it to crossfit. So, I decided it was a perfect day for a run! The weather is pretty nice for February, and I'm still all motivated from the Olympics. I put on my Athleta pants, ninja hoodie, and my citgo t-shirt, and once again forgot the knee/IT band braces that I bought. One of these days I will actually wear them, and that will be helpful.
I was going to just run a mile, going up the hill and around the block, but by the time I was up the hill I decided I had done the hard part and might as well keep going. In the end it was pretty much exactly 2 miles and it took me about 23.5 minutes - I thought it took 27 minutes, but then I realized that part of that time was walking up the hill to my place in the end! So, that's an 11 min 45 sec ish mile, which is still slow, but it was a really big hill that I ran up, so that's my excuse.
I was going to just run a mile, going up the hill and around the block, but by the time I was up the hill I decided I had done the hard part and might as well keep going. In the end it was pretty much exactly 2 miles and it took me about 23.5 minutes - I thought it took 27 minutes, but then I realized that part of that time was walking up the hill to my place in the end! So, that's an 11 min 45 sec ish mile, which is still slow, but it was a really big hill that I ran up, so that's my excuse.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Story Time
I submitted a story that I wrote several years ago to grown up story hour a few weeks ago and I found out today that it was accepted and it's going to be read, IN PUBLIC, at Aeronaut Brewery!!! I'm so excited about it! And I don't even have to do the reading :) The reading will be next Wednesday, so I have a whole week to feel excited and anticipate.
Such a nice way to end a day that started so sucky. I did my presentation for admissions and it was painful. I was boring myself. They gave me some good suggestions on how to change the presentation, use the student panel, and make it more interesting. At the end, the consultant gave me a full review, and she gave me like 4 good points and then a page and a half to improve. Ouch.
Anyhow, after I went to crossfit. For strength we did front squats, and I lifted 75 pounds for 2 rounds of 3. Not bad.
WOD: 3 rounds
21 sit ups
18 deadlifts (I lifted 75 pounds)
15 box jumps (I stepped)
12 toes to bar (knees to chest)
9 push ups
my time 14:20
Last night I went to the Banff Film festival. It was so good! People in those movies are so impressive, my favorite movie this year was a skier doing freeskiing in a glacier. So incredible and peaceful looking at the same time. But they were all so good.
Such a nice way to end a day that started so sucky. I did my presentation for admissions and it was painful. I was boring myself. They gave me some good suggestions on how to change the presentation, use the student panel, and make it more interesting. At the end, the consultant gave me a full review, and she gave me like 4 good points and then a page and a half to improve. Ouch.
Anyhow, after I went to crossfit. For strength we did front squats, and I lifted 75 pounds for 2 rounds of 3. Not bad.
WOD: 3 rounds
21 sit ups
18 deadlifts (I lifted 75 pounds)
15 box jumps (I stepped)
12 toes to bar (knees to chest)
9 push ups
my time 14:20
Last night I went to the Banff Film festival. It was so good! People in those movies are so impressive, my favorite movie this year was a skier doing freeskiing in a glacier. So incredible and peaceful looking at the same time. But they were all so good.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Rock Circuit Trail
It's been ten years since I moved into my place here! That's amazing, it's hard to believe that ten years ago I was just settling into my new home. How much has changed since then, and how much hasn't.... Definitely no regrets on buying, though it was a scary idea at the time.
To celebrate President's Day and the fact that it's super nice out I decided to go for a walk on the Rock Circuit trail. I was initially going to do to the viewpoint and back, but then decided I should just go for the full loop. WTF, it's been too long since I hiked and I really need some time to be outside. I started my hike at 11:22 and got back to my car at about 3, so the entire thing took a little over 3.5 hours - it's 3.7 miles. But, it was snowy and slippery out, so that slowed me down.
It was so nice to just get out and walk, and not think about work, dissertation, finding a new job, or anything. Too much. Yeah, I need to do that more.
Next week I have to give my Welcome Day presentation to some unidentified number of peeps from Admissions, and they are going to critique it. I'm not at all excited about this. I feel like I should be working on it right now, but to be honest I'm tired of work, and want a day off!
