Friday, October 27, 2017

Literary crawl

I was late to crossfit today, but decided I didn't care because I wanted to get in workout #2 today. Tomorrow I may do yoga, I have my paper still to write (procrastinating right now) and Elizabeth Warren to see!  (and the mayor, whatever), and Sunday is climbing and really have to do the paper, because it's due.  Plus, I liked most of the workout stuff.

We started with an EMOM with deadlifts! My favorite:
EMOM 14:
5 strict pullups (I used bands and they were still lame)
3 deadlifts (I started at 85 pounds and worked up to 140 for my last set of 3)

40 calories rowing (I did 30 because I'm so slow)
20 ring dips (can't do. Pretended a little and moved on)
20 pull ups (already did lame pull ups. Attempted a few more)
40 calories rowing (really did 40)
I fibbed on the wod with the pull ups and such, so I didn't look at the time really. But it took me about a minute to row 10 calories. So, seven minutes rowing, plus another minute in the warmup. I guess it counts as something.

Yesterday I went on a "Literary Crawl." It's like a pub crawl, but you go from place to place and listen to literature/writing stuff. And there was free wine!  It was pretty fun!  We started at the store Room and Board, where there were people reading short stories. Then we walked down Newbury Street to a hair salon where there was a performance of James Joyce, kind of the cliff notes addition. I have to confess, I don't totally get James Joyce, but according to the actors, no one does. So I learned that. And I got to watch theater in a Newbury Street hair salon while drinking free wine. Win!  Next we went to this nail parlor where we did literature madlibs. That was different and kind of fun. We filled them out and then two professional actors read them. One of the actors was really good, and it was pretty funny!

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