Monday, February 10, 2020

Parkour day 2

I did my second parkour class, and loved it again. One of the things that's great about a new activity is that you improve so fast each time you do it. :)  I did way better in class two than in class one. I was able to balance on a metal bar for about 5 Mississippi's (I wonder who came up with that?), I climbed over a short wall, and I went through monkey bars. At the end of class, they were talking about a women's workshop that they are having on Feb 29 - Leap Class on Leap Day! The other two women in the class are going, and they were like "we can strategize next week." Parkour people may be my people - we'll see.

I did wind up getting skis at play it again sports. Super psyched about it, especially the skis that I got. They look practically new, and they're a reasonable brand for beginners. They are also the perfect size. I'm not totally sure on the boots, but they were only $45, so if I hate them, I can always get a new pair after a season or two (if I'm still skiing.) The whole set up was less than $200, including tune-up and waxing, with my inflatable paddle board money. Nice.  I'm hoping to go skiing on Monday, it's president's day.

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