To celebrate President's Day and the fact that it's super nice out I decided to go for a walk on the Rock Circuit trail. I was initially going to do to the viewpoint and back, but then decided I should just go for the full loop. WTF, it's been too long since I hiked and I really need some time to be outside. I started my hike at 11:22 and got back to my car at about 3, so the entire thing took a little over 3.5 hours - it's 3.7 miles. But, it was snowy and slippery out, so that slowed me down.
It was so nice to just get out and walk, and not think about work, dissertation, finding a new job, or anything. Too much. Yeah, I need to do that more.
Next week I have to give my Welcome Day presentation to some unidentified number of peeps from Admissions, and they are going to critique it. I'm not at all excited about this. I feel like I should be working on it right now, but to be honest I'm tired of work, and want a day off!
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Partner WOD
I usually hate partner WODs, and this one required 50 burpees, so I seriously considered not going, but then I got off my lazy butt and went. I was glad because I wound up with a partner who felt exactly like I do! We used the same size kettle bells, and both hate burpees. Yay!
100 jumps on the jump rope
50 calorie rowing
50 kettle bell swings
50 burpees
50 squats holding the kettle bell
No memory of my time, but about 20 minutes total.
I went shopping for work clothes with a friend on Wed. It's totally the way for me to go, she has much better taste than me, and I didn't buy things that look like a burlap sack.
I'm meant to be working on the dissertation, but I can't stop watching the olympics. Dissertation is now on page 10. It's going sooo slow.
100 jumps on the jump rope
50 calorie rowing
50 kettle bell swings
50 burpees
50 squats holding the kettle bell
No memory of my time, but about 20 minutes total.
I went shopping for work clothes with a friend on Wed. It's totally the way for me to go, she has much better taste than me, and I didn't buy things that look like a burlap sack.
I'm meant to be working on the dissertation, but I can't stop watching the olympics. Dissertation is now on page 10. It's going sooo slow.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Two workouts
Forgot to blog last week, and then went to crossfit today. Honestly, I don't remember my time from last week, whatever, it's good to note I went.
Today was full of things that I don't love and I really really didn't want to go, but tomorrow I'm going climbing and Thursday I'm going shopping and Friday I'm going for drinks, so I had to go! Plus, yesterday I did nothing for exercise. I left work late and there was traffic, and I was making all kinds of excuses for how I could skip it, but then I just went and it was fine.
We started with back squats for strength. A lot of reps:
I started at 55 pounds and added 5 for each round. For the 2 squats I went up 10 pounds and did 80 pounds. My legs are going to be killing me tomorrow.
WOD: 3 rounds
40 kettle bell swings (I used the smallest one)
30 wall balls (I used the lightest one)
20 pull ups (I used bands)
My time: 19:18
Today I talked with a faculty member about trips that she leads with PT students. It was super helpful and she sent me some good sources and links to articles that she wrote. Now, I just have to read them.
But, I have olympic fever! I love the winter olympics - they have half pipe going right now. The skiers are so amazing, and make me so nervous. They've been showing some of the athletes working out to prepare, and it's a lot of crossfit like exercise. It's actually pretty motivating. I want to be like them, even if it means 90 wall balls.
Today was full of things that I don't love and I really really didn't want to go, but tomorrow I'm going climbing and Thursday I'm going shopping and Friday I'm going for drinks, so I had to go! Plus, yesterday I did nothing for exercise. I left work late and there was traffic, and I was making all kinds of excuses for how I could skip it, but then I just went and it was fine.
We started with back squats for strength. A lot of reps:
I started at 55 pounds and added 5 for each round. For the 2 squats I went up 10 pounds and did 80 pounds. My legs are going to be killing me tomorrow.
WOD: 3 rounds
40 kettle bell swings (I used the smallest one)
30 wall balls (I used the lightest one)
20 pull ups (I used bands)
My time: 19:18
Today I talked with a faculty member about trips that she leads with PT students. It was super helpful and she sent me some good sources and links to articles that she wrote. Now, I just have to read them.
