Saturday, December 20, 2014


IDK what it is with me and December, but once again I had a mega migraine/sinus infection and so haven't been exercising enough.  I finally went to the doctor about my sinuses, and while I was there she looked at my ankle.  She said it was my achilles tendon, which was my first theory, and that I should rest and put ice on it, and she showed me a stretch.  And said wait another couple of weeks to start running again.  So, I will just be doing stadiums and the elliptical until next year.  Blah.  I hope that when I go back to running I can still do it - this has been my longest break from it so far!

The doctor did give me an antibiotic for the sinuses, so I'm feeling a lot better!  (She actually didn't look at all convinced that it was bacterial, so maybe it's just the placebo affect, but I'm cool with that.)  So, today I headed off to Harvard.

They have some giant silver bubble structure inflated on the field in the stadium, which was weird.  And there was this chick there who was sprinting up the steps and bouncing down them.  Crazy!  She was with this guy who was dragging himself up a few of the rows, but mostly just watching.  And there was a couple who was walking the steps, but pretty fast = way faster than me.

I did manage to get to 16, which is 496 giant steps!  At the end of 16 my legs were like spaghetti, and the left eye was a tiny bit spotty.  There are 37 sections in total, I was thinking of setting my next goal as the half way point, but 18.5 might be pushing it.  On the other hand, I've just been sitting on the couch for the last couple weeks, so maybe if I exercised during the week a little....

Sunday, December 7, 2014


It is easier to do running and stadiums in the same weekend (easier than to run twice, that is), they're different muscle groups.  Anyhow, today I went to yoga and climbing at Brooklyn Boulders.  After I was trying to decide if I should go to Harvard Stadium; I was a little tired, but there's a Nor'Easter coming, and there's no way I'm dedicated enough to "run" steps in that weather.  So, I decided to haul my butt over there.

It was freezing out!  Happily I remembered I had seen my running gloves, the ones with the special fabric for wiping the snot off my nose, in the trunk of my car.  Which was a good thing because my nose was running and, I'm not gonna lie, I used the special snot fabric.  I went back to section 1 this time, with the goal of getting in 15.  Around section 4 I was nervous that I wasn't going to get to even section 8.  But I kept with it.  At section 7 I was thinking I might be done at 8, which I could live with since I had done yoga and climbing, but I pushed it a little further.

Then I was watching someone else, and I started to think about their technique, and mine.  I was doing the steps as if I was going up steps, but they aren't normal steps, they're like 2 feet high and 2 feet deep, which requires not normal walking.  So, I modified what I was doing to be a little more like in yoga, when you go from down dog, lift your knee up, and only after your knee is up swing your foot forward to lunge. It's a lot more core and gluts, instead of just thigh.  Turns out that makes a HUGE difference!  With that modification I was able to get up the first 20 or so steps of each row without too much difficulty, leaving the last 11 steps of each row for me to drag my sorry body up in declining form.  Way better.  And, I bet way better overall exercise.  At 13 I was thinking I could stop at 1/3 of the way up the next row, and just have it be the same as last time.  But then of course I couldn't do that, I was like, "I can finish this row!"  And once I had finished, I figured it was just 62 steps to my goal, and I wasn't seeing spots or anything, so I might as well do it.  And I did!

Goal for next time = 16 (double the first time.)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Back on the treadmill again

Whatever the foot/ankle deal is, it's feeling better-ish. It's rainy and totally nasty out, so I decided to hit the gym today.  I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, started slowly at 5 miles per hour, then at 5 minutes it was feeling ok so I bumped it up to a 10 min 30 sec mile, and just kept it there for the rest of the time.  My left ankle and right knee protested a little about returning to running, but they seem fine now.  The run itself was quite dull.  Really the thing that's most distracting is trying (unsuccessfully) to find something good to watch on TV.

I did get my climbing shoes back from being resoled!  I got new ones about 3 months ago, and haven't been wearing my comfy-old-smellies.  Going climbing tomorrow, really excited to have them back!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

13 1/3

I got 1/3 of the way through Harvard Stadium today!  Awesome!  Then I came home and at an entire frozen pizza.  Just want to be sure there's no weight loss from that apparently.  I got to the stadium and, even though it was a nice day, decided to go to the sunny side, which was section 37.  There's a metal ramp over some of the steps there, and for a moment or two I thought about running fewer steps, and was all "I'm going to start on this side from now on." But then I started to feel like I wouldn't be as happy with the workout, so I did an extra 10 steps to make up for it - I think I'll just start in section 1 in the future.  I was a little worried at section 30 when my legs were feeling like spaghetti that I wouldn't be able to top my last attempt, but then I pushed it to 28.  Then at 28 I was like, "it's 3 more.  You can do 3 more!"  After section 25 I threw in an extra 10 steps, because it's 37 sections.  I was there for almost 27 minutes, moving for most of the time, though I paused at the bottom of the sections to glare at the number at the top.  Next time, gonna try for at least 15!  Or, here's a crazy thought, maybe I'll actually run some of them :O

My foot is still sore, I've decided that maybe it's plantar faciatis, and I need to stretch it and do some PT (home PT that is.)  So, still no running.  I did spend an hour on the elliptical on Wednesday, which was beyond boring.

Yesterday I went for a hike in the Middlesex Fells and didn't get lost or see any naked people!  I started on the Skyline Trail, but then switched to the Reservoir Trail - I started a little late and didn't want to be there after dark.  All and all I went about 5 1/2 miles in about 3 hours.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


I was telling my friend Kerry about my step running experience, and she said something about "just thinking about running stadiums in my mind is hard core."  Of course, all I got from that was "oh, they're called Stadiums, huh?"  She does Crossfit, so she knows.  So, I'm going with Stadiums from now on.

Yesterday I tried to go back to Harvard to run more Stadiums, but it turned out it was the Harvard/Yale game.  Which is like The Biggest Game in Harvard's year.  I think they host every other year, so odds of me trying to go there right as the game was letting out are pretty small.  I actually was a little relieved to beat the odds :)  So, I went back today.  I tried pacing myself a little better, and I got 10 sections in 18 min before I decided to call it quits.  I actually probably could have done one or two more, but I wanted to go downtown and try on some stuff at Patagonia, and I didn't think I would be up for walking if I did more.  And, I felt that adding two was a good accomplishment!  I'm not gonna lie, I was a little tired by the end.  I was standing at the bottom of 7, looking at the number up top like "7, you're mine." Cheezy but effective.

To be clear, I walked all but about two steps.  I ran a couple and was like "that's hard.  Something to work towards."

Then I went to Boston where my Magic Parking Karma somehow failed me.  In the end I parked in the Common Garage and walked to Patagonia.  They have this Base Layer that my friends Greta and Eric have that they love, and I want one.  After trying it on, I want it more!  I finished at Patagonia and decided that I really wanted to just be back at my car, so I ran up Comm Ave.  It was a little less than a mile, I have no idea how long it took.  My tendon is still sore, so that was a good distance, with the Stadiums.  I did do the elliptical last week, which was low impact on the tendon and incredibly dull.  I really hope the tendon gets better.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

"Running Steps" at Harvard Stadium

I decided to try the ultimate stair master - running steps at Harvard Stadium!  I put it in quotes because I actually walked, and I only walked sections 1-8, there are 37.  But by the end of eight my legs were so jello like that I wasn't sure that I would be able to walk down, and I was seeing spots out of the corner of my left eye, so I decided that it didn't count as quitting to stop, more as "setting a baseline."  When I started running I wasn't sure that I would be able to run a full 30 minutes, and now I can do a 10K without it killing me, so perhaps the same is true for steps?

The nice thing about "running steps" was that it only took 15 minutes, less time than an actual run.  So, it's something I could do on the way home from work.  Also, my Achilles' Tendon has been sore, and this seemed lower impact than regular running.  I mean, for the people who were actually running the things it looked like amazing and kind of high impact exercise, but that's a little while off for me.

I think this would be really good Machu Pichhu prep.  Also, it should help with the size of my thighs (which are much larger than I like).  I know this is a running blog, but I've decided that since the steps are so crazy hard and aerobic, they can count as a part as well.  My blog, my rules :)

The ultimate in humblingness of the experience was there was an adaptive soccer game on the field, and there was someone there in a wheelchair who had no legs but was playing soccer.  Made me feel like a huge woos for quitting at section 8, but I'll be back!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Trail Run

It's a perfect day out for Veteran's Day, so I decided a trail run was in order.  Seemed like a good way to start Running Year Three, and a good Machu Picchu training idea for next summer.  I went to the Middlesex Fells, determined not to get lost.  Well, I sort of didn't get lost, though I don't totally know where I was.  I had my Fitbit on, and it thinks I went about 5 miles in total, though I only ran for the first 35 minutes, then I walked on the Skyline Trail (so I could enjoy it a little more).  I did manage to find my way around for the most part, and I didn't run into anyone who was naked, or peeing while holding a cigarette (I will charitably assume that's what I ran into before).  I only asked for directions twice.  I have absolutely no idea how far I ran - I tried to figure it out on Map My Run, and really couldn't.

Trail running was not bad.  It's easier on a wider trail.  The downhills are hardest, especially with the leaves on the ground.  There's a trail running class through Meetup that I may try, the guy who leads it works at LL Bean, so it's really a Bean trail running class.

This year has been an awesome fall foliage year.  So nice!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Early Runaversary

The new running tights and sports bras came today (exciting!) AND I ate three slices of pizza for lunch. Plus on Friday I want to go climbing with a meet-up group, and I learned the hard way that work + running + climbing = too much.  So, I decided to celebrate my 3rd runaversary a few days early.  I feel a little funny about it, but it's not like I'm not running or that running knows that I'm cheating on it or would care if it did.  In fact, it's extra hard core, because I ran two days in a row!

I wore my new running tights, sports bra, my reversible Athleta top with the thumb holes, my new running shoes, and my new florescent running vest because it was dark.  I also had my iPod shuffle and my running watch.  Holy crap I've spent a lot of money in the last two years!  I hope running appreciates it, but I'm suspicious it would be perfectly happy with Target sweats and a tshirt.

