Tuesday, July 31, 2018

11 laps

The pool at the Boston Y is definitely longer than the one in Somerville.  I noticed that right away - in Somerville it took me four sets of three strokes to swim the length of the pool.  It's way longer than that in Boston.  Fortunately, the entire length of the pool is like 4 feet deep, so you can stop at any time.  Which I did.

I went to practice after work today.  I started with the kick board and breathing exercises again.  I did five laps in the pool.  Maybe it's getting a little easier?  But I'm not convinced.  Then I decided to swim 5 laps without the kick board.  That was hard. I had to stop during a lot of them.  After a while I get so much water in my mouth that I can't swallow.  But I did it!  Then I decided to time myself and see how long I was really swimming, so I did a 6th lap.  It took me about 15 seconds to do a half a lap, so about 30 seconds to do a full one. I did 11 laps.  OK, it's a start.  After I worked on my flip turns, which I totally dig.  I can swim to the wall with floating barbells in my hands, flip, kick off, and go on my back.  I just have to learn to do it without the barbells, and flip over to my front.

Running started like this, and I got to a point where I could run 5 miles.  Hopefully I will be able to swim better too.  Right now I'm not totally convinced that it will happen.  I'm going on faith.

This past weekend we went to see King Richard on the Common.  I go to Shakespeare in the Park every year and absolutely love it.  But I confess I never really understand what happens.  There was no mistaken identity or donkeys this year.  The actors were amazing!  It's just nice being outside on the Common with my people, eating a picnic, and watching a play.  <3 p="">

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