But, I have olympic fever! I love the winter olympics - they have half pipe going right now. The skiers are so amazing, and make me so nervous. They've been showing some of the athletes working out to prepare, and it's a lot of crossfit like exercise. It's actually pretty motivating. I want to be like them, even if it means 90 wall balls.
Monday, February 5, 2018
One down and it's Monday!
Today's WOD was all things I can do, jumping rope, deadlifts, push presses and push jerks and such, so I really wanted to go, even though I usually don't go on Mondays. I packed my bag super late last night and when I got to crossfit I realized I forgot to put in a sports bra! First time for that, and of course there was all that jumping around. I thought about leaving, but I was there and figured WTF, the girls would just bounce.
We started with strength:
7 rounds of 1 strict press, 3 push presses and 5 push jerks. I started with 40 pounds for a warm up (which brought me to 8 rounds) and realized that this was a little too much. But then it was too late to remove weight, so I did 2 rounds at 40 pounds. Then 5 rounds at 35 pounds. Then another 2 rounds at 40 pounds, because I apparently can't count to 8. It was actually a little embarrassing because I thought we had one last round and was almost done, when I realized I was the only one lifting. Ooops.
WOD: 8 min ascending AMRAP
4 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
20 jumps with the jump rope
8 deadlifts
40 jumps
12 deadlifts
60 jumps
16 deadlifts
80 jumps
Instead of 16 deadlifts I did 10 because it was getting heavy and my back was starting to hurt. Still, that's 34 deadlifts at 95 pounds. That's OK.
This morning at work while reconciling my credit card purchases I realized that I accidentally used my business amex card to purchase an overpriced tank from Lululemon instead of an amex gift card that someone gave me. Awesome, way to impress the new boss.
I am becoming a real flake.
We started with strength:
7 rounds of 1 strict press, 3 push presses and 5 push jerks. I started with 40 pounds for a warm up (which brought me to 8 rounds) and realized that this was a little too much. But then it was too late to remove weight, so I did 2 rounds at 40 pounds. Then 5 rounds at 35 pounds. Then another 2 rounds at 40 pounds, because I apparently can't count to 8. It was actually a little embarrassing because I thought we had one last round and was almost done, when I realized I was the only one lifting. Ooops.
WOD: 8 min ascending AMRAP
4 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
20 jumps with the jump rope
8 deadlifts
40 jumps
12 deadlifts
60 jumps
16 deadlifts
80 jumps
Instead of 16 deadlifts I did 10 because it was getting heavy and my back was starting to hurt. Still, that's 34 deadlifts at 95 pounds. That's OK.
This morning at work while reconciling my credit card purchases I realized that I accidentally used my business amex card to purchase an overpriced tank from Lululemon instead of an amex gift card that someone gave me. Awesome, way to impress the new boss.
I am becoming a real flake.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Forgot to Blog!
Yesterday. WOD. Killer.
3 rounds. 1 minute on, 30 sec rest.
Ski Erg 8/9/9
Wall balls 20/21/20
Jumping rope 128/110/130
rowing 10/11/11
burpee db lift 8/8/8
bike 9/10/10
pull ups 12/12/12
You think "I can do anything for a minute." It's just that there are 21 of them. When I finished, I wanted to throw up.
Today is Superbowl Sunday. I'm at Diesel, working on my dissertation (OK, I will work on it, I swear). The place is full. WTF hipsters??
3 rounds. 1 minute on, 30 sec rest.
Ski Erg 8/9/9
Wall balls 20/21/20
Jumping rope 128/110/130
rowing 10/11/11
burpee db lift 8/8/8
bike 9/10/10
pull ups 12/12/12
You think "I can do anything for a minute." It's just that there are 21 of them. When I finished, I wanted to throw up.
Today is Superbowl Sunday. I'm at Diesel, working on my dissertation (OK, I will work on it, I swear). The place is full. WTF hipsters??