I told myself that because it was two days in a row I could just do an easy, short route from home.  But then once I was going I did my regular 5K.  I actually did it pretty fast for me, 31 min and 7 sec, but I did have to wait a few seconds to cross the street at one point.  That's a 10 minute 6 second mile!  Go me!!  To think two years ago I could run for only 2 minutes at a time, and I thought 3 minutes might kill me.  I can't believe I will be headed into year three, still running.

I'm really happy that I did manage to meet all my one year runaversary goals!  I ran two 5K's and a 10K.  Although I do seem to have spent a lot of money on cute running clothes, I have balanced it out by remaining a member of Planet Fitness (now Assembly Sports Club which = more florescent Planet Fitness) which is free with my health insurance.  I'm definitely going to try to do the Tufts 10K again because it was pretty great.  I'd also like to do the Ras na hEireann again in March since I've done it for two years in a row.  My one goal for this year is to run with one of the Somerville running clubs, at least 5 times.  I have wanted to do that, but I'm too chicken shit.  Now it's in writing, I'm gonna have to do it.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Machu Picchu

I'm officially planning a trip to Machu Picchu for the first week of August, followed by a visit to the Amazon in Peru.  Details are still not clear at all, but I'm pretty psyched about the idea!  There's a park in Peru what you take a 10 hour bus/car ride then a 6/7 hour boat ride to get to that sounds amazing.  I really want to go.  It also sounds expensive.  So, not sure.  The plan is definitely to trek the Inca Trail, which will keep me moving and in shape.  It doesn't look easy.

Today I wound up at the gym.  Actually I literally wound up there.  Apparently I put myself on autopilot, didn't want to run outside in the dark.  To make it more interesting, I did sprints.  I started with 5 min warm up, then did 2 minutes a 6 mph, then 5.7 for a minute, then 6.1 for 2 minutes, 5.7 for one minute, etc, such that I did 10 min at or over 10 min mile.  Then I still had 10 minutes left, so I decided to do a minute slow, a minute fast and get in another 5 minutes of fast.  All together half of my 15 minute run was at or above 10 min mile!  It felt good, except that my right calf hurt a little.

Runaversary is Friday!  Should have my new sports bra and tights by then!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


I was working a little late today and of course now that it's fall it gets dark earlier, so I started being all "I can't run tonight, I don't have my glow in the dark running vest." But then of course I saw the illogic of that, since I've never actually had it, and I've been running for two winters.  So, I dropped the excuse and went to the free parking place on the Charles.

I was a little nervous when I parked because there was a sign that said "No parking after dark. Violators will be towed." Of course it was dark by then, but there were other people there, so I decided it was probably an empty threat.  It was really dark during the run, and hard to see the path and all the ruts and such.  I decided I could do the slightly shorter route, going over the Weeks Footbridge.  In total it was about 2.65 miles in 27 min 24 sec, or a 10 min 20 sec mile.  I did have to hesitate briefly to cross the street, but prob only like 5 sec, and I was a little slow running down the steps by the river, but again prob only like 5 seconds added there.  Well, with warming up and the pauses and such, I probably was running around a 10 minute mile for some of the run. I felt like I was doing pretty well.

My two year Runaversary will be next Friday.  So hard to believe!  I ordered two overpriced sports bras and a pair of running tights - exactly the same as the ones I have, but black instead of grey.

I talked to someone who's in the EdD program, and apparently the Pedagogy of the Oppressed isn't a gag gift.  They actually talk about it in class.  Gag.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

New Kicks!

I actually wore out a pair of running shoes and had to buy new ones!  Like, the treads were genuinely looking worn down, not like "I left them at the Pioneer Inn and didn't want to wait until they reached me in the mail."  I went to Marathon Sports on my lunch on Friday.  The sales people there are supposed to be the best; and IDK if that's really true, but the guy really got into watching me walk back and forth, and then brought up one pair of Aasics, one pair of Brooks, and one pair of Saucony's.  After trying all of them on, def liked the Saucony's the best.  They felt like they had more padding on the ball of the foot, and the way they rolled, made me naturally spring forward.  And with my running, I need all the help I can get.  They do have a lot of very bright yellow on them, which I guess will be good for evenings since winter is coming, but not my favorite.  I also finally got a vest thing for running after dark.  Eww, but with the way people drive around here…..

So today I went climbing in the morning and then didn't feel like going anywhere to run.  So, I just did my little 5K here.  It's been ages since I've done it!  The new shoes felt a little funny at first, shorter in the back, maybe less support?  But I like the rock to them.

It's a beautiful fall day out, everyone was outside, enjoying it before winter comes.  Running felt slow and difficult, and when I got back I walked up my street.  But then when I looked at it I went 3.08 miles in 31 min and 49 sec, which is a 10 min 20 sec mile, and it's actually kind of hilly here, so I was running faster than I have been.  Yay me!

In other news, the EdD program sent me a book last week.  I thought it was going to be the Student Handbook, but it turns out that it's Pedagogy of the Oppressed.  The first sentence is "While the problem of humanization has always, from an axiological point of view, been humankind's central problem, it now takes on the character of an inescapable concern."  I don't even know what that means, except that someone needs to lay off the thesaurus.  And frankly, I don't care.  I hope the whole program isn't full of readings like this, because if it is I'm not doing it.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


We've been having a nor'easter for the last couple of days, rain and wind like crazy!  It's been so nasty out.  Today there was a little break in the action that allowed me to go to Weight Watchers at lunch (down 2 pounds!  Awesome!  Empty stomach, bladder and bowels partly to thank for that one I'm sure) but by the time work was finished it was raining out again, so I went to the gym.

It turns out that you have to pay 3x the membership fee for the classes that they're offering!  No way.  The schedule isn't even good.  I did a rather dull 30 minutes on the treadmill, mostly at a 10 1/2 minute mile.  Of course, by the end of the cool down, it was pretty much exactly 5K.

I read in an online article that running on a treadmill is less exercise than outside because you don't have to break the air. So, you should run at a bit of an incline to make up for it.  Of course, I didn't follow that advise, but it does make sense.

My two year Run-a-versary is coming up!  Craziness!!  I was thinking about new cute running tights from Athleta (surprise) but now I'm considering some new uber expensive sports bras from Athleta instead.  I have one from there that I really like.  Don't want The Girls bouncing down to the knees.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Way Post-10K Run

I actually felt pretty good after the 10K race!  So good that I decided a fall foliage hike of Monadnock was in order - Wednesday was supposed to be beautiful and I am on Staycation this week, so I thought it would be perfect.  Well, apparently Wednesday was beautiful in the Boston area, but at Monadnock it was rainy and the top of the mountain was covered in clouds.  Every now and then there would be a break and it was an awesome view.  But, the way down was hell because all the granite was slipppppery!  I did a lot of butt scootching, and slow balancey crab walking.  Then I got annoyed with myself and was like "trust in your feet!" which was a huge mistake because my feet slid right our from under me and I landed on the rock on my ass and it really hurt.  So, I've been nursing a sore butt since then.  I decided today I needed to get back to running though, even if it was just a shorter one.

I went to Fresh Pond and did one lap plus an extension.  I was going to do exactly 30 min, but then I decided to do exactly 29 min, because I was back to the start point and had already been sort of jogging around.  In total I went 2.68 miles, so a little slower than my 10K time :)  It started raining when I was running.  IDK, it said it was supposed to be nice out today too.

Apparently my life has been too free of stress for the past year or so, and so I applied to the Doctoral Program in Higher Ed at Northeastern - it's an on-line Ed.D., not a real Ph.D. or anything.  "A program for working professionals" is how they market it.  I found out yesterday that I was accepted!  I hear there are a lot of papers the first quarter.  I don't know if that will make me need to run more, or cut into running time?  Well, my mom has 4 kids and only 1 is currently a doctor.  She's probably bringing down the percentages at the JCC :)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tufts 10K for Women

Woo Hooo!  Totally nailed the race!  And by nailed it, I mean I ran the entire thing in one hour, six minutes and five seconds, which is a 10 minute and 39 second mile. I'm not going to lie, I was completely psyched with myself for going that fast, even though yes, I was in the bottom 40% of the runners.  But whatever, it was way faster than I expected to go.

I wound up running with this other woman from Team in Training, and I think she kept me running at that pace.  At first I was thinking it was going to be too fast, but then as I got running I realized that it actually was fine, I wasn't breathing that hard and that although I was tired I was OK.  It was pretty cool being out there with 8000 other people running, and not having to worry about stopping at any of the streets or anything.  I did pass a few people again, and of course a ton of people passed me.

Now I'm on the couch with all the free snacks that I got at the race, eating.  I'm not gonna lie, a lot of them are not that tasty.  "Simply Sprouted Tortilla chips" taste like cardboard. And that squeeze yogurt?  No.  I did finally get to try Boom Chicka Pop, and I think I'll stick with the microwaved.  Fruit Squishims? Maybe I'll hold on until tomorrow for them.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Short Run

Two days until the Big Race!  I have my number, my Tufts 10K shirt (which is really pretty see thru, also I think designed by a man), and so I'm ready for the big day.  I decided to get in one last run before the race, partly just to have one last run and partly because I've been a total bum all day (and ate pad thai last night, and then pancakes. And then today I had a burger and fries.  Not really a weight watchers weekend so far.)  Anyhow, I decided to make it a shorter run, but a little faster.  I went only 2 miles, from my house, up to Ball Square and back.  I even walked up my street.  In the end it was slightly less than 2 miles, about 1.95 and it took me just under 20 minutes.  So, about a 10 minute mile. I was running a little slower at the start to warm up, and I had to pause a couple of times at roads (though not really stop), so I'm going with 10 minute mile for most of the run.  Not bad for me for a short run!

The Team in Training coach was saying that you should kick your feet back as you are running.  Which I was trying to do, and it does work!  If I was in better aerobic shape I could run faster.  Ha! I guess that's pretty much the story for everyone.  Anyhow, next entry will be the 10K - hope I can run the whole thing :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Really pokey run today, but I decided that was allowed since The Big Race is coming up in just 5 days and I don't want to do anything to hurt myself.  I did the free parking run on the Charles, parked a little further down because traffic was nuts, and I didn't think I could get over for the first parking lot.  I wound up going 3.5 miles in 38.5 minutes, which is an 11 minute mile.  It felt just fine, I think if I pace myself like that on Monday I should be able to run the whole race at that speed.  I should look at the map and learn where the mile marks are so that I know about where I am for pacing (though they usually have signs.)

