Sunday, March 30, 2014


I didn't run during the week, but that's because I went my yoga retreat and did all sorts of other exercise including yoga (of course), hiking, and well, more yoga.  And ate really amazing healthy food.  For years I've seen the Appalachian Trail where it crosses over the Mass Pike every time I go from Boston to Schenectady or Schenectady to Boston.  Well, Kripalu was like 20 miles away from the crossing.  So, I hiked the AT!  OK, 1.8 miles of it (I took a wrong turn and hiked a part of a snowmobile path as well, I'm not gonna lie), but it was hilly and there was a snow cover.  So, though I didn't run, I think I hiked about 6 miles that day (out and back on the snowmobile path, then out and back on the AT when I refound it).  And that's my excuse for not running.

Back at home today, and it's vile out, so I went to the gym.  Not the greatest run because I didn't feel like waiting the full hour and a half/two hours after eating to run.  It was a little slow d/t slight cramps.  I wound up going slightly less than 5K in 35 minutes, then I lifted weights for like 20 minutes.  The new machines are pretty cool, but they are still weight machines.  Yuck.

One thing that I did at Kripalu that was really amazing was take this cooking class.  The guy who taught it was the Executive Chef at the place, and he said that all of their recipes are like 5-8 ingredients (not counting salt, pepper, and oil, which apparently aren't ingredients, they just are)!  It really inspired me to try to make some more delicious foods.  I mean, how long can it take to mix 5-8 ingredients?  I also bought a juicer today to see if juicing would be a thing for me. I made some kale/apple/cucumber juice and I gotta say, it was pretty disgusting.  A good taste to start out, but then the after taste of dirt.  More work required.

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