Monday, February 5, 2018

One down and it's Monday!

Today's WOD was all things I can do, jumping rope, deadlifts, push presses and push jerks and such, so I really wanted to go, even though I usually don't go on Mondays. I packed my bag super late last night and when I got to crossfit I realized I forgot to put in a sports bra!  First time for that, and of course there was all that jumping around.  I thought about leaving, but I was there and figured WTF, the girls would just bounce.

We started with strength:
7 rounds of 1 strict press, 3 push presses and 5 push jerks. I started with 40 pounds for a warm up (which brought me to 8 rounds) and realized that this was a little too much. But then it was too late to remove weight, so I did 2 rounds at 40 pounds. Then 5 rounds at 35 pounds. Then another 2 rounds at 40 pounds, because I apparently can't count to 8.  It was actually a little embarrassing because I thought we had one last round and was almost done, when I realized I was the only one lifting.  Ooops.

WOD:  8 min ascending AMRAP
4 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
20 jumps with the jump rope
8 deadlifts
40 jumps
12 deadlifts
60 jumps
16 deadlifts
80 jumps

Instead of 16 deadlifts I did 10 because it was getting heavy and my back was starting to hurt. Still, that's 34 deadlifts at 95 pounds. That's OK.

This morning at work while reconciling my credit card purchases I realized that I accidentally used my business amex card to purchase an overpriced tank from Lululemon instead of an amex gift card that someone gave me. Awesome, way to impress the new boss.

I am becoming a real flake.

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