I got my Team in Training race shirt in the mail a couple days ago!  It's actually kind of a cheep piece of crap, and the logo is right on my boobs.  I guess they put it higher so that you can pin your number below, but seriously….  I'm pretty sure it was designed by a guy.

I was supposed to do my last long run, 6 miles, on Saturday.  Instead, though, I sat on my couch all day and read Gone Girl.  Really lame.  I tried to make up for it on Sunday by going to Boot Camp, climbing, walking a mile and 3/4 for lunch (round trip), and doing yoga class.  All of which left me feeling tired by the end.  It's not a 6 mile run though.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Old South Church

It was rainy and gross out today and so I decided to hit the gym again for a run.  The big race is getting really close, just 13 days away, so I wanted to make sure to get in my cardio.  I did treadmill fartliks, started slow because I had a bit of a headache, then bumped it up to 5.6 mph until minute 5, then did one minute sprints, with one minute rests between them.  I started with 6 mph and then 6.1, 6.2, etc, all the way up to 6.8, which once again had me going faster than a 9 minute mile!  I did 10 minutes at 10 minute mile or faster, then slowed it down some.  In the end I did 30 minutes, 5K, which is how far I always go on the treadmill.

I found a new Weight Watchers meeting that's at the Old South Church in Back Bay.  The church that we meet in was built in 1875, we meet upstairs.  It's a pretty amazing building!  And there's a baby Jesus tucked in his manger waiting for Christmas to come in the room where we weigh in.  Wonder how our forefathers would feel about it?  Anyhow, the leader was pretty dynamic, she did a good program, and it's convenient - it's at 12:15 so I can walk over for lunch.  Of course, then no more WW runs, but I can live with that.  Hope I'm down tomorrow :)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

5+ mile run

The alarm went off this morning for boot camp, but I decided that instead of driving all the way out to Natick to exercise for an hour I would just get my long run for the weekend over with early.  That way I wouldn't spend the entire weekend thinking about it, and dreading it.  I went to the free parking area on the Charles, there's a route there that's somewhere between 5.3 and 5.4 miles (depending on which of the paths you take.)  Today was a 5K put on by the Samaritans.  It was nice, but also sad.  Especially the groups of teenagers who were there running or walking for a friend.  It was also a Walk for Literacy day, so I ran into a bunch of people on that walk.

I wound up parking further down than I usually do, which kind of threw me a little on where I was, but on the other hand was nice on the way back.  It wound up being a pretty good run, about 5.4 miles, which I did in almost exactly an hour, which is an 11 min 20 sec ish min mile.  I really tried to pace myself so I could do the entire run, and I think I did a good job.  I was happy to stop, but I definitely could have done another .8 mile.  At the end there was all this free Samaritan water, which I felt a little guilty about drinking.  But of course the people handing it out were very nice and told me to take two!

I got all my Fitbit steps for the day already!  Last night I walked around the basketball court across the street for 700 steps to get to 10,000.  I can just see it, one day the police are going to come by to see why I'm hanging around acting so suspiciously, and they aren't going to believe the fitbit story…  I'll wind up with a fitbit record.

Next weekend I'm going to try to run the race route as a test :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Passed another runner!

It was such a beautiful evening today, perfect for running on the Charles, by the Esplanade.  Everyone in the world was out there, running, walking, biking, whatever.  The bridges were so crowded, though it did give me and excuse to slow down a little.  On the Mass Ave bridge was where I passed the runner, around Smoot #150, a woman who looked like a real runner, but kinda wasn't.

I love fall in the City, the sail boats were all still out, the sky was such a pretty color, it was a perfect temperature for a run.  Still, I was feeling really tired and hungry all day, and not super energetic.  I wound up doing a longish loop, 3.65 miles, but in 40 minutes.  So, it was an 11 minute mile.  As I was getting to the end I imagined I was running the 10K, and was nowhere near done, and I thought I could keep going.  But I was glad that I didn't have to :)

Today Team in Training sent out the race registration form.  It's so close!  I made my fundraising goal, which I was pretty psyched about.  Hopefully I will raise additional fundage, a couple other people said that they would donate but haven't yet.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Try Try Again

Success!  I realized how little time I had left before the big run, and decided I better get in the long run today.  It was a little intimidating because I had TNT Boot Camp at 9 am and was a little pooped after, plus it was sooo muggy.  But I decided I would drive back to the "crime scene" from yesterday and give it another shot, this time running slower due to the weather and fatigue.  It started out exactly the same as yesterday, but slower.  Feeling good, then needed to pee, then started to get cramps.  Of course this time I knew about the port-a-potty, which was helpful.  I stopped and was thinking about turning around, but the cramps weren't too bad, and I knew I would be sad if I didn't get in a long run.  So, I kept going to the next cross road and then turned back.  I knew it wouldn't be enough for 4 miles, and spent the run back trying to decided if that was OK given running at Boot Camp (about a mile in total I think), the mugginess, and the cramps.  I got to the end and decided I could make it a little longer, so I turned around, when back to the first cross street, and back.  That added another mile!  So, in the end, 4.31 miles in 50 minutes and 7 seconds.  I was glad I went back, because I would have been sad if I had only done 3.31 miles. That's an 11 min 37 sec mile, which was pretty slow.  I felt like I could go all day (except when I needed to pee), hopefully I can do the Tufts 10K a little faster.

While I was out there the boys track team from some high school passed me.  They came towards me first, then reached something, and turned around and passed me on the way back.  Those guys move fast!  And, they were talking while they were doing it.  Wow.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Long Run Fail

I set out to do a 4.5 mile run today on the dirt path at the end of the Minuteman bike path.  My tendon is finally feeling better, and there are only 3 weeks left until the 10K, so I decided it's time to get serious about training, without going overboard and reinjuring  myself.  So, the plan is 4.5 miles this weekend, 5+ miles next weekend, and 6 miles the following weekend, then the race the next weekend.  I think I'm going to have to try for the long run again tomorrow, in addition to boot camp.

So, today I slept in embarrassingly late, got up and was lazy drinking coffee, and then finally dragged my sorry butt out.  By the time I got to the trail it was 3:30, which should have been a good time for running.  The first mile or so went well, but then I started to need to pee.  And the area isn't so isolated that I felt like the woods would be a good idea.  And while I was running along trying to decide what to do I started to get cramps.  Meh. The one good thing that happened was that as I was deciding that I definitely had to stop an pee I came to a clearing and there was some construction and a port-a-potty! It was like the Port-a-Potty Gods knew I would need them.  Anyhow, after peeing I walked around a little to try to get rid of the cramps, and then was like "I can lie down, no one will see." So I tried for a minute or two on some of the construction rocks.  But that just made everything worse. So I got up and started walking back.  After a while the cramps went away and I slow jogged back.  Total running time was 24 and a half minutes.  Total distance with running and walking was 2.6 miles.

After I got back to my car I realized that part of the problem might be that I was starving.  It was 4 by that point and all I'd had to eat that day was a bowl of oatmeal and a yogurt.  So, I decided to go to Whole Foods for sushi (which turned into a slice of pizza and some sushi.)  There was this woman there who was walking around the store eating.  At first I was a little repulsed, but after watching her for a while I was kind of admiring her strategy.  She was pushing a shopping cart, but I bet she didn't buy anything.  And just eating stuff from anywhere.  The salad bar, fruit, I actually saw here open a container of chocolate covered pretzels and take one!  Right next to people who worked there, and they didn't say anything. That's guts.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Up 1.8

Long time again for running - I had a migraine over the weekend and couldn't do anything, and then yesterday I was climbing and Monday wasn't 100%.  I did the elliptical last week at the gym, which is sort of aerobic and running.  But this isn't an elliptical blog (wow, that would be seriously dull) so I didn't count it.

I had a presentation at work on Monday until 7, so I went to WW today, and then did the post run after.  I really prefer the Monday leader, he's this hilarious gay guy who's always talking about how fat he was in high school (he's like 50) and telling ridiculous stories.  The Wednesday woman is this kind of nasally Boston woman who's vary well meaning.  Meh.  (Weight was up 1.8 pounds, but I was wearing heavier pants and totally had to poop.  I gotta get my intestines on plan.)

Anyhow, it's starting to get dark earlier, no denying it.  It was dark by the time I finished, and some of those sidewalks in Cambridge are brick and a little tricky.  The run felt surprisingly good.  I did some of the Team in Training stretches at the beginning, wonder if that made a difference.  I went 3.15 miles - made it slightly longer at the end.  It took me 33 min and 41 seconds, or a 10 min and 41 sec mile, so no speed records broken, that's for sure.  Boston looked so nice when I was running on the Charles, much as running sometimes sucks, running next to the river with the city all lit up is pretty awesome.

Monday, September 8, 2014

On Your Left

I got a new Fitbit this weekend, which I thought would help me to track how much I move.  It turns out that I do take more steps than I realized during the week.  The parking lot is further than I realized, and I walk up three flights of stairs to get to my floor.  And, numerous trips to the bathroom.  It gives a little silent vibration to let you know when you've reached 10,000 steps, which for me today was at the Cambridgeside Galleria during my run.  A part of me was like "must be finished then!" but of course I didn't stop.

It's getting dark earlier, so I did my run before Weight Watchers (down 1 pound, but post run and a little dehydrated).  I kind of like the new route, and I think it's sort of a good habit to run with WW.  I got to the Charles and there was this woman running kind of slowly, and I thought I might be able to pass her, and got all excited about it.  But then it turned out that I couldn't.  No real shocker.  There were a few congested areas, and lots of people on them yelling "On your Left!" trying to pass.  I guess my music was a little too loud, they sounded kind of annoyed.  Ooops.

Sunday was the second Team in Training boot camp. A kind of weird thing happened - we were running in loops around this building (.22 mile loops according to map my run) and I was in front on all of the loops, first for one of them.  The time I was first, I kept waiting for someone to pass me, but no one did.  And then it started to weird me out, and I thought about slowing down, but then decided I needed to grow beyond middle school.  Go me!

