Wednesday, July 12, 2017

More running

My butt and legs are still sore from the bike ride on Sunday, but once again I had to get to crossfit. It's Wednesday after all. I went to yoga yesterday, I wasn't in time for the regular flow class so I went to the beginner class. It was nice and zen and chill, helped me to stretch out the achy parts from biking. And, it was nice to feel like for something I really don't need to be in the beginner class!

Today, there was running at crossfit, about a mile of it. Killer. I was so last, like by 200 meters in the first stretch (when I looked at the clock when I got back in the gym, I had run a 10 min 30 sec mile, so my usual time). It was a long WOD, so the warm up was just blah blah, and there wasn't any lifting.

535 meters running (one loop)
50 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest one)
100 jumps on the jump rope (or 50 doubles)
50 sit ups

400 meter run
40 kettlebell swings
80 jumps
40 sit ups

300 meter run
30 kettlebell swings
60 jumps
30 sit ups

200 meter run
20 kettlebell swings
40 jumps
20 sit ups

100 meter run
10 kettlebell swings
20 jumbs
10 sit ups
my time: 29:45

Everyone else in the class finished before I finished the 2's round. Then they all came over and cheered me on. I appreciate their encouragement and support and the fact that they aren't just like "wtf, why is she still so slow?" But it's so embarrassing.

In less than two weeks I'm going to be 50.  AARP already found me. They sent me a card and said that if I sent $15 they would send me a tote bag. Ummm, are you trying to keep me from sending money? I'm not walking around with an old people tote bag! I'm mentally preparing to climb over the hill. On the big day, gonna physically climb a hill, or three. I have Lincoln, Little Haystack and Lafayette on the agenda.

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