Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Swimming Practice

For some reason my last post got 28 views.  Weird.  Because there wasn't anything really googleable in it, and it wasn't in any way interesting.  Anyhow, I went to practice my swimming today - I was going to go yesterday, but #1 it was my birthday and I didn't feel like it and #2 I had just colored my hair and I was afraid I would leave a red streak in the water.  So, I got a swim cap and went today.

I practiced for about 25 minutes, I think about 10 laps.  The breathing part was hard, especially on the right side, which I can tell is going to be my bad side.  There were a few times when I was reaching far out and feeling like I was on top of the water, and it was left side breathing time, and it was really great!  I think I will like it! Especially when I know what to do with my arms under water.

I got to a point where  I was just swallowing water and it was no fun, so I got out.  I must have been a little loopy from swimming.  Either that or I've gone right over the hill, but I walked straight into the men's locker room and took a shower (fortunately still in my bathing suit!).  I knew things were not quite right when I saw a man giving me a funny look through the not closed curtain.  I was wondering who was in the wrong place, and popped my head out.  And then dashed to the correct room!  Oy!

This morning I finally met my dissertation advisor, LB. She was on campus for residency and I met her at breakfast.  In front of other people, she said I was one of the Top 5 Best Writers that she's worked with in the program!  My head exploded a little :)  We wound up at a table with 4 other students, and as soon as she left, everyone else was like "how did you get her for an advisor?"  I felt so wise and mentor-y.  And very lucky!

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