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
things I can't do
I'm meant to be working on the dissertation, which is now on page 4, but I think it's all kind of crap. But I have to blog. Today's workout was a long one, with lots of things I can't really do. I thought about not going, but it's Wednesday, and I don't know if I can go tomorrow, so I figured I better get with the program.
Ring rows (meant to be chest to bar pull ups, but let's get real)
kettle bell swings (I used the smallest one)
box jumps (I stepped, just jumped like 5 times)
push ups (I used a band)
stationary biking (I really did this!)
my time 19 minutes 41 sec
Yesterday after work I went to a talk on public health. It was interesting and a little scary. All about pandemics and the flu and such. Yikes! I wanted to network after because there was food and networking time, but it was making me so anxious I didn't think I would be able to. I decided that I would give myself credit for going and listening, and maybe next time I will network. But I do want to go to more things...
Ring rows (meant to be chest to bar pull ups, but let's get real)
kettle bell swings (I used the smallest one)
box jumps (I stepped, just jumped like 5 times)
push ups (I used a band)
stationary biking (I really did this!)
my time 19 minutes 41 sec
Yesterday after work I went to a talk on public health. It was interesting and a little scary. All about pandemics and the flu and such. Yikes! I wanted to network after because there was food and networking time, but it was making me so anxious I didn't think I would be able to. I decided that I would give myself credit for going and listening, and maybe next time I will network. But I do want to go to more things...
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Long WOD
After Tuesday's WOD I was in so much pain! It's hard going back after a long break. Today it was hard again - the flu is going around and it's pretty bad this year, I was thinking I must be coming down with it, then I realized that no, it was just the WOD. And I took some Advil and a nap.
WOD: 2 rounds
in 4 minutes:
row 500 meters
75 jumps on the jump rope
remainder overhead squats (I did 35 pounds 10 times then 8)
rest 1 minute
in 4 minutes
bike 7 calories or ski urg 500 meters (I biked first then skied)
75 jumps on the jump rope
kettlebell swings (I used the smallest kettle bell and did 20 swings the first time and 8 the second)
rest 1 minute
in 4 minutes
run 400 meters
75 jumps on the jump rope
thrusters (35 pounds, 10 times then zero)
rest 1 minute
I'd never really done ski urg, except once to try it, and it took me a little while to figure it out at all. I skied for longer than the other things and ran out of time with just ski and jumping rope, and didn't get to swing my kettle bells, so I swung on the last round and did just one of thrusters. Because my thruster muscles are still sore.
I'm thinking about going to the U4S conference in April. It's kind of expensive, though less than spending a weekend at Kripalu with Yang Yang. It would be a good way to learn about things that might be interesting to me, and to network. And, to make contacts for my dissertation. Because LB says I should do that with my dissertation, and she's so right! There's a little mini conference at my school in February that I definitely want to go to.
WOD: 2 rounds
in 4 minutes:
row 500 meters
75 jumps on the jump rope
remainder overhead squats (I did 35 pounds 10 times then 8)
rest 1 minute
in 4 minutes
bike 7 calories or ski urg 500 meters (I biked first then skied)
75 jumps on the jump rope
kettlebell swings (I used the smallest kettle bell and did 20 swings the first time and 8 the second)
rest 1 minute
in 4 minutes
run 400 meters
75 jumps on the jump rope
thrusters (35 pounds, 10 times then zero)
rest 1 minute
I'd never really done ski urg, except once to try it, and it took me a little while to figure it out at all. I skied for longer than the other things and ran out of time with just ski and jumping rope, and didn't get to swing my kettle bells, so I swung on the last round and did just one of thrusters. Because my thruster muscles are still sore.
I'm thinking about going to the U4S conference in April. It's kind of expensive, though less than spending a weekend at Kripalu with Yang Yang. It would be a good way to learn about things that might be interesting to me, and to network. And, to make contacts for my dissertation. Because LB says I should do that with my dissertation, and she's so right! There's a little mini conference at my school in February that I definitely want to go to.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Today was killer at crossfit, lots of rowing and squatting. In theory I like rowing, but man was it exhausting. It was one of those double WOD days, which are a little sad (but happy because no burpees):
WOD 1: 10 rounds
9 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
35 jumps on the jump rope
my time, 16:51
WOD 2:
40 calorie row
50 kettle bell swings (I used the smallest)
40 calorie row
50 squats
my time 13:40
During the second set of rowing I kind of wanted to throw up a little. But I didn't.
