Monday, February 17, 2020

Parkour Day 3

When my brother and I were kids we used to play this game called "keep off the floor," where the sole objective was, you got it, to keep off the floor (we were original in our games, but not so much in naming them - or maybe everyone played keep off the floor?)  Anyhow, parkour reminds me of it, except without my mom yelling "you kids are driving me crazy, go play outside!" (Speaking of moms, both of the instructor's moms were in class today, it was cute).

The thing where you go up the stairs on hands and feet are called "kongs," and it turns out that there is a lot of shoulder lift in them.  I tried to jump my feet to the same step as my hands, but it was scary. Maybe I can try on something softer, like my bed?  There's no reason it has to be stairs. Then we did some obstacle course stuff, and there were a few things that required jumping and grabbing things. I didn't kill myself, though I did hurt my toe that I had surgery on, I iced it when I got home, but it still feels sore.

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