Thursday, July 19, 2018

Swimming lessons!

On Tuesday I decided that I would just try swimming on my own.  I mean, how hard can it be?  So I went to the Y and put my swim suit on in the locker with no privacy, and I had my flip flops and my new goggles.  And I got to the pool and the life guard said, "I'm sorry, there's lightening. The pool is closed."  It's an indoor pool!  Apparently there are things below it.  So, I couldn't swim.  I thought that the universe hated me and didn't want me to swim. But then, as I was leaving, I saw a bunch of people in swimsuits and shirts that said "instructor!"  The swim teachers!  They were just sitting around doing paperwork, and so I asked about lessons, and they set me up.  I paid for 6 half hour lessons, and I had my first today.

My teacher's name is Hannah, and she's amazing.  We learned about kicking, arms and breathing.  And I swam up and down the pool a bunch. I think I will actually be able to do this!   She was trying to show me how to do the breast stroke, and I was like "I think I'll just keep my little old lady style."  But then she said she could teach me to do flip turns.  How cool would that be??

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