Saturday, May 27, 2017

Minor Bike Ride Fail

I found a really nice bike ride on ridewithgps dot com, it's called the South Shore Coastal Ride. It's a 38.4 miles long loop and goes from Wompatuck State park to Scituate, Cohassat and Hull. A big chunk of the ride is along the coast and it's really pretty!  I went to the Old Scituate Light House which was so nice, and the weather was just perfect. Then I went way down Hull, which is a peninsula, and was super close to a light house, when I apparently ran over one of those giant construction staples and flattened my back tire completely and totally. I think I was about 27.7 miles into my 38.4 mile ride. Once I had gotten to the end of Hull, looked at the lighthouse, I was going to go back, stop in town for something to eat, and then the route was pretty much back to my car.

Fortunately I had my phone with plenty of charge and there were enough bars. I tried to get an uber, but I guess no one wants to go there. So, I actually took a taxi! It wound up being a town car, and my bike fit in the back which was great, because otherwise it would have taken a while to go pick it up. I was going to get something to eat at this totally sketchy Harley Bar near where the puncture happened, but they were cash only. Wow.

I did have the chance to buy lemonade from a lemonade stand, sit by the ocean, look at the big houses, see some really nice scenery. I passed goats and some wild turkeys. I definitely recommend that ride to anyone reading this (maybe it's a little far for you, Kit, but anyone in the Boston area). Just bring a tire change. Next thing to buy on my list.

I froze my membership for crossfit for a couple weeks because I didn't want to go today and that would only be once again this week. Then, next week I'm getting a polyp removed on Thursday and I think I'm not supposed to lift heavy stuff after that. And then I have my conference in Philly Thurs-Sun.  Gonna try to get out for a hike tomorrow, it's supposed to be a perfect day!

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