Friday, October 20, 2017

Two days in a row!

I only went to crossfit once last week, which I guess was allowable because I was getting over being sick. But, this week there were no excuses. I didn't go until yesterday, and tomorrow I'm going climbing, so today I had to hit the gym. It wasn't a horrible workout, lots of lifting and then separate cardio.

WOD: 5 rounds
12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans
6 push jerks
I lifted 50 pounds. When I finished I was so happy to be done, I didn't even look at the time!  It was 7 minutes 30 seconds when I finished the 4th round. so maybe 9 min 30 sec or so?

Then we did a partner cardio thing that was meant to be:
600 meter run
30 cal bike
40 cal ski erg

It was dark out and I hate running at crossfit, so I did 500 meters on the rower instead. I find the ski erg to be pretty hard also, so I did 30 cals on that.

Not much new since yesterday, except that today was crazy at work and I was at a meeting where this woman was talking, with great enthusiasm, about recycling plastic straws. I think it's a great idea, and kudos to the kid in Vermont who's leading the way on the initiative, but OMG, that feeling when you are so busy and someone's talking about straws!!

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