Thursday, April 12, 2018


This weekend I'm going to a conference that I paid for myself and I'm going to try to network!  I hope it doesn't totally suck. But, I have to do some job searching, and I have to do it now.

Crossfit today was a lot of rowing, which of course I like. But, we rowed 3000 meters, which is pretty far!  1600 is a mile, so almost 2 miles. We also did ring dips, which I can't do, but I learned that if I have a band holding the rings together, I can jump up and hold myself up on the rings. Small steps.

WOD: 5 rounds
500 meter row
5 pull ups (I used bands)
10 push ups (I used bands)
20 sit ups
my time 25 minutes, 38 seconds

I'm working on the IRB paperwork for my dissertation. I hope this year of crazy hard work pays off with something good. I think it will.

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