Anyhow, today's run was 3 miles, 31 min and 23 sec.  So, like a 10 min 30 sec mile.  For a little while I felt like I had that pace thing going, but then I got tired.  Maybe more treadmill practice is needed.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Achille's Heal

So apparently boot camp + 5 miles = sore Achilles' Tendon.  And a few sore leg muscles too!  My left tendon was really killing after my long run, and then I went to yoga and was like, "holy crap, it's my entire leg!" So, I took a few days off to let it heal.  This past weekend I went climbing in NH at Rumney.  I didn't run, but I did carry a 30 pound pack up hill for about 30 minutes to get to the cliff on Sat, which I am counting as aerobic.  I led 6 climbs over the weekend, all very easy, two 5.5's, three 5.6's and a 5.7.  The 5.7 was the hardest because when I was over my clips there were some pretty sharp rocks sticking out, so if I had fallen it would have really hurt.  I usually am talking to myself a little in my head, but at a certain point I started talking out loud "I know you would like there to be a foothold nice and low, but there isn't, so your going to have to take a big step here.  You can do it, I know you can."  I looked over, and there was this other climber laughing at me.  Ya.

Today I decided that even though the tendon isn't at 100% I should still go for an easy run.  I went after Weight Watchers (stayed the same weight, which I was OK with because I had eaten this entire bag of Trader Joes Crack Mix - so delicious - pumpkin seeds, chocolate covered salted nuts, yogurt covered pretzels, and dried cranberries.  The intensely chatty cashier said that it's a new product - thank heaven's Market Basket has worked things out and I can go back to cashiers who say "hello" and then go back to chatting with their bagger friends in Spanish or Portuguese or whatever!)  Anyhow, I went from WW up to MIT and then up the Charles.  I didn't go over the river this time, d/t the whole bridge thing.  It wound up being 3.1 miles and it took 33 min and 43 sec, which is about a 10  min 50 sec mile. When I was almost back someone sitting at the light yelled out of their SUV "nice ass" and of course I was like "thanks!"  I'm not sure if that was the response I was supposed to give, and/or if it was a sincere complement (because "nice ass" yelled out of a car usually is bubbling with sincerity) but beggars can't be choosers.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Long Run

I had my first "training" for Team in Training, it was boot camp style, and kind of kicked my butt.  Plus it was at 9 am on Saturday in Natick!  I mean, yikes!!  Apparently only 2 people went to the info session that I slept through, so that wasn't a great loss, and there were only like 10 of us at the training.  It was pretty good, lots of stretches, squats, planks, etc.  All the sort of stuff that I need someone to make me do, because I just won't do it on my own.  It was a really nice day out, so after I went paddle boarding for an hour.  And then the next day my legs were killing me, so I went to yoga.

This week I'm on Stay-cation, so I could go for a run in the afternoon.  It's actually kind of warm out for a long run, 84 degrees.  So, I went on the path in the woods at the end of the Minuteman bike path in Bedford.  It's pretty much all shaded, so no SeaWorld type incidents.

I wound up running for a full hour!  Sadly, I ran out of steam at the end.  The first 45 minutes were pretty good actually, I went the first half of the run, 2.83 miles, in 31 minutes, and then turned around and ran another 15 minute.  It was about minute 40 or 45 that I started feeling tired, and at 49 I had to stop and walk for a bit.  It's OK, even elite marathoners do that sometimes in their long runs.  Then I finished my hour, and then walked the last bit back to the car.  In total I went about five and a half miles, but about half mile of that wasn't running.  Still, five miles of running in an hour, I'm counting it!  I have 7 weeks until the race, I think I should be able to run the entire thing in less than an hour and a half (apparently that's their time limit for the good swag.)

I also have to say, I notice that saying "Duck Boat" in my last posting has lead to a lot of hits.  At least, I assume it was duck boat.  So, Duck Boat!  And thank you for reading :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Passed a Duck Boat!

I decided to do the post-Weight Watchers run again today (down 1.6 pounds, yay, and I kinda had to poop, so it could have really been more!)  I wanted to make the loop a little bigger, and so spur of the moment decided to go over the Charles River on the Longfellow Bridge, up the Boston side to the Museum of Science Bridge and back.  I sort of forgot that the access to the park is blocked by construction, so it was a little difficult to get around, but sadly I didn't get stopped at any lights.

When I was running up the Charles I looked at the water and there was an orange duck boat a little in front of me.  I was pretty surprised as I started gaining on it, and then I passed it!  Awesome!!  I quacked at it a few times in my head.  Of course, in the mean time like 50 people passed me, so it's not like I was flying or anything.

In total I went 3.63 miles, so respectable, but not really a long run.  Time was 38 minutes, 14 sec, so a 10 and a half minute mile.  I felt pretty good while I was running.  Like I could keep going for a long time (not that I really wanted to, I was still happy to stop.)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Broke the 9 minute mile!

For a full minute I ran faster than a 9 minute mile!  Go me.  I did the interval training on the treadmill at the gym again (gym still looks no different except that they are very slowly putting down a wood floor in one room).  I did a couple minutes to warm up then bumped it up to a 9 min 30 sec mile for 30 sec.  Then I went back down to 10 min 45 sec for a minute, then I alternated one minute faster, one minute slower.  My "slowers" stayed the same (10 min, 45 sec) but I kept going a little faster on each of the faster minutes.  Finally I was at almost a 9 minute mile - 9 min and 5 sec, and I was like "I can totally go faster."  So, I did a one minute interval at 8 minutes and 56 sec.  And it was ok.  I did a total of 10 minutes at 9 min 30 sec or faster, 3 miles in about 25 minutes (I was so focused on finishing the last of the fasts that I kind of missed it.

Tomorrow is my first Team in Training day.  Here are my hopes:
1 - I won't be the oldest person there.
2 - I won't be the slowest person there.
3 - I won't be the person who's raised the least money.

I would say it's possible that I'm feeling a tad insecure about this.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Multipitch Climber :)

I didn't get to run this weekend, but I did do my first multi pitch climbing ever!  Three of them.  I went up to New Hampshire and climbed at Whitehorse and Cathedral.  The first day we did 3 pitches x 2 on Whitehorse.  Pretty easy climbing, but that was a good thing, because we were way the heck up there.  The second day we were at Cathedral and did 4 pitches, much harder climbing and it seemed way higher.  I was a little freaked out by the end, and happy to get off the cliff!  The ropes that my friends use for multi pitch are thinner than the ones I'm used to (they hold 5000 pounds, but it's not a logic thing.)  Anyhow, I fell at the beginning of the Cathedral climb and it didn't kill me, but that didn't help when I was almost 500 feet up.  The first night we were sitting on my friend's porch having a glass of wine, and I was just looking around, watching the bears walking by...  And then suddenly I was like, "there are bears walking by!" Mama and two little cubs, so cute!  She gave us a little sniff, but wasn't really very worried.

Today it was back to running.  After the climbing, my calves were killing me!  So, it was a pretty slow day - at least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.  I started out trying to push myself, but it was tough going.  I had to slow down a little.  In the end I wound up going about 2.72 miles in 30 minutes, which is over an 11 minute mile.

I went a new route, from Weight Watchers (because I just keep getting fatter, and I gotta cut it out), through Cambridge to the Charles River, up the river, past the Galleria Mall, and then back.  It's a pretty cute part of Cambridge, older houses, but not too big.  While I was running back this little girl saw me and started running too.  She was very cute, and probably faster than me.

This coming Saturday I have my first meeting with Team in Training and we find out the training schedule for the race!  The meeting is Saturday at 9 am in Natick.  I hope this isn't what the training will be like.  Not crazy about running at 9 am on Saturdays.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Lost in Cambridge

I had to work late tonight. Ironically I was giving a presentation on how to interview. I really suck at interviews, so bad, and these students are so together. Oh, irony. I had a late lunch, but I was still pretty hungry by the time I left campus. So, I decided to do a shorter run on the Charles - from The Mass Ave bridge up the esplanade, over the Longfellow, and back. I parked on MIT campus, by the place where the cop always tells me not to do a Uturn and headed off. A couple of little quirks at the start of my run, I didn't have any ear buds, and one of my socks was all bunchy in my shoe.

I had to walk a couple time, I swear once because my calf was sore, but once I was running out of steam. So, brilliantly I decided to take a short cut back. Uh huh. That's where I got totally lost. I did finally figure out where the Kendall Google office is, and I got to walk through a very large building at MIT. At this point I was HUNGRY and out of steam, and just wanted to get back to my car (not so much that I would run to get there faster apparently) and the sock thing was driving me crazy. I finally stopped to straighten it out, and realized I had a ponytail holder in my shoe!

Anyhow, it took about 30 minutes to find my way back from my shortcut, and yup, the Google office is about two blocks from where I was parked. I don't know total distance or run time because I walked some, but it was about 35 min. Acceptable, but I will try not to repeat.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

9 and a half minute mile!

I went to the gym to do the speed work of my training plan on the treadmill.  It says you only have to run two miles, and then lift weights.  It was sort of supposed to be done on Wednesday or Thursday, but my legs and feet were killing me, and I didn't want to overdo it.  So, today was Speedwork Saturday.  I started with a two minute warm-up at like an 11 minute mile, then bumped up to 10.46 minute mile, then I decided to try to do 30 seconds at 9.5 minute mile.  And it wasn't that bad!  So, I alternated 9.5 minute mile for one minute with 10.46 minute mile for one minute.  In total I think I ran 10 minutes at 9.5 minute mile!  I was on the treadmill for 26 minutes and went 2 and a half miles.  Which was much less painful than the usual 3.1 miles I do.  I think that speeding up and slowing down also made the time go faster.  I'm definitely going to do that again.  Goes to show there is truth in the saying "if you want to run faster then you have to run faster."  We'll see if it makes a difference in the rest of my running.

