Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Today was killer at crossfit, lots of rowing and squatting. In theory I like rowing, but man was it exhausting. It was one of those double WOD days, which are a little sad (but happy because no burpees):

WOD 1: 10 rounds
9 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
35 jumps on the jump rope
my time, 16:51

WOD 2:
40 calorie row
50 kettle bell swings (I used the smallest)
40 calorie row
50 squats
my time 13:40

During the second set of rowing I kind of wanted to throw up a little. But I didn't.

Tomorrow at work we have an ice cream social, and I decided to do something fun and medically related, so we're having a suture clinic and dental practice session. I bought a bunch of bananas and sewing needles and dental floss and we're going to give the bananas flesh wounds and sew them up. I hope the students like it because I spent a lot of money on bananas. I also bought sidewalk chalk that we're going to carve into dice.  We did that at a conference once an I had fun.  My dice was a little lopsided.

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