Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Really pokey run today, but I decided that was allowed since The Big Race is coming up in just 5 days and I don't want to do anything to hurt myself.  I did the free parking run on the Charles, parked a little further down because traffic was nuts, and I didn't think I could get over for the first parking lot.  I wound up going 3.5 miles in 38.5 minutes, which is an 11 minute mile.  It felt just fine, I think if I pace myself like that on Monday I should be able to run the whole race at that speed.  I should look at the map and learn where the mile marks are so that I know about where I am for pacing (though they usually have signs.)

I got my Team in Training race shirt in the mail a couple days ago!  It's actually kind of a cheep piece of crap, and the logo is right on my boobs.  I guess they put it higher so that you can pin your number below, but seriously….  I'm pretty sure it was designed by a guy.

I was supposed to do my last long run, 6 miles, on Saturday.  Instead, though, I sat on my couch all day and read Gone Girl.  Really lame.  I tried to make up for it on Sunday by going to Boot Camp, climbing, walking a mile and 3/4 for lunch (round trip), and doing yoga class.  All of which left me feeling tired by the end.  It's not a 6 mile run though.

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