I was trying to follow this plan I got online, but I'm not sure how it's going to work.  I did OK for about 4 days.  Then on Wednesday last week I was supposed to do speed work and lift (I actually did lift today.  Ya, still sucked, but what are you gonna do?).  But it was really sunny and beautiful out, and there was this free outdoor yoga class on the Esplanade, so I couldn't resist going.  I was so glad I went, too!  It was great, tons of people lined up by the river, blue sky with just a few puffy clouds, sail boats on the water and people running and walking their dogs.  It was a perfect "summer in the city" day, and I felt so lucky to get to be a part of it!  They also have free cross fit on Thursdays, which I might try, though I'm a little scared of it. And that's a really public venue to totally bomb at an activity (I mean, tourists were stopping and taking pics!)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Not totally lame this month now!

This is my fifth run for the month, so I feel a little less lame about my running.  I decided that it was time to start thinking about training for the Tufts 10K.  I got a training program online that has you running three times a week, a long run on the weekend, speed work on Wed (but only 2 miles of it) and then a shorter run on Monday.  I was reading that you should increase gradually, and it's OK to walk, but that seemed radical.  So, today was the shorter run, which I thought was just 2 miles at first, but then turned out to be 2.5, which isn't really that much shorter than 3.

I had everything mapped out, but then it was rainy, and my calf hurt.  So, I walked for about a quarter of a mile, and then took a "short cut" back.  Only, the short cut turned out to be pretty much 2.5 miles, minus the quarter mile I walked.  So, not shorter and my calf is sore.  I foam rolled.  I don't know if that works on calfs?  Anyhow, it was a slow run (blaming the calf) 26 min 58 sec, and I stopped my watch once I realized that I was walking for a little bit.

Yesterday I actually went to the gym and lifted!  It still sucked.  The gym hasn't really changed much since the last time I was there.  The 10K training has you lift 2x a week, which I feel like I should be able to do, and would be good for me.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Last weekend I went backpacking  - I did three 4000 footers, Mt. Tom, Mt. Field and Mt. Willey.  The hike wound up on the AT, and then we camped at an AT shelter area at Ethan Pond Campsite.  The hike was about 2 miles more of the AT, plus I got to check off sleeping at an AT campground on my bucket list.  We met a few through hikers, one woman said she didn't start hiking until she was 50, and now she's through hiking!

After eating, the other woman in the group that I was hiking with (it was a Meetup group) and I went to rinse off at the pond.  We took off our shirts because, let's face it, if you don't, you're still gross after rinsing off.  But we were wearing sports bra's.  Well, these four really hot young guys came along like 2 minutes later, and the looks on their faces were priceless!  They were like "half naked women!  I love this campground!!"  (Sports bras). I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to be their mothers, so I was actually pretty psyched with their reaction.  I mean, they could have been like "aaah, my eyes!"

Anyhow, my pack was 26 pounds with the water in it, and my legs, especially my thighs, were killing my this week!!  They started feeling better around Thursday.  So, I didn't run all week, and of course I didn't run over the weekend, but the 11+ mile hike over the big mountains with the 26 lb pack counts in my opinion.

Today I had to go for a run!  It's really hot out, but I'm going to see Shakespeare in the park tonight when it will be cooler, so I decided to suck it up and go outside.  I did the little run by my house, 5K in 32 min and 23 sec, which is about a 10.5 min mile.  I have to confess, though, I walked up my hill.  I was just done.  I took my pulse when I got inside and it was about 190, which confirmed that walking up the hill was a good idea.

I'm considering this the first run of my official training.  More on that later….

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July is hot

I gotta say I'm a little lame this month.  It's July 17, and this was my third run only.  In my defense, I went climbing both Sat and Sun last weekend, Saturday outside and Sunday inside.  And, Saturday I also paddle boarded for 45 min (and drove for 4 hours to get to the cliff and back) and Sunday I also did yoga and walked a mile.

Anyhow, enough of the excuses section of the blog.  It was a beautiful day out today, so I went to the free parking part of the Charles.  I managed to get into the very first parking lot without anyone killing me (I don't know why everyone is in such a hurry to merge over there, but it's nuts!).  I did what's now become my usual route, up the Boston side, across the Western Ave Bridge, and back on the Cambridge side.  I wound up doing a total of 3.19 miles in 33.19 minutes, which is a 10 min 26 sec mile.  I was actually feeling pretty good for most of the run, I thought I was going faster than that, so I was a little sad to find out it was just my regular pace.  Well, I haven't been running as much lately, and so I think I got a little tired at the end - so maybe I was moving faster for part of the run, then slower for part.

I did get stopped at the light crossing one of the bridges (which of course I enjoyed).  There was a bicycle cop with a Special Operations shirt on.  I mean, what kind of special ops guys are on bikes??

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Oh, Fartliks

I decided to try to do some more fartliks to find my pace, as it were.  It may not have been a total success.  Shocking.  But I'm gonna try to keep working at it.

I went to a new part of the Charles River, just for a change of pace.  It wasn't as nice as I had hoped it would be, there wasn't a path next to the water so I was running on a bike path next to traffic.  Many more things were whizzing by me than usual.  Also, it was 80 degrees, and a little humid.  I did about 5 minutes warm up and then tried running what I think should be my pace for about a minute.  I definitely don't have the cardio ability for it!  Then I ran my usual pace.  Then I walked for about 30 sec.  Then I decided the way I was going just wasn't that great and I should turn around and try a different direction.  That's when I notice that I had just run uphill, which made me feel a little better.  I did a couple more fartliks in a more downhill area.  Sometimes I enjoy pockets of gravity.

After my three fartliks  I was tired and wanted to turn in and go home, but it was only 13 min, so I ran for another 12 minutes at my regular pace.  And that was that.  It's a little hard to know distance and time because I walked some and because I turned around right between the liqueur store and Staples, which shockingly isn't noted on the map.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

I'm back!

Hiking in Yosemite was amazing, and the conference that followed was really good.  We did some pretty intense hikes, one up to the top of Yosemite falls, which is the highest waterfall in the US, and one 8.5 mile hike down the Panorama Trail, which had awesome views.  I walked a lot in San Francisco, one day to the pier because Hillary Clinton was there signing books and I wanted to get one (you had to have a ticket, so I didn't get her signature, but I did see her.  She signs things well.)

July 4 fireworks were on the 3rd this year due to weather.  My friend from Mexico and her daughter were here, and still are.  They are such shoppers, I left them at the mall today, and went for a run while they were shopping.  It's finally beautiful out, and I can't stand to be inside after all the storms.

I was a little nervous I wouldn't be able to run after so long away from it.  It was a slow run today, though partly due to cramps.  I actually had to stop and walk for about 5 min, they were that bad.  Anyhow, I went from the mall, up the Charles, across the Mass Ave Bridge, along the esplanade, over the Museum of Science Bridge and back.  Subtracting what I walked, it was about 4.1 miles in 45 min 44 sec, which is an 11 min 9 sec mile.  Slow, but a long run for me, and a return to running, so it's ok.

There were so many people out on the Esplanade, and all the 4th stuff was still around. Perfect day for a run!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Well, this was a lovely first.  I was running today, wearing one of my usual sports bras, and there was definite chaffing on the girls.  Ouch!  Not at all pleasant, and I hope it never happens again.

I did my favorite run on the Charles, from the free parking, up the Psych Yourself Out side that's shorter, and back.  3.51 miles in 37 min 55 sec, no stops for traffic which I was slightly bummed about (what's up with these considerate drivers?  And why can't they be near me when I want to change lanes?)  There were a few points where I actually think I "found my pace," like the speed and way that it's natural for me to run!  Surprisingly, I think my natural pace is a little faster than I've been running.  But I can't do it for 3.5 miles.  If I can stand it, I'll have to try to go on Saturday and do a shorter run but see if I can get it right.  Sunday I'm climbing, and Monday I'm off to Yosemite!!

I've been reading about bears a little too much.  Bears are scary and I hope I don't bump into any out there.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Indian Food + Running = No

Adding running near the time of eating Indian food to the list of things that I should never ever ever do again.  I had dinner early, around 5 ish, because my nephew was in town and had to catch a plane back to Maryland.  So, I thought that by 8:30 ish I would be good to run.  Major fail.

I tried to run my little 5K at home.  Right around Somerville Hospital I started thinking about the irony, and decided it would be better to cut things short.  So, I cut the top of Spring Hill out, and went down Central Street and home.  It was still 2.15 miles in 23 min and 53 sec.  So, I guess it still counts as a run.

One week from tomorrow I head out to Yosemite!  No running in Yosemite, that's for sure, but there will be tons of hiking and we hired a guide to climb for a day. I'm pretty psyched about it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wardrobe Malfunction Take 2

Repeat of the last run!  Same damn pants falling down in the same way for the same amount of time.  I have to confess it was pretty much the same outfit as I was wearing the last time, not washed.  So you would think it could stand up on its own a little better.  Meh.

I did the same route, not sure about the time because I forgot my cool new watch.  When I left the car it was 5:55 and when I finished running it was 6:36.  I did use the port-a-potty before I started, and I had to stop at two lights (which of course I enjoyed very much).  It didn't feel like a particularly fast run, especially because so many people passed me.  I'm guessing I was running about a 10 and a half minute mile.

At one point I noticed that there was this tourist boat on the river, the Henry Longfellow, that I was keeping pace with!  I was pretty surprised, kept looking over to see if it was still there, and I was going just as fast.  Then I guess whoever was driving it remembered that they had an engine, and they took off and ditched me.  But it was fun for a couple minutes.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Wardrobe Malfunction

My latest Athleta pants were not an asset in my run today!  At the start they were falling down like crazy and I had to keep hiking them up while running.  It wasn't pretty.  My tummy was hanging out and there was bounce.  Fortunately after a little while I started sweating and that made them stick to my stomach a little better.  I have to decide if I will return them.

I did the running loop on the Charles from the free parking to the BU Bridge.  I did it the opposite of the way I usually do it, which was actually not that bad.  Because of the way the river bends, the two sides aren't actually the same distance - I usually do the longer side first, then once I go over the bridge I'm more than half way.  This time, though, I did the shorter side first, which made it easier for me to get to the third bridge, then once I crossed the river it was the longer side, but I had no choice but to run back.  I may do that again.

