Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Lots 'o Lifts

Today was pretty much all lifting, with two WODs. All stuff that I could do, except one of the WODs had handstand pushups, and I can't even do a regular pushup, but whatever. I just used bands. 

The first WOD was confusing, it was clean and jerks, with a partner. You took turns lifting for 4 minutes, during which I lifted 35 pounds 20 times. Then you had a 2 minute break, and then took turns for 3 minutes, during which I lifted 50 pounds 15 times. Another 2 minute break, then two rounds of two minutes - I lifted 60 pounds 7 times and 70 pounds 9 times. I was happy with this!

WOD: 21-15-9
Dumbell hang squat clean (I used 10 pounders)
my time: 7 minutes, 30 seconds

It's been a quiet few days, a lot of avoiding writing a paper. I'm in my final class for my doctorate, only 3 discussion board posts left, and not many stupid assignments to go!  I can't wait to be done with discussion boards for good!!

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