Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Brrrr, It's Cold Outside

I was doing so well with the running in January, but I think I might have over done it - that happens in January.  My IT band on my right leg has been sore, and I wasn't feeling so great. so I took a little over a week off.  Today I was thinking about running outside, but it's just a little too cold, so I went back to the gym.  I started slow at 5.5 for the first 5 minutes, but then things were going ok, so I bumped it up to 5.7 and then 5.8 mph at 10 min, and I stayed at 5.8 for the last 20 min.  Again, it was 5K almost exactly in the 35 minutes.  It really always is.

The winter olympics are on, and it was kind of cool to watch the skiers while running.  Those folks are nuts, can't imagine going down a hill that fast.  I do wish a little that you could set the treadmill to go downhill.

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