It was Harvard graduation today.  Lots of smart people looking happy.  Once I got home I saw in the news that Aretha Franklin was there.  That's cooler than LL Cool J.  As I was running someone honked and waved.  I wasn't sure if it was at me, or this other woman, and I had no idea who it was.  But maybe it was Aretha going by?  Yeah, I'm sure that's what it was :)

I wound up going 3.54 miles in about 37 minutes.  Looks like after I took my watch off I bumped the start button again, so it says 2 hours, but I know that's not correct :)  I'm pretty sure it was 37 min and some seconds, which is about a 10.5 minute mile.  It actually felt pretty good, once my pants weren't falling down!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Heart Rate Monitor

Still can't find my watch, and I was at the sporting goods store yesterday and found one of those heart rate watches on sale for a pretty good price, so I had to buy it.  I bet I find my watch under the couch next week.  But, it's kind of cool to have the heart rate thing, even if it does mess with the line of my cute Athleta top (if I had any readers, I could totally get ads by Athleta and make money for them - and free stuff for me.  I'm like a walking/talking ad.) Anyhow, got my heart rate to 150 ish for most of the run, and that's where it felt comfortable running. IDK if that's really accurate, but I'm taking it. Also, it says that I burned 466 calories, which I also don't believe, but accept anyhow.

Today I met my friend Karen at the climbing gym at 10:30 for yoga, then we went for lunch and then climbed for about 3 hours. And, tomorrow I'm going kayaking for 11 miles (or 4 if I am lame.)  So I was going to excuse myself from running today, but it's been waaay too long.  Blah blah, all kinds of excuses, but I decided I needed to hit the road.  I did a little shorter run, went to my garden, but around the hill instead of over it.  It's 2.57 miles there the way I went, and it took 26 min, 26 sec, which is about a 10 min 18 sec mile, which isn't too bad considering how long it's been.  Although this route was a little bit more downhill than up. On the way back I decided to go direct, and walk up the hill (heart rate still 132, so a good workout) but then once I got to the top I was hungry and really wanted to go home and eat, so I ran home.  It was about .67 mile. I'm not really counting it, but it took about 8 min, so I did technically run 5K (very primitive of me, running to catch food.)

The garden is looking so nice!  The snap peas I planted are just coming up, and all kinds of other things are growing away.  I still have space for a few more things, gonna see if I can find some ground cherries maybe, and see what other kind of interesting things there are at the garden store...

As an aside, I took my cats to the vet last Sunday, and now Tigger is mad at Roofus.  She keeps hissing at him.  I have 500 square feet, which is a pretty small place for two cats that can't be in the same room. I hope they get over it soon.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Passed Two Guys

I forgot my watch today, which was just as well because I got horrible cramps right around mile 1.6 and thought I was going to have little accident all over my cute athleta running tights, so I decided to stop and rest for a few.  I was by the Charles, so at least it was nice there, lots to see and admire.  Some of the geese had their little baby chicks!  They are so cute. And there was this 20 something guy with no shirt on, standing on a tree stump, fishing in the river. Also cute.

I was feeling pretty sorry for myself by the time I headed out to run again, but then I caught up with and passed these two guys who were running together!  Totally awesome. The best part is that they seemed a little annoyed by it because soon after we came to a light where we had to wait (which of course I loved) and one of the dudes practically stepped on me, standing in front of me.  And I got to be all "well, you can stand there now, but once the light changes you better get out of my way cause I'm faster than you." But then later one of the guys did pass me.  >sigh<

In total I went slightly less than 3 miles, 2.96.  So, it was still a respectable distance.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Run to the Gym to Lift

I have always thought I would hate running to the gym to lift, and then running back, and I have just confirmed it.  I did nothing all day today.  It's been kind of nasty and humid out, and so I've been a slug on the couch.  Finally decided that I should get up and do some exercise.  I was telling a friend of mine how my gym is only a mile an a half away, but I always drive, and I got that "you are so lame" look. So, I thought I would try the running thing.  First, it's all downhill on the way there.  Which is lovely on the way there, but not so great on the way home.  Second, and more important, you have to run under the highway and across all kinds of sketchy traffic.  It did involve a lot of stopping, which of course I enjoy. But not sure it's worth risking life and limb.

In the end I ran 2.67 mile in 27 min 57 sec, plus lifted weights for about a half hour.  That's a 10 min 28 sec mile, though it felt way slower.  Lifting is even less fun sandwiched between two runs.  I got home and sat down on the couch and it started thundering and now it's pouring out. At least I have good timing!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Passed a guy!

Everyone in the world was at the Charles running today because it was gorgeous out.  At lunch today I walked to REI and back - I got my climbing friend Kerry this totally awesome birthday present, I'm going to make her a zombie chalk bag, because she lost her old chalk bag, and she's all about the zombies. Anyhow, I got the zombie part, needed to get the chalk bag part. On mapmyrun I figured out that I walked 2.25 miles, so even though it wasn't running, I decided that counted for something. So, I decided to do a slightly shorter run today.

I went from the part of the Charles with the easy parking upstream one bridge and then back to the Elliot Bridge and that was it. In the end it was about 2.85 miles in almost exactly 30 minutes. I was thinking about running another half mile-ish to get to the water fountain, but then I decided I had enough coffee in my cup from the morning, and I was way too lazy to go any further.

The passing another person happened right at the beginning, this guy started out a few seconds before me, and then I passed him and was all psyched about it. I figured he was just warming up and would pass me again, but he didn't. And then I forgot about him.  When I got back I was stretching out, and then he came back!  Of course, he may not have done the same route as I did.... But probably he did.

I just realized that I have been calculating my runs from a different parking lot from the one I've actually parked in, and I've run about .1 mile less than I thought each time I went in the other direction.  Just got slower.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


I did it! I ran my first 10K, and it wasn't even a flat 10K either. It was a kind of slow 10K, but that's alright.  I went from home, down to the bike path, to Davis Square and then Mass Ave, to Alewife Parkway, and then the little bike path there, and then back behind Tufts.  There's a bigger uphill bit towards the end, which was brutal, and I walked up the hill on my street.  In the end it was 6.24 miles in 1 hour 10 minutes and 16 seconds which is a 11 min and 15 sec mile. I was really ready to keel over at the end, and sustained myself with the reminder of a cold coconut water in the fridge, and the couch. For most of the run, though, I was feeling pretty good - it's truly spring, the trees are all flowering, everyone is outside, there were people doing some kind of martial art in the park, it's Open Studios this weekend, and I think I even passed another runner!

Yesterday at work I met LL Cool J. And by met, I mean "I knew where he would be and waited like a stalker, then jumped in an got a pic with him when other people were." He put his arm around me.  That dude has some fine arms, that's for sure.  I understand he's got a pretty intense exercise routine, and you can tell. Also, he smelled very good, and is just adorable. I may now convert to a NCIS LA fan. Just what I need, a new TV addiction.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Power of Habit

Nasty weekend weather-wise. I spent pretty much the entire day yesterday on the couch, with the cats, reading.  I got this book from the library called "The Power of Habit" which talks about how you can make big changes in your life by making things into habits, like exercising and eating right, or passing free doughnuts without taking one.  It's kind of interesting because looks at habit from a lot of different perspectives, part biological, part psychological.  One of the things it said was that people start new kinds of exercise for all sorts of reasons, but they keep up with it because it becomes a habit, and for it to become a habit you need a cue, the action, and then a reward.  So, for me and running, changing into my awesome Athleta running tights is the cue, then I run, and blogging and getting to see how I've done is my reward.  And according to this book, that's why I've kept it up.  Which actually I think may be kind of true.  And, an excellent excuse for more cute running clothes??

Anyhow, this evening the sun finally came out and the clouds were that nice purple-ish blue when the sun is setting.  The trees are all in bloom, and everything smelled so fresh! Which didn't make me any more psyched than usual to go running, sadly.  I promised myself that I could do a shorter run, or go to Davis Square and avoid the hills, but then I just did my regular 5K once I got running.  Pretty slow again, 34 min and 10 sec, which is an 11 min mile.  My right calf is sore, and I don't really understand why. Maybe I need to stretch or something?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Boston Marathon #2

This year's marathon was much more as marathon's should be. I watched on Heartbreak Hill. Oh my head, those runners are fast! The lead women were in a pack, they were moving so fast, and you could tell that not only were they running fast, but they were THINKING, and about things other than their internal organs. Then Meb, the men's winner came by and he was soooo far ahead of everyone else. After he ran by everyone turned to look for the next guy, and there was no one there for ages. I figured out that he runs like 2x my speed, and of course like 6x my distance. Yeah.

Anyhow, back to my little run on the Charles. My Achilles' tendon was really bothering me, so I decided to take a little time off and rest it. Not sure how effective that was, because I note it's sore now, and I did a shorter run today (and slower).  I did a little before the Elliot Bridge to the Anderson Foot Bridge. It took 28 min and 37 sec for about 2.5 miles or about an 11.5 min mile. It was really windy out and my calf hurt. Waaa.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Running Club

I did my first run with a running club today! Appropriately, I think, it was with Team Luna that runs from the Boston Athleta. I didn't buy anything, though! At first I was like, this is just like running by myself, because I was running by myself. But then this woman was running next to me, and we ran together for like two miles, which was cool. She runs faster than me I'm pretty sure. Of course I had forgotten my watch, so I have no idea how fast I ran, but I think it was a little faster than a ten minute mile, at least that's my story. When we finished, I noted that she was about five inches taller than me.

Anyhow, total distance was three miles, time was about thirty minutes. But then of course there were free Luna bars, so it was still calorie positive. Anyhow, everyone was friendly and it was a good experience, def have to try it again.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Spring Spring!!!

Not to go on and on about this spring thing, but wow was it nice out today!  Like spring!  I cleaned a whole bunch of dead stuff out of my garden that I was too lazy to do anything with in the fall.  Actually, now that I think of it, it's all in the back of my car still.  That should smell nice tomorrow.

