Saturday, July 14, 2018

Rock Circuit Trail

I was thinking about doing North Twin today, but the weather called for thunder storms in the afternoon, which is very bad for hiking, so I decided to stay closer to home.  The Middlesex Fells Rock Circuit seemed like a good call for the day!  Today it only took me 3 hours, and I stopped to eat wild blueberries a couple times, and to have a snack at the rock with a view of the city!  So, it was faster then when I hiked it in the winter.

There were a ton of ripe blueberries on the side of the trail, so fun to pick and eat.  Maybe I should have brought some home for muffins?  And, I actually passed people!  I passed this guy twice - I'm not sure how he got ahead of me, but one of us took a wrong turn.  And then I passed a couple that was hiking.  I'm so speedy :)

Yesterday I went to see Tanglewood on the Common - the Boston Symphony Orchestra plays at Tanglewood in the Berkshires, and they have speakers and a jumbotron on the Boston Common, so you can just go and listen to the music.  Of course, I'm so tone deaf, it all sounds kind of similar to me.  But still, I went with a friend, we had a picnic and some wine, and then just lay on a blanket under the stars listening to the music.  It was a nice night!

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