Tomorrow at work we have an ice cream social, and I decided to do something fun and medically related, so we're having a suture clinic and dental practice session. I bought a bunch of bananas and sewing needles and dental floss and we're going to give the bananas flesh wounds and sew them up. I hope the students like it because I spent a lot of money on bananas. I also bought sidewalk chalk that we're going to carve into dice. We did that at a conference once an I had fun. My dice was a little lopsided.
WOD 1: 10 rounds
9 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
35 jumps on the jump rope
my time, 16:51
WOD 2:
40 calorie row
50 kettle bell swings (I used the smallest)
40 calorie row
50 squats
my time 13:40
During the second set of rowing I kind of wanted to throw up a little. But I didn't.
Tomorrow at work we have an ice cream social, and I decided to do something fun and medically related, so we're having a suture clinic and dental practice session. I bought a bunch of bananas and sewing needles and dental floss and we're going to give the bananas flesh wounds and sew them up. I hope the students like it because I spent a lot of money on bananas. I also bought sidewalk chalk that we're going to carve into dice. We did that at a conference once an I had fun. My dice was a little lopsided.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
IT band band only works if you wear it
I did the two mile running loop again, I'm trying to get back into exercise but of course it's hard. I left home thinking that I might extend the two miles to my full 5K, but by the time I was a half mile I decided that wasn't going to happen. It was killer running, and I realized that although I bought a support for my IT band I didn't put it on. So, my right leg was killing me! According to my fitbit stats I ran for 22 min and 23 seconds which is about an 11 min 11 sec mile. So, getting a little bit faster maybe? Or not, hard to know.
Anyhow, it's a beautiful day outside today, like 50 degrees and sunny, so I definitely wanted to at least get a little bit of a run in. I may have to work gradually at extending the length. Maybe trying to go once a week? And being a little more choosy with crossfit (which is something that you aren't meant to do, but whatever).
I'm trying to make my dissertation more interesting. I remembered a short essay I wrote about my study abroad years ago, which I actually liked, but never did anything with. I tried putting that in as my positionality statement, but I don't think it worked. Then I submitted it to Grown up Story Time at Aeronaut Brewery. It would be so awesome if it was accepted, but I will try not to get my hopes up too much, and not to check my email every 15 min. And, will try to write my interesting dissertation. Which is not this blog. OK.
Anyhow, it's a beautiful day outside today, like 50 degrees and sunny, so I definitely wanted to at least get a little bit of a run in. I may have to work gradually at extending the length. Maybe trying to go once a week? And being a little more choosy with crossfit (which is something that you aren't meant to do, but whatever).
I'm trying to make my dissertation more interesting. I remembered a short essay I wrote about my study abroad years ago, which I actually liked, but never did anything with. I tried putting that in as my positionality statement, but I don't think it worked. Then I submitted it to Grown up Story Time at Aeronaut Brewery. It would be so awesome if it was accepted, but I will try not to get my hopes up too much, and not to check my email every 15 min. And, will try to write my interesting dissertation. Which is not this blog. OK.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Back to Crossfit
Today was the day, no more excuses, I had to do it. The WOD was all rowing, deadlifts and box jumps (I did steps), all things I can do and don't bother my finger (which is really mostly better anyhow). I was thinking about wimping out, but I made myself go, and I'm glad I did. It felt good to be pushing myself again.
There were three EMOM workouts:
First was two rounds each of rowing, lateral up and over the box and good mornings.
Second was five rounds each of deadlifts and step ups.
Third was six rounds of rowing, step ups and power snatches.
In total I rowed 80 calories, did 120 step ups on the box, deadlifted 100 pounds 25 times, and did 42 power snatches at 35 pounds. Not bad for the first day back. I think I will be sore tomorrow.
