Thursday, July 26, 2018

Flip Turns!

Today's swimming class was really good!  We worked on my stroke (needs tons of work) and on breathing (can't do it), and then, since I was doing so well, she taught me how to do flip turns!  When she said she was going to teach me them, I admit I had my doubts.  But, it turns out that if you can do a forward flip in the water (which I can, it's one of my few swimming talents), then flip turns aren't that hard.  The hardest part is the spacing/timing and  not freaking out and thinking that you will hit your head/break an ankle.  I sort of kind of did a few, though I didn't exactly swim off after.

While I was headed out to the pool, a man walked into the ladies locker.  Ha!  Either I've started a trend, or it's an easy mistake to make.

I've written 67 letters of recommendation in the last two months.  Today, my stack is down to one half a letter, plus 4 waiting for entrance exam scores, plus 2 who are just goofing around!  I see a light at the end of the tunnel...!

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