Sunday, September 21, 2014

Try Try Again

Success!  I realized how little time I had left before the big run, and decided I better get in the long run today.  It was a little intimidating because I had TNT Boot Camp at 9 am and was a little pooped after, plus it was sooo muggy.  But I decided I would drive back to the "crime scene" from yesterday and give it another shot, this time running slower due to the weather and fatigue.  It started out exactly the same as yesterday, but slower.  Feeling good, then needed to pee, then started to get cramps.  Of course this time I knew about the port-a-potty, which was helpful.  I stopped and was thinking about turning around, but the cramps weren't too bad, and I knew I would be sad if I didn't get in a long run.  So, I kept going to the next cross road and then turned back.  I knew it wouldn't be enough for 4 miles, and spent the run back trying to decided if that was OK given running at Boot Camp (about a mile in total I think), the mugginess, and the cramps.  I got to the end and decided I could make it a little longer, so I turned around, when back to the first cross street, and back.  That added another mile!  So, in the end, 4.31 miles in 50 minutes and 7 seconds.  I was glad I went back, because I would have been sad if I had only done 3.31 miles. That's an 11 min 37 sec mile, which was pretty slow.  I felt like I could go all day (except when I needed to pee), hopefully I can do the Tufts 10K a little faster.

While I was out there the boys track team from some high school passed me.  They came towards me first, then reached something, and turned around and passed me on the way back.  Those guys move fast!  And, they were talking while they were doing it.  Wow.

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