I was going to go for a "long run" today, but I was feeling a little yucky yesterday and didn't want to push it.  I kind of put off the running all day, almost until dark.  I had all these ideas about where I would go, but then I just did my little 5K at home.  It was ages since I had done it!  Of course, it had been so long, and I was fiddling with my iPod, and I missed a turn!  So I did a shorter loop, and then ran up to the end of my street and back in the end.  It wound up being 3.36 miles in 35 min and 47 sec, which is a 10 min 38 sec mile, so a little slow.  But given that I was feeling kind of yucky last night, it's good that I did it at all!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring, take 2

I don't want to jinx it, but I think spring is really on the way here now!  Today was sunny and beautiful (except for some of the day when it wasn't).  I got a little over excited and wore short sleeves and no jacket, but it wasn't that spring like.  But, I was able to go for an after work run on the Charles in my regular weight running tights.

It turns out that my new car really does have an alarm, because I set it off for the first time today when I got to the river!  I thought it was one of those "alarms" that's just a light blinking but nothing happens but nope, I have a real car alarm.  Does that make me a grown up?

I went to the easy-to-park area on the Charles, in Brighton by Harvard's athletic fields.  I ran to the third bridge and back, 3.5 miles.  At one point I was feeling a little crampy, but then it passed and everything was fine.  All and all, a good run!  Pretty fast for me, too, 34 min and 35 sec, which is less than a 10 minute mile!!  (9 min, 52 sec, so like my race pace).  I was feeling pretty good during the run, I hadn't eaten for a while, which I think always helps.  I did have the little bit of cramps, which got me mussing about how much I think about my bowels and the organs that must be jostling them around, and how I've never really spent that much time thinking about my internal organs before, and I really I was always good with that.  Which took up a surprising amount of the run.  At one point this kid wearing a Harvard t-shirt passed, running in the other direction, and he was moving so faaast!  Wow.

My newest idea is to run the Tufts 10K with Team in Training for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  It would be nice to raise a little fundage for cancer research and patient support, and I would meet other runners so hopefully I would have someone to train with, and hang with at the race.  So, my readers (ie Kit), be ready for the donation request this summer :)

Sunday, March 30, 2014


I didn't run during the week, but that's because I went my yoga retreat and did all sorts of other exercise including yoga (of course), hiking, and well, more yoga.  And ate really amazing healthy food.  For years I've seen the Appalachian Trail where it crosses over the Mass Pike every time I go from Boston to Schenectady or Schenectady to Boston.  Well, Kripalu was like 20 miles away from the crossing.  So, I hiked the AT!  OK, 1.8 miles of it (I took a wrong turn and hiked a part of a snowmobile path as well, I'm not gonna lie), but it was hilly and there was a snow cover.  So, though I didn't run, I think I hiked about 6 miles that day (out and back on the snowmobile path, then out and back on the AT when I refound it).  And that's my excuse for not running.

Back at home today, and it's vile out, so I went to the gym.  Not the greatest run because I didn't feel like waiting the full hour and a half/two hours after eating to run.  It was a little slow d/t slight cramps.  I wound up going slightly less than 5K in 35 minutes, then I lifted weights for like 20 minutes.  The new machines are pretty cool, but they are still weight machines.  Yuck.

One thing that I did at Kripalu that was really amazing was take this cooking class.  The guy who taught it was the Executive Chef at the place, and he said that all of their recipes are like 5-8 ingredients (not counting salt, pepper, and oil, which apparently aren't ingredients, they just are)!  It really inspired me to try to make some more delicious foods.  I mean, how long can it take to mix 5-8 ingredients?  I also bought a juicer today to see if juicing would be a thing for me. I made some kale/apple/cucumber juice and I gotta say, it was pretty disgusting.  A good taste to start out, but then the after taste of dirt.  More work required.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Davis Square Cramps

I thought I had waited long enough after eating to run, but I got about 15 min into the run, and got a really really bad case of cramps.  I was actually thinking I would do a longer run, going to the bike path, through Davis, and then down the bike path a little further.  I figured I could go for a half hour out, turn around, and come back.  Only, in Davis the Evil Cramps got the better of me, and I had to walk.  I thought about lying down on the side of the road and letting them pass, but it was kind of cold and muddy, and a gal's gotta have some pride, so I just walked for about 2/3 of a mile until they finally stopped.  Then I jogged home.  Total running time was 30 min, total distance was 3.1 miles, but I walked for that big chunk of the distance, and then jogged much slower after, since I didn't want the cramps coming back.  I gotta do some google research on these cramps.  Maybe I'm dehydrated?

Tuesday I'm going on a 4 day yoga retreat in the Berkshires at Kripalu.  I'm pretty psyched about it, lots of yoga, snow shoeing (I think, or maybe hiking?), reading, eating crunchy people food, and being all zen.  Hopefully it won't be too much zen-ness for me.  Yelp reviews say that you have to buy your coffee at this cafe there, so I've already bought some Starbucks instant :)  So, I'm not going to return a total hippy chick.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Day of Spring

Spring started today, and it was nice out! I actually left the window opened for The Cats when I went to work (a bit over optimistic on that one, but they like their bird watching weather sniffing time). It was warm and sunny out, and I thought a perfect run day. Only, when I actually got to the Charles, it turned out it was actually "warm" out, and it was really windy. So, it wound up being a kind of short run, 2.88 miles. I'm not quite sure how long it took, I think I stopped my watch at one point (waiting for a light, totally legit) and didn't start again. Anyhow, I guess it was about a half hour.

Official results from Sundays race are in. I ran a 9 min 51 sec mile! Even faster than I thought I had done. Go me :). I passed a lot of people during the race. I want to know where those people usually run, because for sure it's not on the Charles!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ras na hEireann Year 2

I can't believe I just ran the Ras na hEireann a second time!  And, even more exciting, I finally broke the 10 min mile for a 5K race :)  And, it's not a totally flat race, there's even a hill at the end.  According to my watch I did it in 30 min and 40 sec, which is about about a 9 min 55 second mile.  So, not that I totally blew the 10 min mile out of the water, but I was pretty happy about it.  Now that I'm so much more experienced of a racer :) I knew a little more about the crowds, and pacing myself.  It was pretty crowded at the start again, but I still did the first mile in less than 10 min, and I think that's the hardest since it has a lot of uphill.  When I saw the 1 mile marker, and looked at my watch, that's when I knew I could do it!  I did a little pacing on the uphill parts, and ran a little faster on the downhill.  I got a little caught by slower (!) runners, but all and all a good run.  The last .25 mile is all down hill (after the biggest uphill though) and I was trying to sprint a little, but I couldn't that much.  So, I def used it all up.  

I'm thinking that my next run will be the Tufts 10K on Columbus Day weekend.  I mean, for sure I want to do that one, but I'm not sure about any more 5K's.  On the one hand it was nice to push myself a little here.  On the other hand, I've now done 4 5K's (not counting the Dirty Girl when I was sick) and I'm not sure if I need to keep doing them.  Maybe if I ever make some running friends I will think it's a good thing to do more of in the future....

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Don't want to jinx it, but is spring coming?

Fresh Pond is rough with the cramps, or maybe it's just when I decide to run things in reverse of my usual way.  It's finally a spring-like day out today!  It's like 45 degrees out and sunny!  So, of course I decided to go for a long run.  I wanted to go on the dirt path at the end of the bike path, but of course that's covered in snow, so I wound up just going to Fresh Pond - it's right by Trader Joes and my fridge has like 5 things in it, and two of them smell funny.

I don't know who I was kidding with the long run.  I got 20 minutes into the run (and I wasn't even going fast because it was a little slushy and slippery in some places) and I got all crampy and grose feeling.  I tried to run through it, but then was like "it's so nice out, I'm still going to go 3 miles, why torture myself?" So, I walked a little more than half of it.  It was sooo nice out, and I was walking at a pretty decent pace, though I noticed that a white toy poodle with bright blue boots was still walking faster than me, so it was definitely not running.  I'm still counting it d/t effort.  Everyone should get a trophy sometimes (I guess I could be a helicopter parent).

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Yesterday's Run

It's still freezing out, which is starting to grow old now that it's March, so I headed back to the gym.  I had to talk to the front desk people anyhow, because I got a new credit card, so I asked about classes.  Apparently in May or so they are going to have spinning and other classes!  Kind of cool.  Of course, IDK if I will be going to the gym in May, much nicer to go for a run outside.

Anyhow, I did the usual 30 min on the treadmill, the first 5 minutes at 5.5 mph, then up to 5.7, then 5.8, and back to 5.7 for the last 5 minutes.  Again it turned out to be 3.14 miles.  Wonder if they will get new treadmills that will have you going a different standard distance, no matter what?  I wasn't going to lift weights, but they got these new weight machines that are pretty cool - they are hydraulic or something, and there's some instability built into all of the machines that help work the little muscles (or something).  Cool.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ice Climbing

Ice climbing was in fact utterly terrifying.  I'm glad I did it, but I think it may be one of those: ice climbing, check! types of things.  It turns out that you don't just put crampons on your regular boots (how cool is it that I wore crampons?) you have to rent boots and crampons.  The boots are plastic shell types, with a softer insert.  We wound up hiking about a mile and a half, uphill, in the snow, with a pack, in these pretty uncomfortable boots to get to the waterfall that we climbed.  I was pretty happy with my aerobic condition, because I did the hiking without any real problems, except that my feet were pretty uncomfortable.  The way out was super easy, and probably took about a third of the time.  It was really nice, the sun was setting and we could see the observatory over Mt. Washington.  But, between the hiking in uncomfortable boots and the climbing (which pretty much involved kicking ice with my feet, then hitting it with the axes) my legs were killing me!  So, I didn't run for a week after. Just went again today.

It's been cold still, and they are saying it will remain pretty cold through March.  So, I went back to the gym.  Still don't see any evidence of change there.  I did 30 min on the treadmill, starting slow at 5.5 mph, then bumped it up to 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 for about 15 min, and then 5.7 for about the last 10 minutes.  It was a little over 5K in the 35 min, but now I'm sure it always is on the treadmill.  At first my ankles and legs were really sore, but then it was like everything got back in the groove, and it was fine by the end of the run.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wet Shoes in Winter

Really warm out today, like 45 degrees, so I was excited to run (ok, let's not exaggerate, I was excited to not be cold while running). Only, it turned out that a lot of snow had melted, but there was still enough left that the puddles couldn't drain.  So, there were a few times that I wound up getting my feet wet, which is worse than just being cold.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I will be able to run this weekend because I'm going ice climbing (!) (which is something that I said I would never do because I think it's nuts.  But, WTF, gotta do something that scares begeezes out of you every now and then, right?).  Then Monday I have to work late, and Tuesday is climbing, so I'm not sure when I can run again.  So, I decided I better make it a long one.  I went by the Charles River, I wanted to try to make it 5 miles, but it wound up being only 4.92, but that's OK.  It took about 53 minutes, though I had to stop a couple times to cross the street, and there were a few times I had to walk due to snow and puddles.