I talked to my dissertation advisor yesterday and she thinks I should rewrite my first chapter that I started, but this time make it interesting. I laughed really hard when she said that because she's right that it's really boring and because I wasn't aware that I was allowed to make it interesting. This will make it more fun.
There were three EMOM workouts:
First was two rounds each of rowing, lateral up and over the box and good mornings.
Second was five rounds each of deadlifts and step ups.
Third was six rounds of rowing, step ups and power snatches.
In total I rowed 80 calories, did 120 step ups on the box, deadlifted 100 pounds 25 times, and did 42 power snatches at 35 pounds. Not bad for the first day back. I think I will be sore tomorrow.
I talked to my dissertation advisor yesterday and she thinks I should rewrite my first chapter that I started, but this time make it interesting. I laughed really hard when she said that because she's right that it's really boring and because I wasn't aware that I was allowed to make it interesting. This will make it more fun.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Middlesex Fells
Yesterday I did a little weight lifting at the climbing gym, not like a full crossfit class worth, but I felt good about it. I did 5 rounds of 3 of back squats at 75 pounds then 2 rounds of 5 presses at 45 pounds and 2 rounds of 5 push presses at 45 pounds. It felt good to lift again! I was thinking I would go back to crossfit today, but then of course I didn't.
Instead, I went for a walk in the fells. At first I was going to drive up to NH and hike Mt. Tecumseh and butt sled down. I'm glad I got over that idea because it was COLD out! I mean, really cold. I walked in the fells on the Crossfells trail for 15 minutes out and 15 minutes back and called it a day. My legs and butt were numb! NH would have been colder and I would have been sad to drive all that way again, like on the failed Cannon day, and then turn around and come back.
I realize that I haven't mentioned that I am now working on my dissertation! There's a sentence I never thought I would write. I totally lucked out and got the best advisor, so that was a piece of awesome news this year. My advisor's a really positive and supportive person, and she thinks I can get through the dissertation in a year and a half. Bring it! Or, Dracarys!
Instead, I went for a walk in the fells. At first I was going to drive up to NH and hike Mt. Tecumseh and butt sled down. I'm glad I got over that idea because it was COLD out! I mean, really cold. I walked in the fells on the Crossfells trail for 15 minutes out and 15 minutes back and called it a day. My legs and butt were numb! NH would have been colder and I would have been sad to drive all that way again, like on the failed Cannon day, and then turn around and come back.
I realize that I haven't mentioned that I am now working on my dissertation! There's a sentence I never thought I would write. I totally lucked out and got the best advisor, so that was a piece of awesome news this year. My advisor's a really positive and supportive person, and she thinks I can get through the dissertation in a year and a half. Bring it! Or, Dracarys!
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Ran 2 Miles!
Still waiting for my finger to heal completely. It doesn't bend as well as the other ones, and the tip is numb. It still looks swollen. It's been a week and a half, why isn't it better? Given the finger, I decided to put off the return to crossfit, I'm not sure how I would do at some of the moves that require grabbing bars and dropping to the floor and such.
Today it's actually not so bad out, so I decided to go for a run! I did a modification of my regular 5K route because I don't think I'm ready for 5K yet. I ran 2 miles though! I turned back at the bike path instead of going on up the hill to the next street. It took me 23 minutes, so a little over an 11.5 minute mile - not breaking any speed records, that's for sure. But, whatever. I ran the entire time except when I had to stop at one street crossing for traffic, but that was totally legit. My IT band was pretty sore, and I think I got rid of my thingies I had for them, so I need to get new ones.
It was surprisingly nice being outside running again! I forgot how much I liked being a part of the city in that way.
Yesterday I got to visit Tufts Vet School and learn about their program. At the end we got a tour of the school. They have what's called a fistulated cow, which is a cow with a hole that goes to it's first stomach that allows the vets to gather good bacteria to transplant to sick cows. Wow. That's crazy! I also was able to buy a dozen farm fresh eggs!! I cooked some for breakfast today and they cooked differently than eggs I buy in the store. I don't know if that's got to do with the processing of the eggs or the age?
