Thursday, October 30, 2014


I was working a little late today and of course now that it's fall it gets dark earlier, so I started being all "I can't run tonight, I don't have my glow in the dark running vest." But then of course I saw the illogic of that, since I've never actually had it, and I've been running for two winters.  So, I dropped the excuse and went to the free parking place on the Charles.

I was a little nervous when I parked because there was a sign that said "No parking after dark. Violators will be towed." Of course it was dark by then, but there were other people there, so I decided it was probably an empty threat.  It was really dark during the run, and hard to see the path and all the ruts and such.  I decided I could do the slightly shorter route, going over the Weeks Footbridge.  In total it was about 2.65 miles in 27 min 24 sec, or a 10 min 20 sec mile.  I did have to hesitate briefly to cross the street, but prob only like 5 sec, and I was a little slow running down the steps by the river, but again prob only like 5 seconds added there.  Well, with warming up and the pauses and such, I probably was running around a 10 minute mile for some of the run. I felt like I was doing pretty well.

My two year Runaversary will be next Friday.  So hard to believe!  I ordered two overpriced sports bras and a pair of running tights - exactly the same as the ones I have, but black instead of grey.

I talked to someone who's in the EdD program, and apparently the Pedagogy of the Oppressed isn't a gag gift.  They actually talk about it in class.  Gag.

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