I got a new pedometer from work last week, so I wore that again, but also my watch.  Someone was saying they've gotten like $200 from pedometer steps.  Maybe it's worth keeping track of steps....

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Pre-Blizzard Run

We're suppose to have another big storm this weekend.  It's like storm #5 or so.  For the most part I've been pretty lucky with getting to be home for them, and someone shovels the lot here, so it's all good with me.  I did want to get out for a run before the snow hit, and it was a little warmer out (like 35 degrees) so I went for an outdoor run.  There were a bunch of icy spots on the sidewalk where people hadn't really shoveled after the last storm, and I actually had to run on the street for a little bit. I figured some of my usual route would be miserable, so when I got to the bike path (which had been plowed), I just  ran up that into Davis Square and reversed it home.  It was actually a pretty good run!  Just a tiny bit over 5K, which I did in 33 min and 45 sec.  I think I was doing about a 10.5 min mile, given the times I had to walk with the ice, and one or two really short stops to cross the street.

After my run I went to Market Basket.  Insane!  I decided to just get 12 items (ok, 13, who doesn't sneak one extra into the 12 aisle?).  I had to search for a basket, and then getting around the aisles, even with out a shopping cart, was like a obstacle course.  You would think we have never seen snow before.  There were a couple times in the produce aisle where I couldn't move.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Brrrr, It's Cold Outside

I was doing so well with the running in January, but I think I might have over done it - that happens in January.  My IT band on my right leg has been sore, and I wasn't feeling so great. so I took a little over a week off.  Today I was thinking about running outside, but it's just a little too cold, so I went back to the gym.  I started slow at 5.5 for the first 5 minutes, but then things were going ok, so I bumped it up to 5.7 and then 5.8 mph at 10 min, and I stayed at 5.8 for the last 20 min.  Again, it was 5K almost exactly in the 35 minutes.  It really always is.

The winter olympics are on, and it was kind of cool to watch the skiers while running.  Those folks are nuts, can't imagine going down a hill that fast.  I do wish a little that you could set the treadmill to go downhill.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Snowy Run by the Charles

Light snow today, but I decided I still needed to go for a run since I hadn't really run for a week (though I did do the other half of my half run on Sat, so I sort of did something.)  It was warm out yesterday, like 55, but of course I sat on my butt on the couch all day.  I've been learning Photoshop, and I photoshopped all the ropes out of mine and my friend's climbing pictures.  I would say I need a hobby, but I think that's the issue.

Anyhow, there was just a dusting of snow out, and it was about 25, so a little chilly.  Of course I had my nice warm Athleta pants and top, plus my running gloves with the snot wiper finger patch (which I confess I used) and my Lulu Lemon silly headband.  So, I was actually fine.  I did have to walk over some of the pedestrian bridge, and a couple of the slippery downhill bits, but I consider that legit.  My total run time was 40 min for 3.5 miles. I think I was pretty much running my regular speed.  I did at one point get passed by a clydedale.  I mean, the dude had a really funny stride.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Slow and Steady....

I was thinking of doing the other half of the run I had done last week, but then I decided to suck it up and do the full 30 minutes. After all, I wanted to blog, and if it was just finishing the other half of the run, I don't think it would be legit. It was a pretty slow run today, I tried to talk myself into 5.8 mph on the treadmill, and I did it for like 10 min, but then I needed to slow down to 5.7, then 5.6 and finally 5.5 for the last five minutes. In the end it was like 5K, but I'm starting to think those treadmills will tell you that you've gone like 5K no matter how far you run.

I hope it warms up soon because all this gym running is for the birds!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Treadmill Fartleks

It's so cold out, there weren't even any crazy running nuts out there running today.  Everyone was at the gym, including me.  I decided to try to make my run a little more interesting with a few fartleks on the treadmill.  It actually did make the time go by faster!  I was running 5.7 mph, and then for the first fartlek I bumped it up to 6 mph for about 45 sec.  Then I thought "I wonder if I could actually run faster than 6 mph?" because I had never tried on the treadmill.  So, for the next sprint I bumped it up to 6.1 mph for a minute.  (Because that's so much faster.)  Then I decided I could go faster than that, and did 6.3 mph for two minutes!  It was actually fine, and I was impressed with myself.  Then I did a couple more in the 6.2/6.3 range.  I did about 4 minutes at a faster pace, the rest at 5.7 or 5.8.  In the end I went 3.2 miles in the 35 minutes, so not much more than usual (though I think that's my missing .1 mile from Monday).

Then I lifted weights for about 20 min, which sucked per usual.

I think the "new" gym is going to be exactly the same as the old one, but with more florescent paint.  I don't get it, why would you pay more for that??

Monday, January 20, 2014

10K - ish

My goal for the day was to run 10 K, if it wasn't too cold out.  Winter is supposed to be back in full force tomorrow, and I know there's no way I can run 10 K on the treadmill, so today was my big chance.  It's about 37 degrees out, but a little breezy, and worse by the water.  I mapped things out on MapMyRun, and found a loop on the Charles that was pretty much exactly 10 K.  The plan was the third parking lot after the Elliot Bridge to the BU bridge and back.  I had forgotten that you can't get from the BU Bridge to the path by the Charles easily - there's a railroad track there that gets in the way. So, I looked at it for about 10 seconds, and then decided to go back and cross the next bridge.  Of course, the way the bend in the river was, that made it a little shorter.  I was thinking maybe going over the bridge a couple times would make up for it, but not quite.  BU Bridge is actually much shorter than Mass Ave and the Longfellow.  I bet it's only 100 Smoots or so, Mass Ave is 364 + an ear.

Everyone and their favorite cheetah was out running today.  I got passed by soooo many people, and I passed no one.  Except walkers.  I am still faster than all the walkers out there.  In the end I went about 6.1 miles or 9.8 K in 1 hour, 7 min and 54 sec.  I thought I was probably a little short and should run for another couple minutes, but I was back at the beginning and I was moving at tortoise pace, so I didn't see the point. It was a pretty slow run, about an 11 min mile for most of it.  But you gotta start somewhere on the longer runs.  I'm not gonna lie, I was a little annoyed with me for not quite making 10 K, and for going so slow, and for being pooped at the end.  But, I guess next time (whenever that is) will feel more triumphant.

I suspect the next time won't be for a while.  Bad weather is coming.  But, I have new snow shoes, so I'm kind of excited about it :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Half run

I'm not sure that it really counts, but I went to the gym today to lift weights (boring, but I think I gotta do it more) and as a warm up I jogged for 15 minutes at 5 mph.  I went a total of 1.25 miles, which isn't that far.  But then again, when I first started running I couldn't imagine going that far.  So, I decided to sort of count it, as a half.  Running for 15 min on the treadmill is way easier than for 30 minutes.  Lifting weights still sucks, but there's that whole "build muscle to burn fat" deal, so I'm gonna work at it.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

40 degrees

Went for a longer run again today since I didn't go over the weekend (though I did walk a mile to this totally kick-ass yoga class, and then walk home after it, so that's something.) I did the same MOS to Mass Ave loop, but I made it a little longer by making the full loop, and then running back to my car. It wound up being 4.83 miles in 50 ish minutes, so like a 10 min 21 sec mile. I thought I turned off my watch, but apparently I hadn't, so I'm not sure of the exact time.

It was really foggy out tonight, and the Charles was spooky. Lots of cheetahs, and a couple dogs. Oh, and I took a wrong turn and had to kind of crawl through a fence.

It was a little chilly out, about 40 degrees, but really good running weather!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Just like a spring day....

It's been so cold, but today it was like spring - 40 degrees!  I was thinking about going to the gym, but then I decided that maybe it was warm enough for outdoors.  So, I put on my winter Athleta pants and top, and went to the Charles.  I was thinking that I would just do a short loop, from the Museum of Science bridge to the Longfellow, but once I started running it felt so great I decided to make it a bigger loop than usual, I did the Mass Ave Bridge to the MOS one.  (Starting near the Cambridgeside Galeria).

There was a dusting of snow this morning, so there were a few spots that were kind of slippery, and I walked down some steps instead of running.  There was a point where a couple cheetahs came around a curve in the path, and were gone.  I don't know how people can run so faaaaast!

In the end I wound up going 4.45 miles in about 45 min.  I'm not sure exactly how long it was because I had a couple layers on my arms with sleeves with thumb holes and gloves, so it took a bit little between starting my stop watch and starting running.  I put 5 quarters in the meter, and I had exactly 30 min left when I got back, so I'm kind of going by that.  That's a 10 min 6 sec mile, which I'm crazy happy about.  It really didn't feel like I was running that fast.  Go me :)

Oh, and I got all excited because someone new posted a comment on my blog, but again it became clear that they hadn't actually read my blog, it was some religious nut who wanted me to read his blog.  Delete.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Great storm!  I was supposed to go back to work on Thursday, and work Thursday and Friday.  But the snow was so bad that things were closed!  It's like adding an extra four days to my vacation.  I still had to work for part of the day Thursday, but I got to sleep in, and was in my PJ's in the living room for work.  It's still enough of a mess out (and pretty cold) such that I went to the gym to run today.

I did the usual 30 min on the treadmill, half at 10 minute mile, the rest at 5.7 mph.  In the end I went 3.2 miles in 35 minute, which is a little faster than my norm.  I was thinking I should do some interval training with the treadmill running, and go a little faster for some of it, and a little slower for some.  But then of course I didn't.

I finally asked about the new gym.  My price is staying the same, new memberships will cost more.  I don't know what I will be saving, but now of course I will need to be a member here forever.  I can't pass up a bargain :)