Today it's actually not so bad out, so I decided to go for a run! I did a modification of my regular 5K route because I don't think I'm ready for 5K yet. I ran 2 miles though! I turned back at the bike path instead of going on up the hill to the next street. It took me 23 minutes, so a little over an 11.5 minute mile - not breaking any speed records, that's for sure. But, whatever. I ran the entire time except when I had to stop at one street crossing for traffic, but that was totally legit. My IT band was pretty sore, and I think I got rid of my thingies I had for them, so I need to get new ones.
It was surprisingly nice being outside running again! I forgot how much I liked being a part of the city in that way.
Yesterday I got to visit Tufts Vet School and learn about their program. At the end we got a tour of the school. They have what's called a fistulated cow, which is a cow with a hole that goes to it's first stomach that allows the vets to gather good bacteria to transplant to sick cows. Wow. That's crazy! I also was able to buy a dozen farm fresh eggs!! I cooked some for breakfast today and they cooked differently than eggs I buy in the store. I don't know if that's got to do with the processing of the eggs or the age?
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Happy New Year!
So things at work finally settled down. They decided to offer me the position of Interim Director! (After first offering it to my former vile boss, which sort of put me over the edge for a bit. Thankfully the woman turned it down. Though things were dicy.) January 2 was my first day as Interim Director, the new advisor started January 3.
Well, being me, on January 2, I was looking at the new advisor's desk and puzzling at how old it was - there was this one drawer that when I opened it had what looked like a typewriter table, like what they would have in Mad Men! I was like, "no way, this isn't a typewriter desk!" and pulled on it. The spring released like a bat out of hell, came flying out, and caught my right ring finger, squishing it, fracturing the bone, and destroying the nail. There was all this blood, and I almost passed out. I went back to my office suite and freaked out the other people who were in that day, and eventually went to the local urgent care for some glue and X-rays. So yeah, Day 1 in charge, broke a finger and nearly passed out. I guess it can only improve?
I was going to go back to Crossfit on Jan 2, but I broke my finger. Jan 3 went OK (I confess I was kind of nerded out when the new advisor called me her supervisor). Then, Jan 4 there was a blizzard followed by record breaking cold (colder on Mt. Washington than Mars!)
OK, finally to the exercise! Today I could no longer stand it and went climbing. It was tough given the broken finger, I climbed easy routes poorly. After climbing I ran a mile on the treadmill. I've been such a slug for like a month, it was killer! I ran a 13 min mile and my IT band hurt after. But, I did it! After I went to the weight room and did some squats and deadlifts to see if I could. Squats = OK, Deadlifts = harder with the finger. Will head back to crossfit sometime next week, not sure how much longer I will give the finger to heal.
Well, being me, on January 2, I was looking at the new advisor's desk and puzzling at how old it was - there was this one drawer that when I opened it had what looked like a typewriter table, like what they would have in Mad Men! I was like, "no way, this isn't a typewriter desk!" and pulled on it. The spring released like a bat out of hell, came flying out, and caught my right ring finger, squishing it, fracturing the bone, and destroying the nail. There was all this blood, and I almost passed out. I went back to my office suite and freaked out the other people who were in that day, and eventually went to the local urgent care for some glue and X-rays. So yeah, Day 1 in charge, broke a finger and nearly passed out. I guess it can only improve?
I was going to go back to Crossfit on Jan 2, but I broke my finger. Jan 3 went OK (I confess I was kind of nerded out when the new advisor called me her supervisor). Then, Jan 4 there was a blizzard followed by record breaking cold (colder on Mt. Washington than Mars!)
OK, finally to the exercise! Today I could no longer stand it and went climbing. It was tough given the broken finger, I climbed easy routes poorly. After climbing I ran a mile on the treadmill. I've been such a slug for like a month, it was killer! I ran a 13 min mile and my IT band hurt after. But, I did it! After I went to the weight room and did some squats and deadlifts to see if I could. Squats = OK, Deadlifts = harder with the finger. Will head back to crossfit sometime next week, not sure how much longer I will give the finger to heal.
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