Monday, February 3, 2020

Geriatric Parkour

I tried geriatric (50+) parkour and I've found my next new thing! It was so fun. I was a little worried that they would have us jumping off bannisters or something, but it was quite tame. We started with some warm up that ended with the coolest stair exercises - you put your hands on the stairs and jumped your feet up to the step below your hands. The first time I tried I was like "no way" and had my hands two below, but on the second round I went for it, and I did it! It was so fun, and I felt so accomplished! You sort of look like a monkey, we can all aspire.

In addition, we learned that you want to balance on the ball of your foot, and that you bend your knees a lot. We jumped on the sides of tires and metal bars, and tried to stay there. Then we ran around and jumped on things. None of the jumping was more than a foot or so off the ground, but still  there was a balance element.

I convinced a friend of mine to go with me, but I'm not sure she will go back. Anyhow, the people there were super friendly and I think they could be a nice community. Win!

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